Kill your television
So I know I have a bad rap for watching really bad TV shows, such as Laguna Beach and 7th Heaven, and while I cant explain why I watch those shows, I thought I would write a post about the GOOD shows I watch, now that I have TIVO and can tape everything during the week and then marathon through them on Saturday morning:
Prison Break (on tonight. watch the encore episode from last week and the new episode... or I will kill you.)
Basically, Stephan got me hooked on this. Since he is an engineer and all. So the plot is this one guy, Lincoln, is a structural engineer whose brother is convicted of murder and sentenced to die. Now the thing is, Lincoln actually built the max security prison his brother is in. or something like that. So he goes and gets the blueprints to the prison tattooed on his body in one massive and cryptic ink job. Then he gets himself arrested by pretending to rob a bank. Now he is trying to save his brother by busting him out. Its awesome. And the person who framed his brother is the Vice President of the United States, so the secret service is all running around trying to kill his family and stuff. Moral of the show: the President and Vice President are a bunch of cocks. I can get behind this.
Next on my TIVO list, My Name is Earl. This is on Tuesdays.
This show just cracks me up. Earl, a guy who apparently lives next door to Nate E, is a firm believer in Karma and is trying to make up for all the bad things he has ever done in his life. Most of the humor comes out of the fact that it takes place in Missouri, or Oklahoma, or one of those godforsaken states where people live in houses with wheels on them. If my house had wheels, I would drive it to California so a Tornado wouldn’t blow it away. But whatever. The Moral of the show: people from the Midwest like to make fun of people who talk funny, irony of ironies.
Next is Wednesdays, and Veronica Mars. I will spare you the recap of this, because I suspect it might be a half notch below Laguna and 7th Heaven. So don’t watch it. I mean, I watch it, but I freely admit I cant distinguish between good and bad when it comes to television.
Thursdays, Everybody hates Chris.
The Chris Rock narrated show about a young Chris growing up in Brooklyn. Very funny. Reminds me a lot of how things were, coming up on the wrong side of Danville. You were either "slinging crack rock or you had a wicked jump shot" as my man Biggie would say. Moral of the show: Chris Rock is just funny, and George Bush hates black people.
Well that is the re cap. hopefully you will join me this week, in rotting your brain with mindless dramas.
(disclaimer, i have never seen the show Lost, but I hear its a good one. But I cant get into a show if I missed an entire season... just kind of a personal rule to live by).