/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Last Day at Work

Friday, December 30, 2005

Last Day at Work

Now the last day at any job always ends with “the awkward goodbye” to various co workers.

The awkward goodbye I am dreading has to do with a co-worker I will simply refer to as “Gary”. Gary and I have worked closely together of the past few months. We have the same job title, we help each other out, we recommend music and movies to each other and we discuss Gray’s Anatomy on Monday mornings over a cup of coffee. We have similar wardrobes, you get the picture. Now, when 5 o clock rolls around, it will be time to say goodbye to Gary for the last time. Now, my quandary presents itself. I am not sure if a “goodbye and goodluck and see you later” with a handshake will suffice, of if we are on “man-hugging” terms. Will he be offended with just a simple handshake? Would that be to casual? Or on the other hand, have I read to much into this relationship, and if I did go in for a quick but firm hug, would it be unexpected and lead to an even more awkward, fumbling moment?

He did bake me "farewell" cookies. They are double-chocolate chip. yes, he bakes. and his "roomate" is a fireman. And he really likes Snacksss.


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