/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Watch Your Back Cody

Monday, October 17, 2005

Watch Your Back Cody

Cody I am calling you out. It is time for a reckoning. How can you just stand there an be an umpire? You, with your smug little umpiring clothes. You, with your smug little umpiring “rules.” I hope you can sleep at night Cody after your little umpiring call at the cards came last night. How could you even f’ing think about throwing Jim Edmonds out with a full count on the most important at bat of the game. Its one thing for you to get your panties in a wad about La Russa calling you out for your “impartial” calling of balls and strikes, it is quite a different thing for you to be high on smack and go ahead and toss Edmonds for asking “how can you call that ball a strike.” I don’t know if you noticed how it was millimeters from hitting him. Funny how when the Astros argued in the top half of the 9th there were no ejections. You might as well have told Edmonds “you’re out of here… go Astros!”

I’m coming for you Cody. I’m coming for you and your whole umpiring clan. Its on. I’m going to own you like I have so many times in the past. These muscles are twitching in southern Missouri just waiting to unleash a storm of fury like the world has never seen.

Be afraid Cody! Be very afraid!


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Cody said...

c'mon the cards won tonight...don't come after me


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