/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: THE PEN IS MIGHTIER

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I wish I could have a theme for this post, but it's just more of a..."what's new?" kinda thing. So, I umpired 4 baseball games in a row today. That takes a damn long time. I got to the field at 7:15 a.m. and left at about 6:15 p.m. I don't mind it too much because, c'mon, it's baseball and I get to be in charge of it. I found out something today, though. Well, I shouldn't say I found out, but I was reminded of it. I wore a cup and jock for that entire time!! That is way too long for the boys to be confined and restricted. They were screamin at me the moment I let them free in our apartment, the very second I walked through the door.

Let's be honest. Nathan B is right....again. The Seahawks are awesome. They might, however, come up with a creative way to disappoint us again this year though. Aside from the Seahawks, the NFL is just awesome. Why don't we talk about how and why the NFL kicks so much more ass than the MLB, NBA, and the NHL? I'm not saying that football is a better sport than the others, because obviously, baseball is the best sport and Hockey should really not even be considered one. But, the NFL is just marketed well and almost all of the teams have a shot every year.

I've started taking more of an interest in college football this year too, for whatever reason. It doesn't even seem like it needs marketing. It just kicks ass because about 8 billion students want to see their school play every Saturday.

Tara and I talked to our neighbor tonight. He is an old, sad, lonely man and I think he might be a bit slow, if you know what I mean. I would like it, if we could help him feel less lonely. We might have him come over for dinner or to watch football sometime. Tell me...what's better in life than that?


At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Penis Mighter. I think I use to own one of those.


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