/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The sad thing is that it's EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The sad thing is that it's EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!

I just wanted you all to see an example of how pathetic Dru and I are. This is a standard three times a day conversation:

druzAplaya: tyler strikes again
Natanbisho: Man
Natanbisho: Zarko Carbakaba
Natanbisho: That takes balls to throw that out.
druzAplaya: bro Zarko has some skills
druzAplaya: he can hit threes all day
druzAplaya: and he is a f'ing giant
Natanbisho: Paul Shirly makes an appearance.
druzAplaya: excellent use of paul shirley
Natanbisho: Man the blog is so not exciting for Cody, Brady, Paul and Jared right now.
Natanbisho: Especially Jared.
druzAplaya: poor bastard
druzAplaya: i cant believe you pulled out jesus on me
druzAplaya: you do know the sun set on ray ray like 5 years ago, right?
Natanbisho: Oh shit my bad.
Natanbisho: Somebody should tell the Kings since he averaged like 55 points a game in the playoffs against them.
druzAplaya: bro the kings
druzAplaya: are going to be in a world of pain
Natanbisho: Don't try to change the subject. Ray is the shit and you know it.
druzAplaya: he is the Arod of the NBA
druzAplaya: big numbers and completely useless to a franchise
Natanbisho: Again, playoffs.
druzAplaya: oh, yeah, the sonics really enjoy showing off their rings
Natanbisho: Played his best ball at the end of the year.
druzAplaya: Shine up that ring for me
druzAplaya: oh you cant? what about last years
druzAplaya: year before that?
druzAplaya: hmmm
Natanbisho: You got me on that one. Especially since you can claim all that blingy from the C-Webb, Latrell, Timmy H. and Mullin Days.
druzAplaya: well at least the Western Confrence Rings then
druzAplaya: shine me up those
Natanbisho: Frickin'
druzAplaya: you can keep him
Natanbisho: Don Nelson is a genius man.
druzAplaya: hahahaha
druzAplaya: why is this argument not taking place on the blog
Natanbisho: When was the last time the Warriors did anything but suck an epic amount of ass?!?
Natanbisho: Hmmm....
druzAplaya: should i REALLY say that right back to you with one minor edit?
Natanbisho: Shine up those amazing last place for 85 years in a row rings please.
druzAplaya: oh please, dont make me invoke the name of Rick Barry
Natanbisho: Go ahead.
druzAplaya: while you invoke... Jack Sikma?
druzAplaya: i dont know
Natanbisho: Or, Tom f'ing Chambers.
Natanbisho: Gary Payton.
Natanbisho: Shawn Kemp
Natanbisho: Xavier McDaniel.
druzAplaya: lol
druzAplaya: HAHAHAHA
druzAplaya: freakin X
Natanbisho: Bro the X-Man.
druzAplaya: X man bro


At 4:15 PM, Blogger drew said...

i dont think its fair to say 3 times a day... i look at is one running conversation that begins at 8:30 in the office and runs till the close of sportscenter on our respective couches.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you better give credit where credit is due. And for the record, its the "Sikma Pivot", not the "Walton Pivot".

Fuckin Bill Walton

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah man. Fuckin Bill Walton

At 5:05 PM, Blogger drew said...

I am actually sad you left out the first part of the conversation, which went like this:

Nate: I seriously think Baron is a health risk.

Drew: Bro... he has a beard.

Nate: Oh. Right. Never mind.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Nate said...

I love that guy. Now shut the hell up!

my side hurts from laughing

At 9:47 PM, Blogger drew said...

jared's comments have teeth.

and i think you mean juan dixon. not juan jones. common mistake.

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the love jared.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

Dru: Jared's comments have some teeth

You have no idea.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Cody said...

oh guys...when i was at the ucla vs university of washington football game a couple of weeks ago, i sat very near Ed O'Bannon...i think that's his name. i didn't really know who he was but i thought you dousches would.

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cody if you see my bro Charles give him a shout huh? And I saw you staring at my crotch at the game

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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