/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: March 2006

Friday, March 31, 2006

Let's Get it Started....

I realized that one of the special things about the Baseball Season is that I get unfailingly excited for it to start regardless of how my team is expected to finish. I mean, in comparison to the Seahawks and Husky Basketball, the Mariners are definately the red headed stepchild. Nonetheless I can't wait to have them finish last place again. Although the odds are good that in six months the M's will encase me in a glass case of emotion, for now, optimism reigns. To the preview!!!!!!

NL West:

1) San Diego Padres: Can you believe that this team has made it to two world series?!? Is there anymore anonymous franchise in pro sports (Discounting the pathetic NHL)? Whatever, at least they have Jake Peavy, aka. the best pitcher in the National League if Roger Clemens Retires. Watch for my boy Mike Cameron making plays and dropping bombs.

2) San Francisco: One of the more underratedly dislikable teams of the decade. Brings in old, washed up geezers (Marquis Grissom, Benito Santiago) who sidle their lockers next to Barry Bonds and miraculously revive their careers, setting career highs in HR's and RBI's. Hmmmmmm. When Old Man Steve Finley drops 35 HR this year, remember you heard it here first. A write up of this team would be remiss without a shout out to Dru's boy and Ben's bro, Matt Cain, who should challenge for rookie of the year this year.

3) L.A. Dodgers: A team in flux after discracefully throwing Paul DePodesta out on his butt after one Division title and one genuine injury-plagued disaster. This year's team promises more of the same. Be dazzled as Nomar limps off the field with a Mia induced groin pull!!! Ohh and ahh as Grady Little changes pitchers twelve times in an inning!!! Giggle with glee at the collective apathy this storied franchise faces as Flavor Of the Week Town, USA, turns its whorish eyes towards the new and shiny Los Angeles Mexican Jumping Beans as they win Ninety Plus a year.

4) Arizona Diamondbacks: Although their record may get a little worse this year they are moving in the right direction. The orginazational depth has been improved by good drafts (Stephen Drew and Justin Upton) and they are the on the verge of overcoming the emotional attachments to the remnants of the '01World Series Winning Team. Expect them to be in contention by '08.

5) Colorado Rockies: The saddest franchise in all of baseball. No team has to overcome more to win games than Colorado and their pitcher eating ballpark. We'll see if Clint Barmes can come back from injury, Todd Helton rebounds from a subpar year, and countdown the starts until Jeff Francis explodes. Other than that, there's not much to see here.

NL Central

1) St. Louis Cardinals: A stern warning to all Midwestern Smalltownites everywhere; enjoy this team. It will be the last good one for a while. You've got the best player in Baseball at first base and the reigning (ahem) NL Cy Young Winner. But you've also got an aging centerfielder, a chronically injured third baseman, and opie the wonder boy at shortstop. The Cards will still win the division but the writing is on the wall. Make this one count boys, the window is closing, and your doom on the horizon, and it smells like beer and sausage.

2) Milwaukee Brewers: A team that finally got its crap together. Loaded with young talent at premium positions and blessed with one of the top five or six starters in the national league the Brewers are a serious team on the rise. Look for them to make a push at the wild card before falling short this year. Look out for the mother fing Prince as Cecil's son is going to win Rookie of the Year.

3) Pittsburgh Pirates: That's right baby. Two young studs in Zach Duke and Oliver Perez and bringing the best player north of the border in Jason Bay (the Larry Walker Memorial), the Pirates are ready to sport a .500 record or so and look to be on the rise as well.

4) Houston Astros: Set for a big let down, especally if Clemens retires. There is no offense on this team and they will have to be carried by their pitching. If Oswalt or Pettite suffer an injury, Houston fans are gonna start counting down to Reggie Bush Day.

5) Chicago Cubs: Are they perennialy underachievers or did they just overachieve in 2003? Will Prior and Wood ever be in the rotation at the same time at any point this year? Who's gonna close? No matter what happens, enjoy Derek Lee, the best non Pujols player in the NL.

6) Cincinnati Reds:Ugh. Junior's waning years deserve better. There isn't a single pitcher on this team that doesn't suck royal ass. For a fun wager with a friend, will the Yankees Offense score more runs than the Reds pitching staff allows? Loser has to shave Adam Dunn's back.

NL East

1) Atlanta Braves: The last time the Braves failed to win this division, I was ten years old, Dr. Dre was underground and Dru and Nate just finished their Freshman year at Biola. Although I don't really understand how this team is going to win the division, I've felt that way the last five years. Whatever, they're awesome.

2) NY Mets: Got in a pissing contest with the Blue Jays over who could spend the most money in the offseason. Absolutely loaded on the offensive side with Beltran, Delgado, Floyd and Wright. By the way, David Wright is absolutely stupid. He made one of the greatest catches I've ever seen last year at Safeco. If Jeter had made that catch, the entire city of New York would still be collectively orgasming.

3) Philladelphia Phillies: They have two years to do something before Pat Gillick leaves their farm system more bare than the chicks at the Pelican (Right G?). Ryan Howard is swinger of a mighty stick but their really isn't anything going on here on the pitching side of things to make me think they'll finish much better than .500. ETA for Rollins streak to end: Game 4.

4) Washington Nationals: Looking forward to seeing Ryan Zimmerman play. Supposedly this guy is the greatest defensive third baseman to come along since Brooks Robinson. There is absolutely no other reason to care about this team besides seeing if Livan Hernandez can pitch at 3 bills and to see who Jose Guillen pisses off first.

5) Florida Marlins: The slimiest ownership in the league and one of the worst fan bases. The fact that they have two world series championships in thirteen years of excistence is one of the cruelet tricks that fate could play on the league. They have predictably sold off mos of their expensive players again and are sitting something like the 29th highest payroll in the league. I hate them.

AL East:

1) Boston Red Sox: Tough call between them and NY but I trust in Theo Epstien and they had one hell of an off season. With the additions of player like Coco Crisp and Josh Beckett they are setting themselves up for some stability with Big Papi and Manny locked in for awhile. Their starting pitching is shaky, especially if Curt Schilling can't come back but since when do the Yanks have quality starting pitching. Plus I hate the Yankees. Duh.

2) NY Yankees: Their offense gets a lot of pub but with the exception of Sheffield and A-Rod you can make an argument that every other starter is either overrated or due for a downturn offensively. Posada is older and more turtle like than ever, Giambi has been wildly inconsistent, Jeter is always overrated in every way, Damon is old and on the downturn, and Matsui gets mad props for his RBI's. Of course I would drive in 65 runs a year if there were runner on second and third every time I came to bat. Pitching wise, other than Riviera every spot is a question mark. They very well may score 1000 runs and win the World Series but I could just as easily see them finishing third and missing the playoffs. You should pray to God it's the latter.

3) Toronto Blue Jays: Why is it you hear so often about the competitive disadvantage that so many teams in baseball are in but then a "small market" team like Toronto rises from nowhere and splurges and new shiny toys to the tune of 100 million bucks? If Burnett is healthy he gives them a good second tier starter behind Roy Halladay, an absolute stud and probably the best starter in the AL right now. Offensively, look for my boy Vernon Wells. They may have a shot at sneaking into the wild card, but if they don't they can't blame the gigantic payrolls of New York and Boston anymore. It just so happens that those teams not only spend their money in loads, but they spend it wisely.

4) Tampa Bay Devil Rays: I might be tempted to pick these guys in second if they were in the AL Central, they have a ton of young talent in Rocco Baldelli, Jorge Cantu, B.J Upton, Carl Crawford and Scott Kazmir. They all pale in comparison to Delmon Young though. If this kid gets 400 ab's this year he WILL win AL Rookie of the Year. They're on the right track with Joe Madden, who was the Parliment behind Mike Scoiscia's puppet Japanese Emporor the last couple of years in Anaheim and a new owner who isn't the biggest jerk owner in America.

5) Baltimore Orioles: Of all the team's that suck right now this one makes me the happiest. They completely bastardized themselves last year by signing Palmero and trading for Sammy Sosa and then had to watch as it completely blew up in their faces. Now Miguel Tejada wants out because they aren't good. Hey jackass!! Stay in Oakland!!!!

AL Central

1) Cleveland Indians: If I'm being objective and discount my love for the M's than this is my favorite franchise of the past fifteen years. Built a power in the nineties with almost completely homegrown talent in Lofton, Thome, Ramirez, Albert Belle. Recognized when that window was closing and didn't cripple themselves by resigning them to massive contracts when they became free agents, traded players when they were at their highest trade value, suffered threw a couple down years and now have another great team on their hands consisting almost entirely of products fo the farm system. Players like Johnny Estrada, Victor Martinez, Travis Hafner, C.C. Sabathia, Cliff Lee, Grady Sizemore and others make this team a threat to dominate the division for years to come. Be glad you squeeked it out last year White Sox, your time is past.

2) Chicago White Sox: A Successful title defense depends on the ability of Jose Contrares ot continue what he did last year and for Jon Garland not to regress to the mean. They are going to be a good team again, but the career years turned in by practically the entire pitching staff is going to be tough to repeat. Offensively the "loss" of Carl Everett is probably the best thing that could have happened to them. Thome will be good but not great. Scott Podsednick is wildly overrated, but that's a subject for a different time.

3) Minnisota Twins: Why do I love all these scrappy midwest teams so much? They're in a tough division but if Joe Mauer and Justin Morneau bust out like they can they will have an outstanding pitching staff with Santana, Radke and a young left-hander named Fransisco Liriano, who has been called Santana, part deaux. A playoff contender if the pieces fall in place, but they need the offense to produce.

4) Detriot Tigers: Another classic example of a team that isn't so much financially at a disadvantage as it is incredibly stupid with its money. Imagine all the talent that a smart and shrewd GM can buy with $100 Million in contracts. Instead the Tigers bought two over the hill injury risks in Magglio Ordonez and Troy Percival. Thanks to those two decisions they should be sufficently irrelavent for the rest of the decade. Well done.

5) Kansas City Royals: With the uprising of the downtrodden in the NL Central no other division has a pair of punching bags like Kansas City and Detroit. The Royals are appearing the be more and more a hopeless case. They have a great location in a great sports town (that's for you Elbrecht), but incompetent ownership and the inability to keep what little talent they produce (Carlos Beltran and Johnny Damon) is castrating. With the sudden loss of Zack Grienke, their best pitcher, they should able to challenge the '03 Tigers and '60 Mets for the worst record ever.

AL West

1) Oakland Athletics: If the AL West was the movie A Knight's Tale than the A's would be plucky Heath Ledger following his feet and "changing the stars" as they slay the aristocratict and arrogant Mariners year after damn year. Billy Beane would even fit as the sharp witted and honey tounged Goeffrey Chaucer and Bobby Kielty could be the funny looking red head. Eric Chavez could be the modestly attractive chick blacksmith. God I hate this team and I hate that I root for the bad guy.

2) Los Angeles Buena Park "909" Anaheim OC Angels: Even with all of the historical atrocities of the NY Yankees the Angels are hot on their heels as the most genuinely dislikable team in the game. The combination of Disney feel good, name changing, incredibly innane fan base and moronic orginizational beliefs like Garrett Anderson is still good and Darin Erstad is useful at first base are almost as frustrating as the fact that they have arguably the best and easily the most entertaining player in baseball in Vlad the Impaler and that they have one of the most loaded farm systems in baseball. The only thing that will keep them out of the playoff chase is if Bartolo Colon pulls the fat in one of his chins.

3) Texas Rangers: Had a great offseason and seem to be finally abe to put the God awefulness of the Arod induced crapulence behind them. Quality additions like Brad Wilkerson round out an already studly offense which means that it will all ride on a brand new starting five. A quality team in the deepest division in baseball.

4) Seattle Mariners: No team outside of the Yankees an Red Sox has more to work with when it comes to resources than the Seattle Mariners. They are one of the most profitable teams in baseball year after year due to their Stadium, rabid fan base and isolated location app. 700 miles from the nearest competition. So why have they sucked ass the last two years? Orginizational failiure at every level. Player evaluation, ability to keep a stable full of pitching prospects healthy, holding onto sentimental favorites like Bret Boone and Dan Wilson past their prime, and an inability or unwillingness to make the key acquision leave this team further from the World Series than it has been in 13 years. Fortunately, hope is on the horizon. His name is Felix Hernandez. If he gets enough innings he'll be in the top three starters in the AL this year. By the way, he's 19!!!!!!!!!! A group of promising young players like Yunieksy Betancourt, Jose Lopez and Jeremy Reed coupled with prime players Richie Sexson, Adrian Beltre and Ichiro! mean that this team has finally gotten over its emotional attachment to the famous '95 team and is headed in the right direction. Unfortunately, the hill is steep and long.

AL MVP: Alex Rodriguez

AL Cy Young: Roy Halladay

AL Rookie of the Year: Delmon Young

AL Wild Card: Chicago White Sox

NL MVP: Albert Pujols

NL Cy Young: Jake Peavy

NL Rookie of the Year: Prince Fielder

NL Wild Card: NY Mets

ALCS: Oakland Vs. Ceveland

NLCS: Atlanta Vs. St. Louis

World Series: Oakland Vs. St. Louis

Winner: Oakland A's


So i got to be honest... this has crossed my mind.

I've fallen in love with Katheryn Williams

Yes the irony has not been lost on me. I have been listening to her last concert she recorded. I think I've been through it 6 times now. Click on this link to stream the whole concert. If you don't want to listen to the whole Katheryn Williams concert then load it then scroll forward to the 1:09:45 mark and listen to her encore of Hallelujah....WOW!

Have a good friday.

(Did i already post this?)

if not... happy friday.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Two Things

First I had a dream that I was smoking pot with Shaq while sitting in a sweat lodge. Probably the most bizarre dream I have ever had.

Second, while checking out the hot new band Prymary Colorz I had a hearty chuckle when I realized that there are 125 used CD's available with the starting price at $0.01. Why only one cent you ask. Well because that is the lowest possible price they can set it at and still advertise to anyone around the world that they want to rid themselves of this music.

p.s. Snoop Dogg (aka Drew Martin's look-a-like) made the front page of the WSJ for the second time that I know of. Let's all wish Snoop good luck on his new hot dog line "Snoop Doggs" seeing as how Vegas isn't all that inviting of his musical act.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Let's switch cameras

I really feel the need to share this...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Worst. Movie. Ever.

No Garrett... this is not the low budget adult film you rented a few years ago... however, this very likely could be the worst movie ever made. Samuel L... what happened?

I give you... Snakes on a Plane.

A Weekend in Arkansas

I decided to kick off the 2006 camping season with a trip to Sam's Throne by Mt. Judea Arkansas. After getting hasseled by the Flippin Police I finally made it.

Sam's Throne is a butte surrounded by a horseshoe bluff. Its a mecca for rock climbers in Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri. Just 20 miles west of here one of the hardest bouldering problems ever was completed by Chris Sharma.

We decided to go hiking to King River Falls and The Glory Hole (Garrett wait to insert your joke).

Kings River Falls is a nice little sandstone shelf on the upper part of Kings River.

What's a visit to the natural state if you don't get a good self portrait? Jared you wondered if I've ballooned since Biola. Well why don't you tell me.

We hiked down to the Glory Hole (Garrett insert your joke here) which is a hole carved into a sandstone overhang. I am petitioning Arkansas to rename it God's Shitter. So far I haven't heard back from the governor.

Back at camp we roasted dinner over the fire and washed it down with Leinenkugels Honey Weiss. I was still recovering from Friday night's wheat beer tour which left me struggling early Saturday morning.

Just some words of wisdom to leave you with, if God can build the Flippin Church of God on love what can he do in your own heart. Share that at the next singspiration.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

oh my...

brackets be damned... who wasnt rooting for George Mason????

Friday, March 24, 2006

It rolls on....and on....and on....

I was going to write an angry, piss and vinager post here about how Washington got screwed and completel outplayed, outcoached and outclassed the most talented team in the country. But I honestly can't do it. I don't have anything left. It was the Super Bowl Part Deux. 45-23 free throw disparity, Technical on Roy for playing D, and a conspicuous non-call on goal tending in OT. I am so proud of this team and I will miss watching Roy play for the Purple and Gold. He's probably my favorite college basketball player of all time. I loved this team they deserved better. The East Coast Bias lives. I'm out.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Uh-oh....He's Back!!!

Gentlemen, as of today, I no longer have anything to look forward to in the NCAA Tourney. Duke, you can Red my Dick, Gonzaga I don't give A Dam about Morrison, and well, we all know that if you re-arrange the letters of the name Hassan Ouda Adams you can make both the names of Saddam and Osama. Well, maybe I made his middle name up. But, the point remains, I no longer care about the Tourney, unless Washington can pull a quick one and win it all. Then, I'll kneel on my two feet and give Bishop...um...a hi-five! So, given that today marked death to college basketball for me, I was ecstatic to turn on the tele, Espn News of course, and find that our long lost prodigal basketball Sun has made somewhat of a return. Yes, tonight was Amare Stoudemire's first game of the season. Now, in case your memory is poor, I think we all made our beds at the beginning of the season. And I distinctly remember being mocked for whom I choose to sleep with. "The Suns are finished." "There is no way they will make the playoffs without Stoudemire, Richardson, and Johnson" "Blah blah blah." To catch us up, the Phoenix Suns are actually on pace to win the same number of games as last year, and they have done it without their leading scorer, rebounder, and blocker, Stoudemire. Tonight, against the stern warnings by several top analysts that it was too early, Amare made his return, and he did it in style. Stoudemire's line looked a little something like this:


19:21 7-14 0-0 6-7 5 4 9 0 1 0 0 2 20

The thing I would like to point out is that he played only 19 minutes and somehow managed to score 20 pts, with 9 rebounds. Doubters, haters, be gone. Amare is back!

The Bell Tolls For Thee....

Before tip off I just wanted to offer my condolences to all of in your brackets this year. It was a good effort by all. Cody even surprised us by channeling the spirit of Mike and Mike in the Morning into a Bradleyesque Cinderella Run through the first two rounds. Tonight, however, seperates the men from the boys, the penis from the vagina, and the worthwile from the irrelavent. After Duke loses to LSU and Gonzaga beats UCLA all of your brackets will be officially screwed. I, however, will make like Modest Mouse and Float On peacefully and serenely, my final four intact. In fact, the only way my bracket gets screwed up is if Washington upsets UCONN tomorrow. Either way, I'll be gloating about winning the bracket contest or cutting down the nets with B-Roy, Bobby J, Apple Turnover and the gang. So thanks for playing, and you stay classy other participants (aka, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th place).

Get ready to see this face....

And this face....


Nate E is now apparently anti-donald miller books.

All i know is i was reading Through Painted Deserts and within the first couple of chapters there were references to rock climbing, philosophy, kayaking, oklahoma, traveling, and ending relationships with girls because it was interfering with traveling.

No, I cant think of a single person on this blog that this book might appeal to.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

love and peace, or else

“we are the cry of the exodus.
there is no home for us here.
we are a nomadic tribe of psalters,
walking in the footsteps of ancients past
to the far corners of the present,
united as one voice against the
oppression within and without.
one more echo in the eternal song of our
First Love, our Hope, our Pillar of Fire.”

So my latest experience with the hippie counter culture happened last night. I got an email from my friend about this group, The Psalters, and he was like bro, you have GOT to check this out. So I peeped around and discovered that in two days they were going to be doing a show in my very own San Francisco, in my old stomping grounds up in Haight-Ashbury. (for those of you reading from the Midwest, a simple Google image search can attest to the fact that Haight Street in San Fran makes Downtown Berkeley look like Pleasantville. Or Pleasanton. Or East Danville for that matter (West SIDE till I die, baby!). anyways, I am getting carried away. Back to the Psalters.

So I make my way down Haight looking for the Red Victorian hostel/inn (“A Center for Conversations about Peace and Love”) and on the way I am offered drugs no less then 16 times. With the smell of urine and marijuana in full competition for the most pungent odor, I am pretty sure Garrett wouldn’t walk down this street without a surgical mask and rubber gloves.

I found the venue, and ducked inside a dimly lit little dive off the main street, and the smells of urine and weed were immediately replaced with the much nicer aroma of incense and body odor.

I had a seat on a cushion and waited, a bit unsure of what to expect. My friend described the act as Appalachian Folk, with heavy African beats from about 12 different percussion instruments, and middle eastern Bedouin/jewish wailing for the vocals. How could I not know what to expect?

The Psalters bill themselves as “modern day psalm writers and hymn writers. They have traveled through Darfur, Baghdad, and other war torn areas and just marched through them, writing prayers to God, which in turn, became lyrics to some of their songs.

For a visual, imagine 14 nate elbrechts up on the stage, but elbrecht in full unshaven, unshorn glory, after not showering for 4 weeks in Africa type glory. With bigger, more hassidic beards. And more tats and piercings. And face paint. Now 10 of those 14 only play some kind of percussion instrument. And the rest alternate between banjo, accordion, guitar, keyboard and harmonica.

I don’t quite know how to sum up what I experienced. It completely rocked me. The beats just moved me, their lyrics crying out to God to bring about peace and mercy moved me. I felt like David felt, dancing wildly and nakedly before the Lord.

Bishop, if you don’t catch these guys when they hit the WA, I am going to come up there and kick your ass, and then leave without hanging out.

Coach Knight

so my new addiction--- Knight School on ESPN... where Bobby Knight is choosing a walk-on from the Texas Tech student body.

so of course I went searching for it on the internets. the results were not quite what i expected.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Revolution or Terrorism...Is there a line?

Okay, so this is partially just an excuse to put a picture of Natalie Portman on the blog, who has been wowing audiences since Beautiful Girls. But, seriously, what did you guys think about V for Vendetta? Bishop and I talked about this yesterday, and we both agreed that this is potentailly a pretty dangerous film. I think the question is good, "when is revolution necessary and appropriate?" However, the Revolution in this film does seem borderline terrorist, and do we really want to make a loving hero out of the character V? I mean, this film produced thousands of disciples, who were, in turn, willing to blow up more buildings and kill more people all in the name of revolution? I'm not quite certain about the legitimacy of this. Don't get me wrong, I thought the movie was rather entertaining, visually stunning, and a pretty intriguing story line. But, this politically saturated movie gives the wrong answer to a very interesting question. Everyone should see this movie, but make sure you think when you go see it.


I watched Elizabethtown this last weekend and I would have to agree with Mr. Cranky who said "Anticipating the end of 'Elizabethtown' is like waiting for an old car to die. You hope it stops running, but somehow it starts again and again and you drive, lamenting the fact you just can't get rid of the piece of junk."

Two things:
#1 As much as a Kirsten Dunst fan as I am she should be slapped repeatedly in this film. She should be slapped because no one is as inane and perky as she was, and those who are should, well, be slapped.

#2 Any movie with a tap dancing eulogy should instantly be considered bottom of the barrel. I would rate all the extras' responses to the funeral ceremony somewhere close to Jaws 4.

Unfortunately this movie was not about Elizabethtown Tennessee. Having been picked up by the cops on suspicion of my nefarious dealings in that town I would have sat on the edge of my seat for hours. Something to take your mind off that pain.

Monday, March 20, 2006

NO.. It Wasn't!

I havent posted a bitter post in a while but this kind of got to me last night.
A girl from the Tennesee basketball team "dunked" twice in the game last night. I heard the people on sportscenter talking about it so I decided to take a look, because normally when I hear them talking about women's basketball I give myself a barbwire enema, because that is more exciting.
I heard them talking about these awesome dunks that took place in the Women's NCAA tourny, so I turn around and take a look, I see the replay... I am sorry, but no, that was not a dunk.. nor that one! Honestly, this is a joke. sure, it is cool a 6-9 chick can come close to grabbing the rim, but come on, those are not dunks, let alone, exciting ones!
If those are dunks, then I was dunking in eighth grade.
and then.. the lady broadcast had the balls (she probably does) to say that the dunk is becoming a huge thing in women's basketball. This is ridiculous!
first off, women are not athletes! a "women athlete" is an oxymoron. sure there are athletic women, but there are no female athletes. the only reason there are women's sports is because of title IX, which is bull crap anyway.
second off, if you ever saw a 6-9 dude dunk like that, you would say, "hey man, I bet that would have been awesome if you werent attached to that wheelchair!"

That is all!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

the madness

Sometimes loving Cal so much can be hard on the heart. Sometimes it makes me cry. And when I say sometimes I usually mean 5-6 times a year, every year, for the past 25 years.

But Leon Powe is a damn funny man:

From the SF Chron:

'Yet Powe feels the pull of the NBA. He subscribes to the NBA TV package and he watches tons of games, studies them.

"I try to learn new moves," Powe said Thursday. "I watch Elton Brand a lot, and Ben Wallace. I think I'm like Ben Wallace, (but) with offense. When I'm watching and he gets the ball on offense, I turn the channel, flip to the Clippers (and Brand). Don't write that, I don't want Ben Wallace to get mad."

Friday, March 17, 2006


i am pretty sure that THIS is the bracket we should really be focused on...

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Tourney


Just for fun, let's do the NCAA Tournament Pick'em on Yahoo. Just click on this link:


Sign up to join a group:

ID: 82999
Password: fing

Then, make your picks and lets go. Picks have to be made by Wednesday night or Thursday morning, I think. Hope to see you there, especially you Dru. Go Arizona!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

World Baseball Classic

ummm if we are playing fantasy baseball again this year (and i dont blame anyone at all if they decide to take a year off after i won by about 42 points last year) someone better get that crap organized.

lets go people, move.

oh and PS- did anyone see the starting line up for the Dominican Republic? Was it just me, or is that my exact same lineup from last year? So many good memories... ya know?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
- Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975)

Monday, March 06, 2006

I was thinking about it and just realized that I have visited 22 countries (9% of the worlds countries, whatever that means)

I think it is high time I set out for the grey areas and turn them republican too.

Friday, March 03, 2006

It finally happened...

Eagles Dolphin Kick Their Way to Nationals

Congrats Garrett, I know this is the culmination of a life long dream for you and I just wanted to be the first to say way to go!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Apologies across the board

Well in the spirit of Ash Thursday i have decided its time to right my many wrongs:

Paul- i love you. all the nastyness from the comments below... that wasnt me. someone snuck onto my account and did that. i burn for you.

Bishop- i am sorry my bears let you down. and sorry elbrecht and i got a little tipsy and sent you mean text messages from the NYC. (ok, not as sorry about that last one).

George W- i am sorry i called you a deusche bag. usually i follow a pretty strict rule for not picking on the mentally disabled.

Garrett- i am sorry i can no longer be in your wedding. Central Valley summers just arent my thing. plus i think jill (Babe!) and i should take a little time to get to know each other better... before she goes and makes any rash (no pun intended, G) decisions.

Everyone who has ever played against me in a Fantasy League- sorry for the domination. no really... my bad.

Brady- i am sorry for telling everyone at biola that you are ranked 6th in the world for jujitsu. i now understand it is more like "...in the top 25".

Joe Ayoob- sorry. for everything.

Tyler- I am sorry for watching Charles in Charge on TVLand, pretending Scott Baio is you, and fantasysing about having "Charles in charge of my days and my lives".

Cody- i am sorry for tickling you and making you scream like a girl.

Jared- i am sorry i dont know know about the magical legend of zelda that you keep dreaming of.

Elbrecht- hmmm. not sorry about a whole lot, after your numerous money stunts this weekend. ass.

Big Bird- sorry you have to be trapped in the midwest. hang in there, kiddo.

..and I feel so... clean.