/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The times they are a-changin...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The times they are a-changin...

So here is my deal:

I hate corporate america. I hate my cubicle. I hate my life between 8 and 5, Mon-Fri.

Ii was talking to Elbrecht about this the other night, and I dont want to post the details here at this time, but I am seriously considering taking a new job, at a non-profit organization, making a meaningful difference in this world, for a whole hell of a lot less money then I make now. I will become your poor friend. It will be a little bit of a transition, because I am used to rolling on dubs and I basically wipe my ass with benjies, but lets face it: the one thing I have learned since graduating college: money sucks and I pretty much hate it.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap...We are going to have to find someone else.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger drew said...


the trip IS materializing... nate just decided to become a Cardinal's fan and it got put on the back burner. and i am pretty sure i am only going to jump on one leg of it anyway, because the whole thing would require quite a chunk of change.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

I know I know, the G is never serious but right now he is. Drew if there is anything I have learned this past year, it is making money at a crap job is not worth it. I make 1000 a month. not much, but I dont even notice because I have such a rad job. ya know? love you.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

Stay for the money.
He who dies with the most toys, wins.

Much love.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greed is good

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Drew, if things haven't changed by this time, meaning for the better, it appears to me tha it's just a matter of time before it wears away at you enough to have you actually quite. That's not the issue. The issue is why the hell would you automatically jump to a non-profit job. Don't give me that religious mindset bullshit about making a difference only through save the baby seals foundation. Take some time to pray about this because I promise you that God has an opinion on this. If saving the fucking seals, sorry, the precious baby seals (so damn cute!) is where your heart is then have at it. You don't have to take the bottom of the barrel "income-wise" jobs in order to make a difference. Your job can facilitate you making a difference.

At least wait till after the trip to the unknown so you can buy Cody's drinks, or the G's, or other guy's...

At 2:34 PM, Blogger drew said...

i like seals.
and next time, you are buying ME beer.


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