/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The first of many...

Friday, October 28, 2005

The first of many...

First off I want to apologize to everyone for my lack of recent posts. I fell into a dark nexus filled with no computers and a nasty case of avian flu. Now that I both have a computer and have been taken out of the ICU I feel much better about life and therefore I'm back in business. A few quick thoughts on the last week or so....

Sheryl Swoopes:
Here's the thing about Sheryl that nobody ever talks about. SHE'S HAD A HUSBAND!!!! THEY HAVE KIDS!!!!!!! So convenient that while we celebrate her "freedom" and "bravery" we forget that her husband and childred are f'd. Mind you not that they weren't already by Sheryl playing basketball for a career as opposed to sitting her ass at home and cooking her kids some pie.

Harriet Miers:
This is yet another golden opportunity for Dru and Nate to have a argument/counterargument over what the hell happened here. How much is the current administration influenced by the extreme right wing? Would she immediately have joined Sandra O'Connor as the biggest GILF in Supreme Court history?

World Series:
It will go down in history as one of the least compelling series in baseball history. But more importantly if you root for a baseball team you should get on your knees and pray to God that your team doesn't try to model its roster after the White Sox. Let me be clear, the White Sox are the luckiest ass team to win a world series since the Twins went worst to first in '91. They have absolutely no lineup with the exception of Paul Konerko. They rode four hot pitchers, two of which aren't even that good (Garcia, Garland) to a championship. I'm not saying they don't deserve it but if your counting on them being there again next year I have a really awesome pyramid plan I'd like to set you up with.....
Bottom line, the White Sox are the 2005 Oakland A's, lucky as hell edition.

In the words of that guy from the Snickers commercial... HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!!! Drew Bledsoe gave all you Cal Bear supporters a little preview for how they do things in the Pallouse. Drink 'em down and chuck 'em to the other team. The later in the game the better. Meanwhile, God decided to remove his Egyptian Plague of a curse on the Seahawks. And there was much rejoicing (yay!).

Censorship on the blog:
I fucking hate censorship. Especially people who do it. Bitches.

Just wanted to point out that last year the Sonics were picked to finish last in their division. They promptly went out and won 52 games, the Northwest division title and gave the Spurs their strongest competition in the playoffs. They brought back almost the entire roster, minus the fattest and most useless part of it, and they are promptly picked to finish 3rd in their division. Not only will they win 50+ games again but Luke Ridnour is one of maybe 2 or 3 professional athletes who can invoke the Ned Flanders clause; actually calling on God to assist in winning a game and having God immediately respond. So good luck all you pagans (this means you Nash).

More to follow. I'm out for now.

Now that I've posted can somebody post something brutally mocking Cody and his absence?


At 4:43 PM, Blogger drew said...

just when i thought you couldnt get any lower, you go and post this.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger drew said...

oh and PS-
I am not sure you should keep using the phrase "fucking".
you know, now that your father is a loyal reader. did you leave milfhunter.com in the work computer history also?

At 4:46 PM, Blogger drew said...

oh and PS again,
bash the Sox all you want, but I
just wanted to remind everyone that my fantasy baseball team featured Garland, Konerko, Posednik and Hermanson at one poit or another this year.

i won. they won. coincidence? i am thinking no...

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooooooooooooo..... Go sell a house already. Anonymous Dad.


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