/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The G and his bed

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The G and his bed

Garrett, sounds like someone has been watching a little TLC these days? Is the bedbuilding show on before or after What Not to Wear?

PS- i am just going to put this on public record: Jill is a babe. I am pretty sure her and I were in the early stages of getting-to-know-yous/relationship when you swooped in with your grayish-black d and it was game over for drew.

good to hear you are getting in honeymoon shape, and PS again, i have shin-splints like a mother, buts its cool because i have discovered the secret of getting freaking STRONG, and it doesnt involve running on pavement: Tread water for 30 minutes a day with mostly just your arms (which is hard as shit to do, until you get used to it). I credit this alone for my newfound ability to send a freaking matty p style laser from deep left center to home for the church softball team. Oh, you wanna run on me? see ya. bitch.


At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am brown, not grayish! and jill loves me so there. eat me! and as for garrett watching tlc, so what! as far as Garrett getting in shape, tredding water huh? he'll have to try that.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger drew said...

garrett i swear if you dont tell me what your new job with the dodgers will actually entail, i am going to kill you

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Garrett said...

I will call you and explaing


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