Hey is someone having a birthday?
cause i cant tell.
just kidding, happy 26, elbrecht, you big lug.
/*Nothing to see here*/
Welcome to the F'ing Unknown
oh and a PS to the G... having been to Oklahoma myself, i am aware there is no internets there, but if you get a chance (maybe you can make it over to illinois or something) you still havent given us the background details that sparked your outburst about your fiances roomates.
Now the last day at any job always ends with “the awkward goodbye” to various co workers.
I’ve been listening to Sarah Bettens a lot this week as it is the most recent CD I have purchased. I especially like her song Don’t Stop. Favorite lines from it are:
think before you buy a car,
don't marry someone you met at a bar
there's no such thing as going too far
He's been telling us that he has been working out but I didn't believe him until I saw these pictures.
While reading the morning news I came across an exceptionally poorly written article. While the story is bad the writing is worse (if writing can be worse than the beating of a 50 year old man).
"We would love to chat with those girls," Schwartz said.
Jennifer McClain said her uncle is large, making it difficult to pull him from a car.
"He is not a little man. He is big," she said.
Thank goodness that the Sun Herald of South Mississippi is upholding a level of writing that tells the world hey we may be ranked 49 in education but we can still writeI was driving in to work this morning when I heard the single that is currently sitting at 18. It was so romantic I thought I would just share a few of the lyrics for the married men out there. So here it is Trina and Kelly Rowland's new song Here We Go.
that is the wise way to say merry christmas.
I just got back from j2k's wedding rehearsal dinner, that was fun to see everybody (lorenzo larsen, daniel c. etc.) fun times, but now to the stories.
I went to kuaui,
we flew first class on the way there. and we were worried about jills dad spending a bunch of money after already paying for all of us to take a trip to hawaii and jill mom said " guys, dont worry about it, your father makes more money than you could imagine, he is fine, he likes doing things like this for you" so I kindly oblidged. so as we sit down they gave us mai tais, which were tasty and jills dad said "drink as much as you want, its free!"
we got to
the next day we hung out at the beach and just relaxed. (side note, have you guys ever been to kuaui? there are f-ing chickens everywhere and they are loud as balls!)
then the next day the father took us boys golfing, golfing in
then we had fun the rest of the week, went snorkleing, golfed again (84) and went home. but the best story of all happened in the airport in LA on the trip home. we are walking through and I see/ hear this lady/slut talking on the phone and she was telling the person that she missed her flight because she was at Carl's house. she said and I kid you not "I kept telling him he was going to make me miss my flight... I was jackin him off and I kept telling him he was going to make me miss my flight" and she said it loud. no joke.
then we took the red eye flight and that sucked. we spent Christmas at her house then went to her uncles for christmas dinner. I overheard the grownups having a convo and so I listened it. her uncle said "yeah he (a friend of his) was just killed in prison... he was a part of the white power and the people in jail killed him" and he said it like it was completely normal that he was part of the Klan. I brought this up to jill later and she said "yeah, it is normal around here, the KKK grand master lives 10 minutes away and his liscense plate says 'KKK'"
anyway, that is my vacation so far, I will go to j2k's wedding tomorrow and then fly out to
no new updates on my job situation. I will be applying for jobs with the padres, biola and the special olympics. yeah I am serious. so I will let you know as soon as I know anything.
Well since no one has anything interesting to say, thought i would just take a quick poll... what are ya'll doing for the holidays?
saddle up, partners, its FANTASY TIME. Congrats to nate bishop for rocketing up the charts into third this week. Elbrecht and i remain locked in a dead heat at the top, and will slug it out this week to see who will be king of the hill (not really fair since he has hella more active players then me, but i still think i can take him).
Around these parts....
Ask yourself how long you have been an ass.
All I am saying is... the latest rumor on espn.com states very clearly
the common comments to me around work these past couple of days is... "dang man, senoritis! you clocked out a while ago huh? stay hot! figure it out! go answer that phone! " so basically here is my response.." f-u, f-u, f-u! you are cool, f-u... Im out!!" I am ready. I am diolated, my water broke and I am ready to be free from the womb of employment.. at least for a while. I am afraid I will leave this place with a middle finger in the air pointed at the building, except for some of the people I work with. but to the rest of them I say "chug my root!" I will spend a free day at disneyland then take a free trip to hawaii then go to oklahoma for a week and return to the hell that it southern california. oh and jill's roommate are, in the words of tyler, CUNTY WHORES! and if I were allowed to punch females I would head striaght to them!
After a few years feeling like I am pulled between both sides of the emergent/postmodernism conversation I don’t know how to respond. I find the greatest difficulty is in the fact that neither side does a good job of explaining their foundation of thought for their objection (expected for the postmodern since, as a philosophy postmodernism dislikes definition). I’m not sure really where the debate is taking place and I agree wholeheartedly that the discussion is much like two ships passing in the night. I would even go further and say its more like two trains passing in the night as it seems their terms aren’t even allowing for meaningful discussion on the same topics. Even if traditional evangelicals (whatever that means) and traditional emergents (whatever that means – if meanings exist) use the same words I have yet to find them talking about the same object. I am becoming more and more convinced that this debate will be the next great debate within the church for the next couple decades and will either give us a greater understanding of what it means to be (or in process of being) a Christian or it will wind up expending a lot of energy and resources building a new seminary in order to better articulate an argument in opposition of the other side. I also don’t know which side I’m going to wind up with or if I will wind up anywhere.
That said let me tell you my thoughts on this evangelical/emergent discussion. Like I said I have been pulled between both sides. Two years ago I got involved with a wilderness ministry in
Where is the debate? For the evangelical side the debate is about absolute truth. It seems to me when absolute truth is brought up by the evangelical (again who are we talking about) it is an unintentional red herring since I have yet to find an educated evangelical theologian defend 100% epistemological certainty (doesn’t exist… I’m sure of it?). Is anyone out there saying that Jesus lived with absolute certainty? J. P. Moreland who was arguing against postmodernism back in 1996 even conceded that this central foundational truth to Christianity had an epistemological possibility of being false (it’s true I have the tape). It’s not on this ground that the evangelicals choose to do battle yet with their critique of the emergents denial of absolute truth they seem to be unwittingly drawn into an epistemological debate.
On the other hand the emergent community does not seem to deny the ontological existence of a right way of living. More so it seems that their objection lies in the epistemological. The concern ranges from a denial of 100% epistemic certainty all the way to questioning whether epistemic methods can be objectively scaled. In this you get the objection to one pastor claiming the absolute abomination of homosexuality and another pastor reading the same text as that particular homosexual instancing as having more implied than mere same sex intercourse and cohabitation (i.e. bells and symbols aren’t necessarily the sins of a prostitute as it is in a specific biblical text). There isn’t a concern as to whether there is a rightness or wrongness. Instead the question becomes how can pastor A make one claim and pastor B make an antithetical claim with them both claiming absolute truth. Does just claiming absolute truth make an action a right way of living? Moreover with such different views held as rightness, who has the ability to stand outside of their own community and determine what is actually the exact explanation of our reality? There’s no denial of absolute truth there. There isn’t even a denial that rightness and wrongness cannot be known. The emergent position more accurately says that as we are looking through a glass darkly it is difficult to determine exactly how dark each person’s glass actually is.
What is the emergent saying? It is that nothing is known? Is the emergent view that there isn’t right or wrong per se but only right or wrong degreed by the culture time and situation? I don’t– nor do I want to – believe that this is being fair to most emergents. I think before understanding the majority of the emergents view (if there is a majority view) that there needs to be a clear distinction between Christian Philosophical Postmodernism (i.e. Alistair MacIntyre) and Christian Postmodernists (i.e. the emergent community). I believe that the Christian Postmodern Philosopher has journeyed quite far from a cohesive view of reality that is easily compatible with orthodoxy. Christian Philosophical Postmodernist find themselves a discussion of language and the ability to know both epistemologically and ontologically. Alistar MacIntyre seems to suggest two things in his book Who’s Justice, Who’s Rationality. First, that language cannot be bifurcated from the world such that without language there would be no world. Second, there is no way meaningful communication can take place between two language groups. MacIntyre describes language as both utterances and non-verbal gestures within the context of a community and time period. In this MacIntyre would throw English-as-uttered-and-gestured-in-the-18th-century and English-as-uttered-and-gestured-in-the-21st-century as two different language groups unable to communicate in a meaningful way. I say that, not in order to give one a comprehensive understanding of MacIntyre, but that I believe it is this argument that traditional evangelicals fear – and rightly so. I believe that is the fear the evangelicals have is that since emergents call themselves postmodern Christians
I’m not so sure that the emergent church is following MacIntyre into this line of reasoning. I don’t think it’s so much that communities can’t communicate in a meaningful way. If this were true I don’t think that Brian McLaren would be writing books (of course it begs the question why would MacIntyre write book but as a professor he obviously writes books so he can force his classes to buy and read them). The reaction of the emergent church is more against presenting Christianity as being completely figured out and also to presenting Christianity as being merely a conversion experience.
A critique emergents bring against evangelicals is that evangelicals put all their emphasis in the conversion instead of the ongoing lifestyle of becoming more and more like Christ. I don’t think anyone would question that there are people who have had a conversion experience at summer camp, going forward in church, praying a prayer after a random evangelism experience or after a life changing experience that later nothing changes in their life. There is no question that happens. Jesus told his disciples this would happen when he taught them the parable of the sower. I don’t think it is a fair characterization to say that this is the hallmark of evangelicalism. If you look at the churches who have really grown into mega-churches there has been more than just an emphasis on evangelism. If you look at the parachurch organizations to that have risen up to challenge the organized local church there is an understanding that discipleship is part of the Christian experience. I believe it an error to bifurcate between sharing the gospel and evangelism.
On the other hand there seems to be a mistake made by the reacting emergents in reacting to evangelism without discipleship there seems to be a practice of discipleship without evangelism. Thought I do not believe that it is imperative to pray a prayer or have a traditional point of conversion in order to be grafted into the tree of life, I do believe there needs to be an understanding of what sin is, its offense to God and what Jesus’ did in justifying the forgiveness of sin. What I have seen in my very limited experience with the emergent church is that living rightly is more the focus than the justification Jesus brought with his dying on the cross. While welcoming people into the community of God is defiantly in God’s plan, if you watch the early church there was no shying away from explaining what Jesus’ justification was. Brian McLaren does tell a fictional story of how one could invite a person in the life of Christ in his book More Ready than You Realize, but my experience with an emergent church is more an invitation to live in the ways of Christ than who God is and what Jesus’ death on the cross means in their fitting into the story of the world. If we look at Christians as being monks in a monastery then the emergent approach is to invite people into the monastery and after they are comfortable with the lifestyle then ask them if they want to become monks. Conversely, the traditional evangelical approach is to explain life in the monastery and what is means to be a monk then ask them to decide whether they want to be a monk before they can come into the monastery and experience it in a meaningful way. Both approaches seem incomplete and limiting.
Are they really so far apart? Certainly there is disagreement on the methods/practices of a Christian’s interaction with God and man. I don’t believe there is as great a disagreement on the ontology of the relationship they should have with God and man. That is just to say I believe that the emergent complaint that D. A. Carson should have spent time in community with emergents prior to writing a book critiquing is a good one. But I also believe that the emergents should spend time in active ministry with a dynamic growing evangelical church. If there isn’t an charitable effort by both sides to understand each other it won’t be long before you see a reaction to the emergent reaction. I pray this doesn’t happen.
Quick, unfunny story here. I was doing some Christmas shopping for Mandy at Old Navy when I happened to notice one of those little gift wrapping stands outside the store. Well since it was directly en route to Best Buy and I wrap gifts like I have big oven mitts on I decided I would check out how much they were charging. Low and behold it was a church, Garrett Anderson's own Silverdale Baptist to be precise, wrapping gifts and providing coffee. Recognizing the name as the Anderson's old place of worship I started to mingle with the workers, talking about Garrett, Muff, and the whole gang we know and love. At one point I realized that the church was not excepting any donations for either the coffee or the wrapping. They were simply there to provide a service to the community and wish them a Merry Christmas. As I continued to observe I noticed how completely flabbergasted each person was that these people simply wanted to help them by wrapping their gifts for them. One guy came out of Best Buy with like 10 boxes, walked over to have them wrapped, realized they weren't charging him and would only let them wrap three because he felt like he was taking advantage of them. The nice lady who wrapped Mandy's gift simply told him something that would have been cheesy if it hadn't been so sincere: "We are here to share the love we have with everyone."
Well this time next week I will be take my spot at the end of the unemplorment line. My last day at the Big A will be on wednesday the 14th. Sad day, but also a very happy day.
A reminder of the glory days of Sonics basketball. I still love you Shawn. And all your kids.
Ok through all my bitching you guys know the story: No professional championships since 1979, zero in my lifetime. Not a single championship of any significance since the '91 Huskies had to share the national championship with a disgrace of a Miami team. Even one of the greatest baseball teams in history, the 2001 Mariners, who one 116 games flamed out in the playoffs. All of this led to my utter amazement when the all of my teams performed shockingly well this weekend. To wit:
Man here's too hoping I don't here these words for a long, long time. The title is actually referring to this post. I would like to point out that it would have come much sooner except a) I've been busy makin' coin and b) I was under the distinct impression that Tyler was going to write a detailed account of the thanksgivings. Instead, we have only Tyler's funny picture and extremely cryptic message about an ass kicking. Allow me to clarify:
is anyone else disturbed/depressed that nate e is winning our fantasy basketball league, and I am not?
So I was sitting in a gymnasium in south san francisco on friday night doing a little scouting, when my cell phone vibrated as it received a text message.
By the way, as i was typing this post, Duke just ripped the damn heart out of Virgina Tech and stepped on it, put it back, and ripped it out again.
Something I forgot in my update yesterday: