/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Apologies across the board

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Apologies across the board

Well in the spirit of Ash Thursday i have decided its time to right my many wrongs:

Paul- i love you. all the nastyness from the comments below... that wasnt me. someone snuck onto my account and did that. i burn for you.

Bishop- i am sorry my bears let you down. and sorry elbrecht and i got a little tipsy and sent you mean text messages from the NYC. (ok, not as sorry about that last one).

George W- i am sorry i called you a deusche bag. usually i follow a pretty strict rule for not picking on the mentally disabled.

Garrett- i am sorry i can no longer be in your wedding. Central Valley summers just arent my thing. plus i think jill (Babe!) and i should take a little time to get to know each other better... before she goes and makes any rash (no pun intended, G) decisions.

Everyone who has ever played against me in a Fantasy League- sorry for the domination. no really... my bad.

Brady- i am sorry for telling everyone at biola that you are ranked 6th in the world for jujitsu. i now understand it is more like "...in the top 25".

Joe Ayoob- sorry. for everything.

Tyler- I am sorry for watching Charles in Charge on TVLand, pretending Scott Baio is you, and fantasysing about having "Charles in charge of my days and my lives".

Cody- i am sorry for tickling you and making you scream like a girl.

Jared- i am sorry i dont know know about the magical legend of zelda that you keep dreaming of.

Elbrecht- hmmm. not sorry about a whole lot, after your numerous money stunts this weekend. ass.

Big Bird- sorry you have to be trapped in the midwest. hang in there, kiddo.

..and I feel so... clean.


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Nate said...

drew i remember you walking over to the table saying "guess i dont need my key." oh i remember that and when i found those bills i cussed and threw things.

i voe to never let it happen again. NEVER!


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