/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: October 2005

Monday, October 31, 2005

Kill your television

So I know I have a bad rap for watching really bad TV shows, such as Laguna Beach and 7th Heaven, and while I cant explain why I watch those shows, I thought I would write a post about the GOOD shows I watch, now that I have TIVO and can tape everything during the week and then marathon through them on Saturday morning:

Prison Break (on tonight. watch the encore episode from last week and the new episode... or I will kill you.)

Basically, Stephan got me hooked on this. Since he is an engineer and all. So the plot is this one guy, Lincoln, is a structural engineer whose brother is convicted of murder and sentenced to die. Now the thing is, Lincoln actually built the max security prison his brother is in. or something like that. So he goes and gets the blueprints to the prison tattooed on his body in one massive and cryptic ink job. Then he gets himself arrested by pretending to rob a bank. Now he is trying to save his brother by busting him out. Its awesome. And the person who framed his brother is the Vice President of the United States, so the secret service is all running around trying to kill his family and stuff. Moral of the show: the President and Vice President are a bunch of cocks. I can get behind this.

Next on my TIVO list, My Name is Earl. This is on Tuesdays.

This show just cracks me up. Earl, a guy who apparently lives next door to Nate E, is a firm believer in Karma and is trying to make up for all the bad things he has ever done in his life. Most of the humor comes out of the fact that it takes place in Missouri, or Oklahoma, or one of those godforsaken states where people live in houses with wheels on them. If my house had wheels, I would drive it to California so a Tornado wouldn’t blow it away. But whatever. The Moral of the show: people from the Midwest like to make fun of people who talk funny, irony of ironies.

Next is Wednesdays, and Veronica Mars. I will spare you the recap of this, because I suspect it might be a half notch below Laguna and 7th Heaven. So don’t watch it. I mean, I watch it, but I freely admit I cant distinguish between good and bad when it comes to television.

Thursdays, Everybody hates Chris.

The Chris Rock narrated show about a young Chris growing up in Brooklyn. Very funny. Reminds me a lot of how things were, coming up on the wrong side of Danville. You were either "slinging crack rock or you had a wicked jump shot" as my man Biggie would say. Moral of the show: Chris Rock is just funny, and George Bush hates black people.

Well that is the re cap. hopefully you will join me this week, in rotting your brain with mindless dramas.

(disclaimer, i have never seen the show Lost, but I hear its a good one. But I cant get into a show if I missed an entire season... just kind of a personal rule to live by).

Just Because...

...it seems to be the thing to do, and I want to fit in...

Everybody on this blog is now dumber from having read this post.

While it's not quite Oktoberfest in Germany, apparently Melbourne Australia does alright for itself. Sheldon is a lucky man.

Bad Case of Mondays

well while i will admit that I haven't yet carefully investigated Judge Alito's positions, the fact that Pat Robertson called Bush's latest circus sideshow act... err, i mean supreme court nomination a "Grand slam home run!" means I am automatically against it. Because that guy is just an enormous doucheface. If Pat Robertson went on record in favor of oxygen, I would immediately put a plastic bag over my head and suffocate myself.

These are the only thoughts going through my head on this Monday morning.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I wish I could have a theme for this post, but it's just more of a..."what's new?" kinda thing. So, I umpired 4 baseball games in a row today. That takes a damn long time. I got to the field at 7:15 a.m. and left at about 6:15 p.m. I don't mind it too much because, c'mon, it's baseball and I get to be in charge of it. I found out something today, though. Well, I shouldn't say I found out, but I was reminded of it. I wore a cup and jock for that entire time!! That is way too long for the boys to be confined and restricted. They were screamin at me the moment I let them free in our apartment, the very second I walked through the door.

Let's be honest. Nathan B is right....again. The Seahawks are awesome. They might, however, come up with a creative way to disappoint us again this year though. Aside from the Seahawks, the NFL is just awesome. Why don't we talk about how and why the NFL kicks so much more ass than the MLB, NBA, and the NHL? I'm not saying that football is a better sport than the others, because obviously, baseball is the best sport and Hockey should really not even be considered one. But, the NFL is just marketed well and almost all of the teams have a shot every year.

I've started taking more of an interest in college football this year too, for whatever reason. It doesn't even seem like it needs marketing. It just kicks ass because about 8 billion students want to see their school play every Saturday.

Tara and I talked to our neighbor tonight. He is an old, sad, lonely man and I think he might be a bit slow, if you know what I mean. I would like it, if we could help him feel less lonely. We might have him come over for dinner or to watch football sometime. Tell me...what's better in life than that?

Friday, October 28, 2005

The first of many...

First off I want to apologize to everyone for my lack of recent posts. I fell into a dark nexus filled with no computers and a nasty case of avian flu. Now that I both have a computer and have been taken out of the ICU I feel much better about life and therefore I'm back in business. A few quick thoughts on the last week or so....

Sheryl Swoopes:
Here's the thing about Sheryl that nobody ever talks about. SHE'S HAD A HUSBAND!!!! THEY HAVE KIDS!!!!!!! So convenient that while we celebrate her "freedom" and "bravery" we forget that her husband and childred are f'd. Mind you not that they weren't already by Sheryl playing basketball for a career as opposed to sitting her ass at home and cooking her kids some pie.

Harriet Miers:
This is yet another golden opportunity for Dru and Nate to have a argument/counterargument over what the hell happened here. How much is the current administration influenced by the extreme right wing? Would she immediately have joined Sandra O'Connor as the biggest GILF in Supreme Court history?

World Series:
It will go down in history as one of the least compelling series in baseball history. But more importantly if you root for a baseball team you should get on your knees and pray to God that your team doesn't try to model its roster after the White Sox. Let me be clear, the White Sox are the luckiest ass team to win a world series since the Twins went worst to first in '91. They have absolutely no lineup with the exception of Paul Konerko. They rode four hot pitchers, two of which aren't even that good (Garcia, Garland) to a championship. I'm not saying they don't deserve it but if your counting on them being there again next year I have a really awesome pyramid plan I'd like to set you up with.....
Bottom line, the White Sox are the 2005 Oakland A's, lucky as hell edition.

In the words of that guy from the Snickers commercial... HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!!! Drew Bledsoe gave all you Cal Bear supporters a little preview for how they do things in the Pallouse. Drink 'em down and chuck 'em to the other team. The later in the game the better. Meanwhile, God decided to remove his Egyptian Plague of a curse on the Seahawks. And there was much rejoicing (yay!).

Censorship on the blog:
I fucking hate censorship. Especially people who do it. Bitches.

Just wanted to point out that last year the Sonics were picked to finish last in their division. They promptly went out and won 52 games, the Northwest division title and gave the Spurs their strongest competition in the playoffs. They brought back almost the entire roster, minus the fattest and most useless part of it, and they are promptly picked to finish 3rd in their division. Not only will they win 50+ games again but Luke Ridnour is one of maybe 2 or 3 professional athletes who can invoke the Ned Flanders clause; actually calling on God to assist in winning a game and having God immediately respond. So good luck all you pagans (this means you Nash).

More to follow. I'm out for now.

Now that I've posted can somebody post something brutally mocking Cody and his absence?

not so big-ass post

Apologies to everyone, I have been to busy to blog this week for the most part (although apparently not to busy to pillage other blogs and pass off clever links and pictures as my own). I expect this trend to continue on into the first half of the month of November, with trips to the midwest, rocking concerts, and a large and very real career change looming...

Wait, what am I apologizing for? Bishop has been sitting on his thumb all week, despite the fact that Elbrecht overnighted his newly repaired computer back to him several days ago. (Elbrecht fixes computers, its just what he does.) This behavior that Bishop is exhibiting is all to familiar... this slow withdrawal from posting. The refusal to get involved in the comments. No clever, biting remarks as elbrecht and i fire volleys back and forth at each other. Is this ringing a bell for anyone? Garrett, put down the hammer and think a minute. Anyone remember Baseball, Marriage, and the woes of the OC? Neither do I. Neither do I. bitch.

On that note, let the pillaging continue:

Yes, my mom sent this to me.

My mom sent me an email saying that I should wear this for next years costume.

The first testament says "an eye for an eye"
the second testament says "love thy neighbour"
the third testament ... Kicks Ass!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

And the verdict is...

Question: What do Amare Stoudemire, Steve Nash, Brian Grant, Shawn Marion, and Kurt Thomas all have in common?

Answer: They all watched from the bench tonight as Bell, Barbosa, Diaw, Jones, and Burke were left by themselves at the end of the game to beat the Golden State Warriors 97-92.

Second Question: What do Derek Fisher, Mike Dunleavy, Baron Davis, Troy Murphy, and Jason Richardson all have in common?

Second Answer: They were all in at the end of the game trying desperately to beat Phoenix's second string.

on a roll

Kids say the darn-dest things

Matt Leinart = Scumbag? Sources suggest yes

According to this article, the rumor of Matt Leinart hooking up with Kristen from Laguna Beach is true. oh, and he called her (according to her). Now, since Laguna is on season 2, and this rumor was from last summer, does that mean that Matt Leinart called a girl from a reality show who was a junior in high school? Now lets assume, that Matt Leinart, a senior, only redshirted one year, (but due to the Carson era it was probably 2), doesnt this make him 24-25?

Now I know Garrett has a bit of a man crush on matt leinart, but allow me to be the first person to point out there are so many reasons to hate him, besides the fact he plays for the douchiest team on the planet with the douchiest fans:

Reasons to hate Matt Leinart:

1) He plays for the douchiest team on the planet with the douchiest fans on the planet
2) Possible statutory rapist
3) He plays for the douchiest team on the planet with the douchiest fans on the planet
4) Probably a very average athlete surrounded by some of the greatest physical specimans on the planet (I am pretty sure Joe Ayoob wins the heisman if he played with Bush, White and company).
5. He plays for the douchiest team on the planet with the douchiest fans on the planet

end of list

a present for all you

Just wanted to brighten up your day a little with some of my foray into nude modeling.

and Here

Cody that last one is for you.

Alright, fine

Due to the intense backlash that has ensued as of late, I will never again delete another post on this blog. So fire away, and you guys can deal with the consequences of getting our blog "flagged" for violating every decency standard known to man.

I believe Axel Rose said it best: "Mama take this badge from me, I cant use it any more.... Its getting dark, to dark to see... Feels like I'm knockin on heavens door"

Wow, who knew Axel could be so profound. I mean thats deep. That Bob Dylan should take some notes from a real poet.

The Confessional Booth

Alright listen up you blog nerds, I have a serious topic to write about, loosely inspired by jared's sexual chocolate post. So keep all sarcastic ass-y comments to a minimum.

Last night, I was driving home, and listening to the local R&B hip hop station. The song that came on, was Mariah Carey (FOX! by the way) "We Belong Together". Now the song came on, and not only did I leave it on the station, after I arrived at my destination, I sat in the car and waited until the song was over, before heading inside. I was amazed that such a hot lady could communicate such emotion in a song, almost as if she was singing directly to me. Who is she gonna lean on, when times get rough? Damn it Mariah, lean on me! Please!

So, on to my point, as a self proclaimed musical elitist, I would normally never admit this in public. But I made myself open and vulnerable for one reason. Ok, two reasons. 1) I might be gay (see hissy fit in previous posts) (PS- thats a joke, people who dont know me. not only am i most likely not gay, i could very easily kick your ass, ask anyone). and 2) I was curious, what other songs out there, that are really bad songs, do you guys like, and would actually sit in a car and finish listening to?

I was just curious, and thought maybe I could generate some life around here.

oh and PS- Garrett is building a bed.
He has blue prints. He doesnt have a job anymore, but he has blue prints.

The best article ever (this is not a tribute)

Please find this article. I promise, you will enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Tendency and Will

The Every Man is born with tendency toward Something.
The Every Man is also born with volition and will.
The Every Man’s volition and will makes Something its End.
By nature of definition, the Every Man chooses the End a majority of the time.
Sometimes, the Every Man chooses Not the End.
The Every Man cannot choose the End and Not the End simultaneously.

The Alcoholic is born with tendency toward Alcohol.
The Alcoholic is also born with volition and will.
The Alcoholic’s volition and will makes Alcohol the End.
By nature of definition, the Alcoholic chooses Alcohol a majority of the time.
Sometimes, the Alcoholic chooses Not Alcohol.
The Alcoholic cannot choose Alcohol and Not Alcohol simultaneously.

The Gay Man is born with tendency toward Homosexuality.
The Gay Man is also born with volition and will.
The Gay Man’s volition and will makes Homosexuality its End.
By nature of definition, the Gay Man chooses Homosexuality a majority of the time.
Sometimes, the Gay Man chooses Not Homosexuality.
The Gay Man cannot choose Homosexuality and Not Homosexuality simultaneously.

The Christian Man is born with tendency toward Christ.
The Christian Man is also born with volition and will.
The Christian Man’s volition and will makes Christ its End.
By nature of definition, the Christian Man chooses Christ a majority of the time.
Sometimes, the Christian Man chooses Not the Christ.
The Christian Man cannot choose Christ and Not the Christ simultaneously.

Christ has told the Christian man to “take up his cross daily.” In other words, the Christian Man is to choose Christ every day. The problem in the situation of Alcoholism or Homosexuality is that it daily chooses Not Christ. Where the Christian Man may sometimes choose Not Christ, the Gay Man may sometimes choose Not Homosexuality. However, the Christian Man cannot daily choose Christ and Not Christ. Or, in this case, the Christian Man may not daily choose Christ and Homosexuality. Thus, there is no Gay Christian Man. There are and always will be Christian men who choose Not Christ. But, we cannot rightly call ourselves followers of Christ and Not Christ every day.

Well...we've all got our beds, the G included!

So that we all know how we are doing:

Some notable standings in the NBA so far:

--------------W------ L
Phoenix------- 4 -------2
Sacramento ---3 -------3
Chicago-------- 3------- 4
Golden State--- 2------- 4
Seattle ---------2------ -4


Thanks, G, I hadn't had to delete any of your posts in a while and I kind of missed it.

a shout out!

Drew: Great talking to you last night, looking forward to catching up some more and chillin in bay town.
Jared: remember how we living in the same region and we havent had a triple date/ swinger party with cody and tara?
Tyler: you in LA, me in LA, lets make it happen!
Brady: Go chi sox, our boys are gonna do it. I need to hear more stories from Europe.
Nate E: I am going to build that bed and you are going to be proud of me for it. And you better be nice to me, because when the cardinals come into town, I might have to get you some cards gear.
Nate B: come back! I will see you in D-town. go huskies (bball)
Paul: I really need to hear some single life stories at least once a week.
Cody: Saturday, its on, you, me, our gloves! lets do it! and we can also work out.
Am I missing anybody? oh well. this is a lame and bored post, but more to come.

Why I'm Living in Paradise

Though Washington is a close second for most beautiful place in the United States it falls a little short when compared to the Ozarks (a place Drew will struggle to find this weekend). Reasons for this are pretty clear when you realize you live in a area where this is possible.

More Video

Drew missed the funniest Walker Clip to date. I do recommend discretion while at work (for two reasons really, first because it may be innapropriate and second because it is so damn funny you will laugh loud enough to bring everyone into Drew's corner office)

This Video Clip is truth (with a capital T as they say at Biola)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not only did the White Sox take two games at home, the city is becoming downright insulting. Who slaps a players wife? That guy has got to be pretty classy.

Freakin Chuck


(do i have a man-crush and is anyone else disturbed by this?)

The G and his bed

Garrett, sounds like someone has been watching a little TLC these days? Is the bedbuilding show on before or after What Not to Wear?

PS- i am just going to put this on public record: Jill is a babe. I am pretty sure her and I were in the early stages of getting-to-know-yous/relationship when you swooped in with your grayish-black d and it was game over for drew.

good to hear you are getting in honeymoon shape, and PS again, i have shin-splints like a mother, buts its cool because i have discovered the secret of getting freaking STRONG, and it doesnt involve running on pavement: Tread water for 30 minutes a day with mostly just your arms (which is hard as shit to do, until you get used to it). I credit this alone for my newfound ability to send a freaking matty p style laser from deep left center to home for the church softball team. Oh, you wanna run on me? see ya. bitch.

I am GAY!

no seriously, I am. I am at work and have been all day, but you want to know what I have been doing all day long. ok, I am glad you asked... I have been sitting at my desk and looking up things on the internet, not just any ol things, but shabby chic things. now if you dont know what that is, google it. you see jill like this type of decorating and I have been looking for things to decorate our soon to be home. I am gay. If not gay, then I serious doubt I have anything hanging between my thighs/knees anymore. now, not only am I looking for things to buy, but I have been researching and it looks like I, Garrett Anderson, will be building with my own two hands a shabby chic style bed for jill and I. I went to home depot last night to start pricing wood and supplies that would be needed to build a queen size shabby chic bed. so anyway, yes I am gay, but I will soon be laying in that bed with an extremely goodlooking body (and everything else, including face) lying next to my lurpy and sloppy body.
Speaking of good body, I got my first membership to 24 hour fitness last night. and I will be working out to get as big as drew (who is absolutely huge now!)
Dodgers update, I got a call this morning and I have a meeting/go out to lunch and dick around, with the dodger visiting clubhouse manager as well as the angels clubhouse manager to discuss my job with the codgers. I am pumped as you can expect.
UW basketball is soon coming!

I have been MIA from the Blog for a few reasons.

1) My Cardinals lost and it took a while for me to understand what A's fans have delt with for years. Losing isn't the end of the world.

2) I had a 24 hour trip to Las Vegas in for a conference and in order to get reaquainted with my friend gin and tonic.

3) I have been trying to avoid giving Drew directions to Branson Missouri (too bad auditors have to work).

4) I have discovered the Heiniken Draft Keg (are you kidding my 5 liters of tappable joy... keep your comments to yourself garret and paul).

5) Thanks to my brother-in-law I have been taken to a world where drinking commands no longer need to be spoken.

MIA = Everybody

Alright, blogger is being dumb and not letting me upload a SWEETass picture of Chuck Norris, Missing in Action. So I guess we do without. oh wait, there it is.

What happened? Where did you guys go? Bishop, you no want talk sports anymore?

Some thoughts that have swirling around my brain today at work: I think I would really like to be a tri-athelete. That just sounds awesome. I don't really want to do any tri-athalons, but I just would really like to start telling people that I am a tri-athelete. So I guess the question I have for you guys is two-fold: 1) What do I have to do to start telling people I am a tri-athelete, and 2) Do I have to actually learn how to swim? Oh wait I have a couple of more questions: Where the hell is everybody? How the hell do I get from Tulsa to Branson and back? What the hell are you (garrett) going to be doing for the Dodgers, and does this mean you are gonna root against my Gi-dawgs and my boy B squared?

I have questions. I need answers.

Monday, October 24, 2005

And I'm Back....

I think its pretty safe to call this a MUST (i'm retarded) WATCH when you are not at work with the volume cranked up as loud as you can...

Mix your milk wit my coco puff...

I am very disappointed that no one has touch on the song by the black eyed peas. "My humps" is a great song mainly because it includes the phrase, "mix your milk wit my coco puff" Just great I say!.
Anyway, now to my update. I just got back from a relaxing weekend at jills house in Visalia. Her parents were gone so it was just the two of us from thursday night (I took friday off) until sunday night. great times were had. We did absolutely nothing! we just sat there and watched TV the entire weekend, it was great. No stress, no work, no nothing. I did get one thing done and that is I finally got my cali drivers lisence. I passed the written (I only missed 3, I wouldnt worry about it though). the whole weekend was great. and now I am back. I have done NOTHING at work today, the rest of the office has gone to vegas for a few days so it is dead!
Speaking of work, it looks like I will soon be getting employed by the los angeles dodgers. it is not for sure yet but I am meeting with the dude this week for lunch to discuss the details. As more things come up I will be letting you all know. but I am stoked and this should be fun. oh and by the way, if you have read this whole boring post, than I applaud you. I will come up with something better but for now, this is all I have. Laguna beach is on tonight!!!

Doc Martin

I also have a PHd in kicking your ass...

Friday, October 21, 2005

New Phrase

So paul left me another voicemail... because he apparently hasnt realized that I am old as balls and after 11, its lights out. In this voicemail, he used the term "lovey-kins". As in, "where are you, lovey-kins?" Actually, I think it was "Are you talking on the phone to your lovey-kins?" Regardless, I was going to make fun of him for using such a term. Then I gave it some thought. The realization I came to, was that Paul Smith has hooked up with more girls then I have probably even talked to. So instead of making fun of him, please join me in welcoming a new phrase to my vocabulary: "lovey-kins".

Dont bother calling me this weekend, I plan on getting as much play as Paul, now that I talk like him.

That is all.


Yes, Dru, I can admit defeat in the battle. But, the war is not over my friend, THE WAR IS NOT OVER!!!

A few counter-arguments, if I may:

Phoenix 114, Seattle 113

Bell scores 20 for Suns, wins in return to Utah

Doctor: Stoudemire surgery a 'best-case scenario'

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Like a Virgin

So I went to Torrey Conference last night for the first time in my life.. oh turns out.. I dont go there anymore. Jill wanted me to go with her and so I did. It was a couple who was speaking on communication in relationships so I thought I would give it a shot. They start talk and trying to make people laugh, and they succeed because it is Biola and they laugh at everything and I dont understand why.
ok so I am listening/dozeing off because it is chapel and I catch a few things of interest. The couple then makes a joke about making out and the place erupts with laughter and and I look around and everyone in there was red in the face and embarrassed that someone just said something so offensive.. I WAS OFFENDED that they were offended at that. It finally clicked that Biola was a great place to go to school and I thank the Lord everyday for that BUT, you have got to be kidding me with this! Then Jill and I went out to dinner with Cody and Tara Hircock. oh it was great, we had a lot of fun. We think we found our new couple to hang out with. and the best part was, they picked up the bill and cody did it with a "I am fithly rich now that I married a nurse" look on his face and I thouroughly enjoyed.

Get Used To It

Tyler, hope your TIVO caught this:

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The times they are a-changin...

So here is my deal:

I hate corporate america. I hate my cubicle. I hate my life between 8 and 5, Mon-Fri.

Ii was talking to Elbrecht about this the other night, and I dont want to post the details here at this time, but I am seriously considering taking a new job, at a non-profit organization, making a meaningful difference in this world, for a whole hell of a lot less money then I make now. I will become your poor friend. It will be a little bit of a transition, because I am used to rolling on dubs and I basically wipe my ass with benjies, but lets face it: the one thing I have learned since graduating college: money sucks and I pretty much hate it.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Karma may get me for this one...

alright guys. I was at the angels game the other day and I was standing up on one of the ramps waiting for the game to start and I see something that I had to get a better look at. So I wait for 2 seconds as this beautiful sight allows for a clear shot with my verizon camera phone and this is what I saw. And of course to hide the fact that I took a picture of some "small people" I pretended to be dialing my cellie.

for whom would jesus blog?

i'm not sure how to react to this

Holy WiFi

A follow up to tylers post:

what would jesus blog?

A silly question since Jesus is obviously to busy at the NLCS to be blogging...

The Party. Part 1

Listen people, here is what is in the works...

i was talking to elbrecht on the phone last night,and here is what we came up with.

In November, I am going to visit Elbrecht in Missouri. Also in November, Bishop and Garrett will be visiting me in Danville. This is all well and good, but here is what is going down:

Sometime in the near future, everyone on this blog is invited to a big freaking weekend party, where it all began... the jewel of the pacific northwest, Seattle f'ing Washington.

I would say we would be camping in the Unknown, but lets face it, it aint summer, kids, so we are going to get a big ass hotel room downtown and spend a couple of days drinking and smoking and carousing and talking about life and God and Cal and things of that nature.

The precise date has not yet been nailed down... we will have to plan for what works best for everyone, but consider this your notice so you can start saving your pennies and keeping your eye on the Southwest Internet Fares. November/December could be a little tough, due to the holidays, holiday money, and other holiday travels, so right now I am tenatively throwing out sometime after the New Year? Actually now that I say that, New Years in SeaTac sounds damn fun, but I imagine it would be tough to get set up with a place downtown on New Years, so let me just throw out some freakin weekend in January, we are gonna party like F'ing rockstars.

So tell me your damn thoughts on this plan!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

After much contemplation I figured that game couldn't have just been an accident. Upon further review I guess it wasn't an accident (thanks to previously unmentioned attendees of the game).

Viva Las Vegas

Well I do have to admit I am a little dissapointed that Paul has not posted his adventures yet.

See, I get this message on Sunday, SUNDAY, from Paul saying "hey man, meet me at the Ghost Bar in Vegas in 12 hours." SUNDAY! Who the hell starts their week in Vegas? Now I admit I may have started the trend with a similar call to Paul (and just about everyone eles on this blog not in Hungary) when we had the great impromptu middle of the night Vegas excursion (which ended in fine form with Cody counting his pile of cash and Elbrecht vomiting all over the interior of Bishops brand new car and Bishop making everyone pinkyswear not to tell the wife) but the main difference that needs to be pointed out is that THAT call went out on a Friday and Paul's was on a sunday. Damn you Paul.

All this to say, I fully expected by now to hear an adventure involving Paul swapping chicks at the Palms with the Maloof brothers, talking about their life experiences and feelings, and then rockin those bodies before slipping out of town like a thief in the night.

Lets go Paul. Its confession time.

Not a sports post

Not a sports link


Mission Vi- A-Hole

I have recently seen a huge difference in cultures. I have lived in a world that is very different from where I am from and was raised. It got to a point this week that I had to bring it up and see if I am the only one.
Southern cali: The local pro baseball team is in the middle of the ALCS and the front story in the newspapers is that there is going to be rain. It was just mentioned, it was the top story. I dont understand. I think the story after the "rain is coming"(aka. storm watch 2005) the next story must have been you all must forget how to drive and slam on your brakes!
Washington: I check thesunlink.com (bremerton sun newspaper) daily just to see what is going on in the world up there. the top story in the sports section was this. "Elk hunting: the Catch and release way". Man I miss the WA.

I Believe

When Pujols steped in the press conference his t-shirt said it all: "Who's Your Daddy?"

Well Pujols you are, you are our collective daddy.

Monday, October 17, 2005

My Cardinals

Roll on you Cards. It's Musial Time! (or pujols time).

well at least

one person with the last name of Anderson can play college basketball. Just so all you know, and I know all of you have been wondering. My sister, kristin AKA. Muff, Muffalufagis, Harry Muff, or what ever all you guys call her, scored 25 point in her first colligate basketball contest. Just so you know. and yes drew, she is breeding stock and yes she is still too young for you. however, she is legal now. and Paul, you are still her and my mom's favorite. but they like you all, dont worry.

oh and skunk spot, I feel for you on those umps in that cards game. screw them!!! my boy jim and my boy tony LaRu. My cards are going all the way, unless my Astros win, then they will go all the way. but for now, it is my boys pooholes (AKA. MVP of the world)

My Astros

Bro, my freakin 'stros are getting DONE.

Oh man, I haven't been this excited during a postseason, in I dont know HOW long!

I remember, as a young boy growing up in Houston in the 80's, I could only dream of this day.

Raise up a frosty cold one for our astros, the official team of Drew (since 1981).

Watch Your Back Cody

Cody I am calling you out. It is time for a reckoning. How can you just stand there an be an umpire? You, with your smug little umpiring clothes. You, with your smug little umpiring “rules.” I hope you can sleep at night Cody after your little umpiring call at the cards came last night. How could you even f’ing think about throwing Jim Edmonds out with a full count on the most important at bat of the game. Its one thing for you to get your panties in a wad about La Russa calling you out for your “impartial” calling of balls and strikes, it is quite a different thing for you to be high on smack and go ahead and toss Edmonds for asking “how can you call that ball a strike.” I don’t know if you noticed how it was millimeters from hitting him. Funny how when the Astros argued in the top half of the 9th there were no ejections. You might as well have told Edmonds “you’re out of here… go Astros!”

I’m coming for you Cody. I’m coming for you and your whole umpiring clan. Its on. I’m going to own you like I have so many times in the past. These muscles are twitching in southern Missouri just waiting to unleash a storm of fury like the world has never seen.

Be afraid Cody! Be very afraid!

Umping Bugglies

Now that the Angels' season in officially over. I will now blog the shit/crap out of this thing. Today I come to work and think, "why the hell am I here today?" and then 45 minutes go by and my main boss comes in and says, "I gave the rest of the guys the day off today" COOL!!! I am here. and I worked even more than some of the other people who are still in bed right now. So I am sitting here at my desk complaing about the horrible umping that was display this series to everyone who walks by my desk. (thats for you drew). The Angels crapped the bed in a huge way. I was keeping score the last couple games and every box/ at bat for Vlad had a number 3 after another number (ie: 6-3, 6-4-3). he was 1 for the series. MVP! MVP! I can here it now and of course the loyal Angels fans boooed him. way to go Anaheim, way to support your team! That is the reason we all hate the Angels, remember? it is not the team necessarily, because Eckstein is gone, but it is the OC/Mission Viejo fans and Rex Hudler that we hate, right guys? But now that the season is over the question is "Hey Garrett, What is next?" and to that, I answer with "The Lord Only Knows!" you might find me in Los angeles, Seattle (yeah bishop I just got a great connection with the M's), Tacoma (also bishop, there is a job open with the Rainiers), Phoenix (new MLB office), or Oklahoma (with a semi-pro hockey team, triple A baseball team, or the Katrina Hornets). We will have to wait and see.
Jill update: things are great, we were reminded the other night that we have a long way to go until we get married and we need to be careful (if you know what I mean, and I think you do!)

That is all for now, check back with me in 30 minutes

Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Television

On Thursday, at 8:30 in the PM, Nate Bishop mocked me for my lack of a Tivo.

By Friday, 5:30 PM, Tivo was up and running.

Damn you Bishop. Damn you.

First show Tivo'd??? Walker, Texas Ranger, Trial By Fire (the movie).

My life, will never be the same.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My thoughts on todays college football results:


Friday, October 14, 2005


I wanted to post this yesterday but I didn't end up having time (translation:I got some). I guaran-damn-tee that I am the only one as passionate about this or willing to write as long of a rant about it. If you aren't much of a baseball fan or couldn't care less about the details of umpiring, don't read on. This will likely be long and boring for you.

Sometimes sports talk radio is the cat's pajamas and other times it's the shit that the cat left in his pajamas. Yesterday, from what I heard, it was the latter. I leave for work at 6 a.m. (I still don't know why I do that). At this hour, Collin Cowherd is on ESPN radio. He's a silly little man from Seattle and I enjoy his show every morning. When I leave work in the afternoon to make the 45 minute drive to school, ESPN radio has Mason and Ireland on "The Big Show." Normally, these two drives give me chance to relax and catch up on the sports I so dearly miss watching. Yesterday, however, instead of relaxing and enjoying, I was fuming and blurting out the occasional "F@#& YOU!" at the radio and whomever was hosting that hour. The topic of discussion on every show, of course, was "the call". You know what I'm talking about I hope. It's the call that the home plate umpire made to in Game 2 of the ALCS. I am so tired of hearing people say ignorant-stupid shit about that situation (i.e. it was one of the worst calls in history, the umpire should be removed from the crew, instant replay should be used in baseball, the umpire should never have been on the playoff crew because he's obviously incompetant, one of the other five upires on the crew should have overruled his call and gotten it right)

I am an umpire and as you can tell, I'm a little defensive of umpires now that I realize how difficult it is. I think every youth sports league parent should be required to umpire/referee/officiate at least once. I guarantee that it would make them think twice about some of the bullshit they say. Same goes for pro sports fans, and apparently radio show hosts.

In defense of the umpire:

1) Imagine and visualize that damn play from where he's positioned. He has to look through his mask, through the catcher, and through the glove to see if that ball hit the ground or not. Not to mention, he has had to learn how to not to flinch or blink when someone throws 95 at his balls (literally... watch where a plate umpire stands during a pitch and what the ball would hit sans catcher). He also had to notice in his peripheral vision if the batter swung the bat or not. After seeing the replay a few times from straight on, zoomed in, at about 1/100th of the original speed, it was still a little bit difficult to tell for sure if it was caught. So let's not get all caught up in the fact that he missed the call. That call was about as tough as it gets for a plate umpire.
2) He didn't call the damn batter out. He made his "swinging strike three" mechanic that he had been making all game long. Mechanic, in umpire language, simply means the hand motion associated with a call. Anyone saying that he called him out and then changed his mind when the batter ran to first is bitch and probably a vegetarian. There I've said it.

What the umpire did wrong:

1) He got the call wrong, but read the previous #1 and see why we aren't focusing on that...and then eat a steak.
2) He should have said, "No catch" or something similar to make it more obvious what his call was.

Other things to think about:

1) Take my word for it, it is difficult to be a good umpire even for high school...he's a MLB PLAYOFF UMPIRE. That means he's probably in the top 15 umpires in the world.

2) He probably didn't miss another call or pitch the entire game. He probably missed only a few calls all year, as good as he is. And that split-second mistake will be his legacy forever. That sucks. Yes, Bill Buckner haters can also kiss my ass.

3) There aren't many occupations in the world where the general public can watch a slow motion video clip of what you're doing and decide if you made the most minute of mistakes on a judgement call that you had to make in less than a second. Ok, maybe in the porn industry, there are. Think about if there were cameras in your office or wherever you work...people watching and deciding if any little thing you did was wrong. I think there would be be about 1/4 as many posts on this blog, I'll tell you that.

4) I don't even want to talk about instant replay in baseball. The mere thought, makes my balls shrink back inside my body. The guy who even brought up that idea probably just finished sewing sequins leotard.

spiritual post

I will post my spiritual life saga later but here it is for now.

Big Ass Ball of Twine?!?!

sorry. tradition.

Where is God in all this?

So I’m listening to Derek Web’s album When I See Things Upside Down which I haven’t listened to for at least 6 months. Now I know Derek Webb is no Geoff Moore and the Distance and he, sure as hell, isn’t near as sweet as Carmen (Satan Bite the Dust). Hold on a minute Bishop I agree he is no Bach and in certain moods I would much rather listen to Zack de la Rocha raging against the proverbial machine (filthy commie). Dave Grohl has never failed me (I’ve waited Everlong for him) and I have this sneaking suspicion that someone out there is actually getting the best of me.

Music references aside for now I have to say my mind has been turning since Paul asked where God is in all this. Add to that Bishop’s music comment, Cody’s comment and Paul’s response and there is a lot swimming in my head. I will try and respond.

Where is God in all this? I would guess both next to us and also sitting in the corner of the room if we want him to. God tends to be a real person about that sort of stuff. When we are pissed or confused or depressed or happy and comfortable he might be hanging out with us kicking up his feet or he may just be sitting in the corner of the room and silent. It’s a lot like my friends. It can be a lot like other persons. You can be in the same room and feel lonely or just cut off all communication. Okay you probably know this already in your head.

Where is God in all this? Fuck I don’t know. Sometimes he is talking to me when I’m reading the bible sometimes I sit down to read it and all I hear is the newest CD’s I am listening to. Sometimes I’m riding my bike or hiking in the woods and sweating my ass off and there he is. He’s talking to me and its better than chatting it up with a person you can see. Sometimes I’m hiking and biking and I can’t stop being angry and I’m the only one in the woods. At times I have been stuck in traffic and it’s the most refreshing time ever. I just stick in Rich Mullin’s and when I sing Hold Me Jesus I mean it. When I sat in chapel and the gospel choir got up to lead worship (or anyone else for that matter) all I can think about is looking around the room and thinking up new reasons to dislike everyone.

Where is God in all this? At the end of the day I can’t shake the knowledge/belief/feeling that he is here even when I don’t want him to be here. Talbot did one good thing for me. My freshman year I would go to chapel 5 times a week in order to get them over as soon as possible. I was sitting in Talbot chapel and the Talbot dean gave a talk. He said that for every person that looses or falls away from God in the hard times he will show you 10 people who lose God in the easy times. In 1994 I went to Africa with my family to help build a school so that a seminary there could get electricity. I met some of the most amazing Christian people I have ever met at the seminary. Of course I was only 14 and it took several years to understand that experience. One night my dad was ask to do some teaching for the villagers. After his talk the people started lining up and coming forward. My dad asked the pastor Muchomie what they wanted. Pastor Muchomie said “they are coming up for you to heal them.” My dad had never done or even been involved in anything like that. Then Pastor Muchomie said “You see in America if someone gets sick you go to the hospital. Here in Africa if God doesn’t heal people they have nothing and will die.”

Where is God in all this? I was reading an article in World Magazine (an incredibly Christian conservative weekly magazine but it has some good articles here and there) and there was an article with an interview with a Chinese missionary. He said please don’t pray that persecution ends in China. He said that the church was experiencing growth there like they have never experienced and he said that the persecution just fed the flame. In fact his congregation was praying that Americans would experience some of the same persecution so that they would need God in the same way that they need God.

Where is God in all this? 4 months into living in Poland and I was at my very limit. I was ready to go home. I didn’t feel like I could relate to any body in that cold country. Every Friday I lead a bible study with some freshman boys and did ministry things with them on the weekend. At that point I wanted to toss it all and drive up the driveway located at 7067 County Road 8780 meaning I was home and someone I could see would take care of me. I broke down every night and finally it forced me to pray. Praying forced me into the scripture because I was running out of things to say to God. Reading the bible forced me into treating God like he was a real person and helped my prayer be a conversation. In 6 weeks I had finished the bible and couldn’t shake the feeling that God loved me and everything would be ok (even though it was still cold and hard to live there).

Where is God in all this? Two years ago in the boundary waters I tripped and fell right into Jesus’ arms. I was pumped about being a canoe guide and doing ministry and leadership training while taking a week long canoe/camping trip. The first couple trips I took out went amazing. The groups really grasped what I was teaching and they were loving the trip. Then came that third week. All day on day 1 they complained. Complaining like I had never heard. Then day two and the same thing except a little more intense. At the end of day 2 I had one last monster portage of a mile and a half. I had a kid in my canoe who has experienced a little sun sickness and dehydration. When we got to the portage I gave one kid a backpack in the canoe and sent him off down the trail. There I was to carry the canoe and food pack all alone (the food pack weighs about 90lbs on day 2). So I stumbled down the trail with a 70lb canoe and 90lb food pack on just hating life. When I got to the end a girl who had been really driving me crazy had dropped her water bottle in the middle of the trail and asked me to go back for it (damn). So I ran back on the trail and seemingly randomly met up with Johnny, another guide coming through. He was having the worst trip of the year too and we just sat and prayed for a little bit. One day 3 God showed up. I was preparing everyone to set off and I opened to John and read the verses where Jesus washes his disciple’s feet. JESUS, THE PERSON WHO IS EQUAL WITH GOD, THE PERSON WHO WAS SITTING NEXT TO GOD PRIOR TO COMING TO EARTH, THE PERSON WHO CREATED US. Even with all that Jesus wants to wash his Disciple’s feet; even Judas’ feet knowing he will betray him. As I was reading that I just lost it. Hardly ever cry in front of people but I couldn’t even talk. Jesus, a real person, did all that and here I am frustrated about having to carry a backpack and canoe. I’m such a fucking pussy. And y’know what? Jesus wants to hang out with me.

Where is God in all this? When I started typing this I was going to say this. Last weekend I went camping with the McKinley’s Men. It is one of the best times of my year and I look forward to the next campout the second it ends. In order to get to that experience I had to set aside time and leave work early. I had to drive two and half hours and I had to hike a mile and a half into the campsite. I wouldn’t trade those relationships for anything. Relating to those men helps me understand God and how I relate to him. If I hadn’t put in the discipline to meet the McKinley’s Men I would have missed that bit of the relationship. If there is a spiritual parallel (and I think there is) then I will let you Biola grads make it yourself.

Where is God in all this? Maybe we just have to recognize how much we need God in all this.

Where is God in all this? He is helping us ask these questions I think. He seems to be there when I ask him to be. He also seems far away sometimes. Sometimes I pick up my bible and it is a struggle to give him time. But, you know what? It was hard for me to find the 45 minutes to write this post.

Cingular or Verizon: Discuss...

Fellas, I need help. I'm over Sprint. Sprint is not practical enough on the whole texting thing plus their coverage sucks if you're in an area with more than three trees over 8ft tall. I think I know more people with cingular so I'm leaning towards them. My contract is ending soon so I need to make a decision and frankly the pressure is more than I can bear by myself. Does anyone have an opinion on the matter?

There are very few things as dissapointing as Nate e promising a post and then not delivering.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Unrelated and Capitalistic

Because I am a firm believe in capitalism I would like you to all click on this link.

Go Capitalism

Impeccable Timing

I would like to apologize to Paul for my impeccable timing when it comes to my posts.

Paul writes a damn good post, pours out his heart and soul (sober this time I might add... well, actually probably not) and i follow it up with a post on how I desperately want to make out with Branjolina.

You see, for those of you who think that I am the kind of guy who when facing serious, deep issues, just laughs nervously and makes a joke to duck the issue... 1) you are absolutely correct and 2) That is not what I was trying to do, in this case, or in the case of me following up Tyler's life manifesto with a post entitled "Big Ass Elk".

When someone hits the "create post" button, and then begins to write, and then I create a publish a post in like 30 seconds, and then they finally conclude their tome and publish it, it will automatically be placed before mine, chronologically.

It is not me who is the asshole, it is blogspot.com. That insensitive, anti-dentite bastard.

Paul: I love you. I love your post. It spoke to me. Please accept my apologies.

Angelina: call me.

The plot thickens...

So Tyler dropped Hilary vs Condi on us. And there was much displeasure voiced, although i dont see what all the fuss is about. i have no problem voting for hilary. but lets add a third piece to the puzzle... Angelina???

I would hook up with one of these women in a heartbeat. Can you guess which one?
ok, maybe two.
ah hell, who am i kidding? i'll take whatever i can get...

In response to Cody...

I want to start off by say how much I love and appreciate you guys.

Cody, I'll speak for myself. In the way Drew explained the people in res life, I would've have a serious problem with them. It really would'nt have been about them...initially. When I first became a Christian...nevermind...I don't want to go there. Too much pain. Umm, well, when I first met you guys, I remember thinking how much more spiritually mature I was than anyone at Biola because I didn't need a school to know more about God than you guys and my walk is real and yours isn't and on and on. What SoCal did to me was strip me of all that pride (or at least some of it) and all I had left was my pain. I got so tired of performing for others so that they would think I was more than I was. The weight of that was so tremendous. I felt like no one knew me. I was presenting to everyone a conjured up image of "strong spiritual Paul" due to some of the teaching that I sat under. I felt like if I didn't read my bible and pray everyday, I was slipping. My fear of exposure was so huge that I kept this image of bullshit, as if I was disciplined and had my shit together. The basic need that I was lacking was unconditional love. Since I wasn't presenting the real me, how could anyone love the real me? I felt so alone, isolated, full of fear, darkness, heaviness...I came to a slow breaking point where I risked exposure. I started to be honest about my issues and found love, acceptance, freedom. You guys were the ones that were there when this was happening in my life. I didn't feel judged by you. The very thing I was, I strongly dislike. People like Drew described, I have issues with. The freedom more importantly that I have found in Christ to be imperfect has produced a "fuck you" mentality to anyone who would try to judge or "exhort" me beyond where He has me. There are those in my life that God speaks to me through, but then there are those who ae trying to be more than they are and say this that they don't yet have the authority in. I have done enough damage to myself to give a shit about someone who is on their high horse talking out of their asses thinking they have a f'ing clue reality. I haven't found God in religion, but I have found Him in reality. I've had to learn to be the real me with God. That has taken time. But I know what His presence feels like.

I also love Stan. He and I are opposite in a few ways. It appears to me that he judges
9or at one point judged) based on how disciplined one is. My judgement is based on where God has them. There usually lies anillness called "lack of discernment and grace for those who are not like me" syndrome. My love for Stan far outweighs my issue with some of those things I see in him. Those who have been directly wounded by him may have a different opinion for obvious reasons.

I have found unconditional love in all of you and I can vent with all of you and you guys share my pain. That's more than I can say about the Church at large. They fear those they can't control "in the name of Jesus" of course. The Church doesn't know how to judge and still love because so many in the Church have not dealt with their own sin. They hate themselves and if they hate themselves and are in bondage how can they love others and help them out of their bondage. You cannot fake freedom. That is what many in the Church are trying to do, pretend to be further and more mature with zero fruit of the (I am making generalities and jumping to conclusions that are not entirely true...my apologies)

Mostly Just Questions???

WARNING: Spiritual sharing and unintentional Christianese ahead!!

I was thinking today, as I have a tendency to do, about my spiritual life. Maybe more like my lack of a spiritual life. I find it interesting the number of posts and/or comments on the blog about a general feeling of something missing in our lives, namely God's tangible presence. In his "I've had a few" post, Paul seemed to give a good summary. We all believe that there is a God and that He is the God of the Bible, but where is he in our lives? He's there somewhere, isn't he? Sometimes, I can look back and see that God must have been involved, but I sure couldn't sense it at the time. I haven't prayed (besides at meals with Tara) in quite some time. I haven't read the Bible more than a couple times in the last several months either. In all sincerity, I do want something real with this God that I have been told so often wants a relationship with me, but I'm tired of all the fake bullshit. Aside from that, I'm afraid of Hell. Does anyone else feel like, at least in part, their drive toward Christianity is a result of a fear of Hell?

I also started thinking about some other issues that may or may not be related. I have talked to some of you about these already, but spell it out for me again. Some of the answers are probably pretty obvious, but I'd like to hear about them anyway.

Why are there such bitter feelings toward Biola?

Why are there such bitter feelings toward Residence Life?

Why are there such bitter feelings toward Stan?

I ask those questions because those three things had such positive impacts on my life....at least I thought they did. It's just interesting to me that so many people had the exact opposite experience with things that I loved. What did I miss that everyone else seems to understand?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A public service announcement from your second most prolific poster.

T'would appear from some comments that today's veritable deluge of references to Amare, Xavier McDaniel and Sarunis Marcaloneaus did not meet with pleasure from all of our little blogging family. I do realize that for those who are not as into sports as myself the sports talk can be a bit dry. However, I do love the sports. It's a major part of my life. The merits and pratfalls of it's importance to me are another post and topic entirely but the point is that we write about what we care about. This blog is going to take on the attitude and the personalities of those who write on it. Therefore if some people write a little more than others the blog may tend to lean towards certain subjects (i.e. sports, Sub-culture music, etc.). This is no reason for other people with jobs that actually require work to not post when they can.
We all want to hear about stuff that is going on in everybody's life, regardless of topic. The idea was to stay in touch and keep each other up to date. So if there's something that you'd rather talk about than the wastern Conference playoff race, post it!!! If you want to talk about politics, personal life, the ups and downs of being married (get it?) then post it. Cody I demand that you post an original poem within 48 hours of reading this sentence. I crave your poetry, I need it. If there had been more of your poetry on this blog I'm pretty sure that Hurricane's Katrina and Rita would never have happened. We have one hell of a blog going on here people and there is nothing that I like more than getting on the internet and seeing a post that I don't know just by the title is Dru. Blog on brothers. Blog on.

The sad thing is that it's EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!

I just wanted you all to see an example of how pathetic Dru and I are. This is a standard three times a day conversation:

druzAplaya: tyler strikes again
Natanbisho: Man
Natanbisho: Zarko Carbakaba
Natanbisho: That takes balls to throw that out.
druzAplaya: bro Zarko has some skills
druzAplaya: he can hit threes all day
druzAplaya: and he is a f'ing giant
Natanbisho: Paul Shirly makes an appearance.
druzAplaya: excellent use of paul shirley
Natanbisho: Man the blog is so not exciting for Cody, Brady, Paul and Jared right now.
Natanbisho: Especially Jared.
druzAplaya: poor bastard
druzAplaya: i cant believe you pulled out jesus on me
druzAplaya: you do know the sun set on ray ray like 5 years ago, right?
Natanbisho: Oh shit my bad.
Natanbisho: Somebody should tell the Kings since he averaged like 55 points a game in the playoffs against them.
druzAplaya: bro the kings
druzAplaya: are going to be in a world of pain
Natanbisho: Don't try to change the subject. Ray is the shit and you know it.
druzAplaya: he is the Arod of the NBA
druzAplaya: big numbers and completely useless to a franchise
Natanbisho: Again, playoffs.
druzAplaya: oh, yeah, the sonics really enjoy showing off their rings
Natanbisho: Played his best ball at the end of the year.
druzAplaya: Shine up that ring for me
druzAplaya: oh you cant? what about last years
druzAplaya: year before that?
druzAplaya: hmmm
Natanbisho: You got me on that one. Especially since you can claim all that blingy from the C-Webb, Latrell, Timmy H. and Mullin Days.
druzAplaya: well at least the Western Confrence Rings then
druzAplaya: shine me up those
Natanbisho: Frickin'
druzAplaya: you can keep him
Natanbisho: Don Nelson is a genius man.
druzAplaya: hahahaha
druzAplaya: why is this argument not taking place on the blog
Natanbisho: When was the last time the Warriors did anything but suck an epic amount of ass?!?
Natanbisho: Hmmm....
druzAplaya: should i REALLY say that right back to you with one minor edit?
Natanbisho: Shine up those amazing last place for 85 years in a row rings please.
druzAplaya: oh please, dont make me invoke the name of Rick Barry
Natanbisho: Go ahead.
druzAplaya: while you invoke... Jack Sikma?
druzAplaya: i dont know
Natanbisho: Or, Tom f'ing Chambers.
Natanbisho: Gary Payton.
Natanbisho: Shawn Kemp
Natanbisho: Xavier McDaniel.
druzAplaya: lol
druzAplaya: HAHAHAHA
druzAplaya: freakin X
Natanbisho: Bro the X-Man.
druzAplaya: X man bro

Be afraid...be very afraid

...don't know what to say...I mean, really, what do you say?

You want me to make my bed???

Look Mullin (and yes, I am a nerd),

Let's even say that Amare Stoudemire is out six months (2 months more than the projected 4): The other starting four will still beat your Golden State warriors by themselves. And yes...we're talking streetball terms now. We could do the math of points per game, if you want. There's still a guy named Steve Nash, who evidently happened to be named MVP of the league last year. Still not impressed? Shawn Marion averaged nearly 20 points a game last season, and has continued to improve each season. They landed the quintessential veteran in Jim Jackson, who actually outperformed Joe Johnson and Quintin Richardson in the playoffs. Kurt Thomas adds 10+ rebounds a game to create another presence in the middle. So, there's the four to beat your five. But, they're not done. Leandro Barbosa would start as a point guard on 18 other NBA teams. The Suns picked up veterans Brian Grant and Raja Bell, who have both had key impacts on former teams. They added Eddie House, who can jump out of the gym, and has 5 years veteran experience. But, just in case you're worried that they are now too old: how about Pac-10 rookies Anthony Lever-Pedroza (Oregon) and Dijon Thompson (UCLA) to provide some added spunk! I'm sorry, my friend, but Amare Stoudemire or not, the Suns are still twice the team the Warriors are. And, for the information of everydody involved, the NBA season lasts longer than 4 months.


Say what you will about bill simmons (and if you dont say he is the freakin man i will kick your ass), but dont say he doesnt write DAMN GOOD MOVIE REVIEWS

THIS is your team

Happy First Day of NBA action everyone.
Ok second day.

Alright kiddos, for those of you who did NOT realize it, the NBA is upon us once again.

It is time for this: To all who give it a shit, in order to facilitate proper shit talking, you must state your loyalties now. And why. Feel free to do this in the comments section. If you feel the need to make an elaborate pictorial ode to your team (NERD!) then do what you must.

I make my bed (as I do every year) with the Golden State Warriors. Why? Four words: General Manager Chris Mullin.

The most beautiful shooter of all time. The image of perfect form. The Legend. Boo yeah. (Sidenote, I was seatmates with Mr. Mullin at the last San Ramon Valley High football game, and you were not).

Actually two other words: Baron Freakin Davis. (ok 3). Baron is the answer. Baron is the reason. Baron is the most exciting player on the planet.

He can take a lineup featuring Mike Dunleavy and Troy Murphy and Adonal Foyle as prominent starters, and along with former college phenom Jason Richardson, he WILL CARRY THEIR ASS into the playoffs for the first time in god knows how long, and with the recent implosion of the phoenix suns (RIP Amare), they will make a serious run at the west. I would go as far as to say they will take the West if it wasn’t for those pesky Spurs. (All above predictions are contingent on Baron and JRich staying healthy.)

Two more words for you: Zarko Carbakaba. (If you have to ask, you don’t have a clue, and don’t deserve to know). Zarko. The Future.

So last night I watched the warrior/lakers preseason game, and damn am I excited for the Baron show. Buckle up and get on my bandwagon now, fellas, Baron is kicking ass and taking names as we speak. Has he taken yours?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Dammit Ryan, you've done it again...

I am actually really pissed at Nate Elbrecht for NOT telling me to run out and buy the new ryan adams and the cardinals cd, Jacksonville City Nights.

I just popped it into my truck, and its so damn beautiful. and flawless. and brilliant. And not for everyone. For someone who is not already a fan of Ryan, I wouldnt start them off on this album. But it could be my favorite. The jury is out.

It is full of mournfully poignant and twangy steel guitars, harmonica, or just stripped down bare bones piano, with songs about cigarettes, beer and getting your heart ripped out of your chest, basically my three favorite pastimes at one point or another.

And the man has his priorties in order, with lines like "Give me a shot, a beer, and a kiss before I go".

Ryan, We salute you.