/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown

Friday, January 12, 2007

Up to no good

My ability to manipulate documents has been tasked in many different ways in my life. In high school I made a few fake ID´s, though I never wound up using them. My freshman year at biola I took student ID´s of Drew, Brian Weakly and I then pasted the photos on the cast of A Night at the Roxberry. Back at Missouri State I make fake parking tickets to put on friends cars (probably just out of anger since I had accumulated 15 real parking tickets of my own). Then of course I had to manufacture some parking permits for our lovely apartment in Santa Ana which were never used as my car was stolen upon completion of the project.

Well now I´ve got a new sin to add to my document altering list. It seems that the country of Brazil requires a round trip ticket before you can apply for a visa. The requirement is for you to bring in a round trip ticket or itinerary from your travel agent. Having neither I decided to hit up the nearest internet cafe and devise an itinerary for myself. 20 minutes later I had an itinerary in hard to present to the consulate. It seems my skills were sufficient for the consulate to give me the go ahead and I will be picking up my visa on Monday. If I disappear into a Brazilian jail then you probably know why now.

Just one request. If I do disappear into a jail will someone please order a subscription of the Socialist Review for me. It is free for inmates.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fantasy Basketball

Okay, I'll set it up...

League Name:

Drew's Court & Cody's Balls

League ID#:




Friday, September 22, 2006

A couple things..

Drew, Where the heck are you?

here are a couple photos for you all to enjoy.

Please watch this video and turn up the sound so you can hear what the lady in the background is saying. it is something we all wish we had enough balls to pull off.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Troops

Well I'm back from Minnesota and packing up this week getting ready to march The Troops Westward. Check out the new site and photo link on the sidebar.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

like camping


So a couple times a week the fellows co-workers and I have been going to the teams practice facility to play hoops on our lunch break. it is a huge facility that hosts camps and tournaments and all of that. well today we go over there and guess what was going on?

your boy baron davis was holding his camp. so we challenged him to a quick game and...well that last part isnt true, but you could imagine if it was. he was there and i guess it was cool. go warriors

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pro Football Pick'em


Apparently, I'm pretty decent at this online sports shite. So, I set up Yahoo Pro Football Pick'em if you all would like to join. The league name number is 14059 "unknown" and the password is "unknown." Damn, I am creative.

Hope to see you all there.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I've Had the Time of My Life...

...and I've never felt this way before, yes I swear, it's the truth, and I owe it all to you.

Vegas. Bachelor Party. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.