/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: February 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

how about this for some family love

In a story about Roger Clemens and his sone Koby at spring training....

...What is working is his repertoire of pitches, which he used during a three-inning simulated session on the backfields of the Osceola County Stadium complex. Clemens pitched to his son, Koby, and nine prospects who are currently participating in a pre-Spring Training minicamp.

Clemens threw 84 pitches, and another 28 during a quick session of batting practice. Koby Clemens connected for a home run in the second round, and the crowd -- including a dozen or so cameras and about 100 fans -- laughed when the elder Clemens responded with one high and tight the next time his son stepped into the cage.

"I said, 'I hit the ball good, hit it out of the ballpark, and the next pitch is up and in, what's the deal?'" Koby laughed. "We were joking with it. We just jab at each other once in a while."

"That was probably one of the harder fastballs I cut loose," Clemens said. "He got my attention. I wish he was around for Round 3 when I was really hot, but for some reason he didn't come back."...

I swear if my dad threw in the mid 90's and then tried to brush me off the plate...Where is Child protection services in all of this?

Monday, February 27, 2006


i had dinner tonight with jared and deb in oakland, on jared's companys tab.

it was the best meal i have ever had. ever.

viva la oakland.


how come our blog doesnt rock as hard as this one?

also, for those of you who were wondering... why is president bush so awesome?

Speaking of...

...backwards backwards people, look at this sickness.

You can find their love story at www.marryyourpet.com !!! Unbelievable.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Take that all you backward Californians

Gross. I'm disgusted by your hick state

You backwards backwards people

Friday, February 24, 2006

have a good weekend

my birthday present...

you guys want to know what to get me this year?

Look no further.

You can get me a baseball one for last year (Holla!) and in a couple months you can pick me up a basketball one.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Where have you gone, Dominique Wilkins...

...A Basketball Nation turns its lonely eyes to you!

Do you remember the time when the dunk contest had integrity? When a player couldn't miss a dunk 12 times, and still win it all? Oh yes, that's when people still watched the dunk contest. The days before Tivo, when the likes of Julius Erving, Michael Jordan, and 'Nique competed in a world that everyone wanted to watch. These days, dunkers are so bad, that the NBA has even lifted any punishment for missing dunks. In this day and age a player can take as long as he wants, and as many dunk attempts before finally bringing one home. Well, this basketball fan says, "Horseshit!" And this man got robbed:


The rumors are completely untrue! I am alive and well. Just because I have posted a total of 3 times, does not mean that I am uninvolved with the F'ing Unknown. At any rate, here is my update. I have been as busy as my balls. I've been working 30 hours a week, going to school 3 nights a week, and umpiring on free nights and weekends. I still love being married after 6 months. I am living better than ever now that I have a beautiful wife: I eat good meals, I get enough sleep, and I get plenty of "exercise."
Speaking of exercise, we are actually going to start training for a 10K on Monday. The 10K is in April. I am actually really looking forward to the training and the race because I am up to 200lbs. That's right, I'm still 5'8" but now I'm a little thicker. I need to get to my playing weight of 185 for the season. What season? THE FANTASY BASEBALL SEASON, BITCHES! Is anyone else a bit bored with the professional sports arena right now? Since football ended so piss-poorly, I haven't been into watching anything. I just can't get excited about college basketball or NBA basketball....sorry guys, I know that most of you are. The dunk contest was impressive though.
I can't even get excited about the upcoming baseball season (aside from the knowledge that I am going to kick ass in fantasy baseball). I am enjoying the Bob Costas book, Fair Ball, though. It's a piece of work. I have also recently read the first three books of the Chronicles of Narnia. That reminds me...when we saw the movie, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Tara summed up our spiritual lives pretty well when she said, "That moved me more than any church service has in a long time." So, spiritually, I'm still pretty confused and frustrated about my lack of connection, but I deal with it.
Overall, despite the busy schedule, the stress, the love handles, and the spiritual loss, I am doing very well. That sounded bad didn't it? I really meant it though. I love my job, my classes, my apartment, my routine, and most of all my wife. I am as happy as I've ever been and at the risk of sounding cheesey, it has a lot to do with loving my wife and feeling at home with her.
The good things are great and I am hopeful about negative things.

February 22nd, 2006

There was no candle light vigil on the day of February 22nd, 2006. No group marching in support of Nate staving off the cold and placating their boredom with a few Bob Dylan records.

There was no fanfare on that cold Wednesday while he worked in an office in a remote area near West Plains, Missouri. Little did He know there was person sitting behind a desk in Washington plotting on how to take one of the worst days possible and turn it up a notch.

Those who saw the argument unfold on the blog yesterday may have missed one important factor, Nate Bishop’s undying anger towards his yearly April fools prank.

Yesterday Drew posted that he had attended the candlelight vigil in opposition to the death penalty, which he greatly appreciated. Of course having a rough morning the words “We won” set his mind reeling. He therefore posted a summary of the initial crime as released by the Attorney General of California in order to make a point that regardless of the fate of Morales there would be no winners.

From what he can tell is that exactly 7 seconds after posting this a red light went on in Satan’s war room. Satan in turn called Nate Bishop and reminded him of how foolish he felt last April 1st after he made a ninny of him. Bishop in turn called Martin with one simple instruction, “Whip him into a frenzy.”

Martin then posted his comment to respond to Bishop and added an aside that made the hair on his neck stand up. For a full 8 hours yesterday he stewed and stewed. For 8 hours he formulated and reformulated a response. Throughout the day he analyzed Martin’s comments by highlighting logic, rhetoric and ad homonym attacks in different colors.

Just before he sat down to type the mother of all posts he called Martin. The ruse was subsequently uncovered a hearty laugh was shared by all (except big bird who is still making plans at his militia headquarters in a shed behind his house).

Thank you Marin for your views and your keeping a flawed system in check. Thank you Bishop for making a bad day worse, much worse, then better. Thank you big bird for taking a serious subject and uniting the world against your position.

36 days…

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Proclamation, par deux

i love this man

Let it be known...

I did some consulting work for elbrecht's company and he now owes me 6 beers.

see ya 'round the old water cooler....

by the way

and while we are on the subject of Finland, here is a strange few minutes of conan on a finnish talk show, to promote his meeting with Finland's new president, who conan has repeatedly joked about bearing a resemblance to.

oh, and just in case you missed it...

I am pretty sure I speak for all of us...

but let me just be the first to say PRAISE THE LORD the senseless cycle of taking lives has been broken, at least for now. I pray that Morales would spend the rest of his life in jail, where he might some day have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ as his Savior. May God have mercy on all of us.

January 8th 1981

There was no candle light vigil on the night of January 8th 1981. No group marching in support of life staving off the cold and placating their boredom with a few Bob Dylan records.

There was no fanfare on that cold Thursday night while seventeen year old Terri Lynn Winchell rode in a car to a remote area near Lodi, California. Little did Terri know the person sitting behind her had, sevreal days earlier, already decided to take Terri's life.

"Morales “practiced” how he was going to strangle Terri, and told his girlfriend on the day of the murder how he was going to strangle and “hurt” someone.

The day of the murder, Ortega tricked Terri into accompanying him and Morales in Ortega’s car to a remote area near Lodi, California. There, Morales attacked Terri from behind and attempted to strangle her with his belt. Terri struggled and the belt broke in two. Morales then took out a hammer and began hitting Terri in the head with it. She screamed for Ortega to help and attempted to fight off the attack, ripping her own hair out of her scalp in the struggle. Morales beat Terri into unconsciousness, crushing her skull and leaving 23 identifiable wounds in her skull.

Morales took Terri from the car and instructed Ortega to leave and come back later. Ortega left and Morales then dragged Terri face-down across the road and into a vineyard. Morales then raped her while she lay unconscious. Morales then started to leave, but went back and stabbed Terri four times in the chest to make sure she died. Morales then left Terri, calling her “a fucking bitch,” as he walked away. Terri died from both the head and chest wounds. Her body was left in the vineyard naked from the waist down, with her sweater and bra pulled up over her breasts.

Morales confessed to killing Terri to jailhouse informant Bruce Samuelson, as well as his girlfriend Raquel Cardenas and his housemate Patricia Flores. Morales threatened both Cardenas and Flores prior to his trial so they would not testify about what he told them."

Morales is now sitting in a cell saved from a legal system that had sentenced him to death yet decided that the possibility of any pain in his execution would be cruel and unusual.

Have we won?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A damn cold night.

I went to my first capital punishment protest at San Quentin Prison last night, and spent the night holding candles and listening to a lot of Bob Dylan.

We won.

For now.


now, I dont know if you remember him.. you know that guy who was really creepy who would always try to get with ali ********* ... or that guy who would kinda hang around mole after he lived there.. or the guy who got all of his stuff moved out of his room, just because people didnt like him... or that guy who bought a parking pass and a trailer and lived on campus for a week in it before being asked to leave by campus safety.. ok well I saw him today and I saw him last week. For some odd reason he is still wandering around campus.. I saw him with his i-pod walk/strut up to the flour fountain of faith area and just look around to see whos watching him and just stop there and wait for something.. It was awesome, I just wish you guys could have been there to witness it with me. anyway, I thought I should give you guys an update on your pal

Things I've learned

First off, thank you Jared for such a good background idea. I am sure Drew will fully appreciate it.

Secondly when did nipple tassels become acceptable in high society? I was watching the Olympic ice dancing last night and the Ukrainian team comes out and oh hey would you believe that nipple tassels. I though those were only acceptable on a one Cody Hircock.

If you don’t believe me go here to see proof.

Just thoughts on the passing scene

Friday, February 17, 2006

Go here

Go to this myspace site and stream the two songs on it (no this is not druzaplaya's myspace account).

Do it now bitches


This is why i left corporate america... i spent my afternoon today at acalanes high school, bringing Costco pizzas to the acalanes high school dodgeball club, after which i hit the court and got to heave dodgeballs at kids for 50 minutes.

Oh and PS- i will be gone all weekend at yet another camp, so bishop, we probably wont be watching college hoops this weekend and analyzing it over the phone.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ever wondered...

Ever wondered what Chuck Norris would look like if he were born Stan Dennison Norris?

Chuck Norris

Stan Dennison Norris

Posted Review of Africa 2006

I have posted a further review of my trip to South Africa. This is a non Fing Unknown version of the trip. I have planned a further post on our wine tour with Bruno the old Italian man hitting on every girl on the trip while his embarassed lesbian daughter looked on.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

For All Those Who Worship Fall Out Boy

Especially for you Drew

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I was thinking today, and I wondered...did you ever find this girl in the corner online like you said you were going to? Was it really her who gave you that...um, you know...gift?

Top 5 Valentines Day Songs for 2006

This being Valentines day I have decided it is up to me to give you your top 5 Valentines Day songs for 2006. Jared I have purposefully left out Barry Manilow because who can compete with that crooner.

1. Coldplay - Swallowed in the Sea
2. David Gray - The One I Love
3. Ben Lee - Catch My Disease
4. Hem - The Beautiful Sea
5. James Blunt - You're Beautiful

Now if you need these songs in which to woo your wife, fiance or future fiance (are you dropping the ring tonight drew?) let me know before 2pm pst and I will give you the appropriate links for downloading them.

Song I will be listening to:
Sister Hazel - Best I'll Ever Be

Monday, February 13, 2006


Well i didnt weigh in on the U2 discussion below, so let me just begin by saying that if you dont think the album Pop is amazing, you need to have your head examined and your musical opinion will from this point on be disregarded.

Next: My friend brandon and I frequently monitor the worst song lyrics of all time, and today's "popular" musicians never let us down.

Well, the worst song lyric for a long time was Ruben Studdard's "I'm sorry for... 2004" which narrowly edged out Clay Aikens "If I was invisible, then I could just watch you in your room". Well... obviously the new Fall Out Boy sucks an enormous amount of anus "Sugar we're going down swinging" but in regards for current suckyness, it looked like it was going to no contest when the new Nelly came out, an ode to diamond teeth, or "grills" ("Rob the jewelry store, tell em make me a grill... let me see your grill... got a bill in my mouth like i'm hilary rodham" etc).

However, the bar was raised to a nearly unattainable level, when my boy K-Fed, Kevin Federline, dropped his hot new rhyme, featuring the lyric: "I wanna see your kitty... and a little bit of titty."

Game Over.

oh and PS- what happens when bishop's favorite band meets Enya?

what the hell.

throwing tyler a bone.

I know it is over a week old

But I am still not over it and I probably wont ever be.. so read this...courtesy of the phat phree

Let me start off by saying that I bet on Seattle. I mean, I bet a lot on Seattle. I bet them to cover. Bet them to win. Bet them to win by more than four. Bet them to win by more than ten. So, I’m probably not 100% objective. Why did I bet against the magic Steelers, who had come so far and overcome so much? Because I thought that Big Ben wouldn’t show up. Figured that Bettis would be just so-so. Thought Hasselbeck would have a great game. Well, Roethlisberger was far more atrocious than I ever could have imagined and Matt exceeded even my lofty expectations. So why am I not cashing all those tickets? Yes, that’s right. The refs. Not since Leslie Nielson as Lieutenant Frank Drebin interfered with a rundown between first and second base in a World Series game have I seen such atrociously one-sided officiating in a professional championship contest. Here are just a few glaring examples.

1.) Ben did not get in. He clearly did not get in. He admitted to not getting in. In fact, if you watch the replay, here is what you see. Ben is stopped. The line judge comes in from the sidelines, signaling the spot and a fourth down (closed fist). As he is running to make the spot, a full two seconds after Ben is lying on the ground, Roethlisberger reaches the ball over the goal line and the ref inexplicably changes his signal to a touchdown. Yes, it was very close. And maybe, they would have gone for it on 4th down and scored. But, that does not excuse the reality, which is that they made the wrong call and then “after careful review”, stood by it. The latter in the face of photographic and video evidence.

2.) That was not offensive pass interference on Darrell Jackson. Yes, there was a slight push and yes, Dick Bavetta threw his terrible towel, er I mean, penalty flag. But there are years of precedence for that type of play. When a receiver pushes off like that, which is common, a referee does one of two things. They either do nothing or they call pass interference on the DB. Just three weeks earlier, Broncos wide receiver Ashley Lelie’s shove against Patriot’s cornerback Asante Samuel (I remember it well, as I bet the Pat’s) was far more blatant and egregious than Jackson’s false flipper. Yet, not only was Lelie not flagged, he was awarded with a 39-yard penalty on an uncatchable pass. This tripled Denver’s offensive production for the entire half and essentially handed them an ill-gotten touchdown and a lead before intermission.

This was the same game where, ala Beebe vs. Lett, Ben Watson ran over 100 yards to knock the ball out of Champ Bailey’s hands and through the end zone. Now, it makes no logical sense that if you fumble the ball an inch before the pylon, you are awarded first and goal. But, if the ball goes an inch past the pylon, it is the other team’s ball 20 yards down the field. Nevertheless, that is the rule. And it should have been New England’s ball at the 20. But, let us look at why this play was not overturned. Because despite the pleading of Bill Belichek and a few owners, the NFL (and the networks), with its infinite wisdom and budget, have never thought to install a goal line camera. They only do that when a play starts inside the ten. What a bunch of morons! Networks will spend millions putting a camera in a blimp thousands of feet above the stadium. They will spend millions on a yellow linear graphic that shows the first down marker. The NFL will spend a million dollars marking footballs with a unique synthetic strand to prevent counterfeiting. But neither the league nor the TV stations will spring a couple grand to stick a small video camera in those little orange pylons.

3.) There was no holding on Peter Warrick’s punt return. ‘Nuff said.

4.) Joey Porter decapitates Shaun Alexander without a call.

5.) The referees ruled a fumbled after Hasselbeck hit the turf with possession of the ball. Unfortunately for Pittsburgh, the NFL, and the referees, the play was reviewed. If you watch closely, you can see the anguish on Bill Leavy’s face as he is forced to adhere to the rules of professional football and overturn another attempted ass-ramming against Seattle.

6.) The ghost offensive hold on an 18-yard completion that gave the Seahawks a first and goal inside the two. This was a 30-yard joke of a penalty. I’ve often maintained that offensive holding can be called on every single play in the NFL. Well, this one was the exception. Check the replay.

7.) And finally, the granddaddy of them all. It would be true to say that this was the worst call in the history of the NFL. It would also be apt to point out that other than Doug Edding’s strike three non-call on AJ Pierzinski, this was the worst call in the history of professional sports. But, I am going to say that the following call by Bill Leavy was the worst call by any referee, umpire, judge, or official in any sport at any level since the dawn of man. Of course, it is when Matt Hasselbeck was flagged fifteen yards for an “illegal BLOCK” while making a soft, kicker-type tackle after throwing an INT. If there is an investigation and this game becomes the Black Sox of our generation, this call will be the smoking gun.

Now, a few of you will say that Jerramy Stevens couldn’t catch water in a bucket. You’ll point out that Josh Brown missed two field goals. That Holmgren’s play calling combined with Hasselbeck’s clock management at the end of both halves were abysmal. That as soon as Antoine Randle El, a righty and former college quarterback, started running a reverse to the right side of the field, it was obvious to everybody in the entire stadium that the Steelers were passing and the safety and corner should have been back in coverage. And you will be right about all those things. But, because the Seahawks made those errors does not make it okay for them to be hosed by the officials. After all, Ben Roethlisberger’s passer rating was lower than his ACT score. There were only two complete passes of more than eight yards. One was a badly underthrown, poorly-judged Hail Mary of a duck and the other was a gimmick from one wideout to another. Because their offense was so inept, would that make it okay for refs to invent holding calls whenever the Steelers make a play?

Another classic argument, one widely circulated by the moron ex-jocks (and there is no shortage of them) on ESPN radio goes like this. “If you play well enough and are that much better than your opponent, you will overcome bad officiating. Everyone has obstacles at their jobs that they can turn into excuses.” Well that’s just the kind of mindless tripe I’ve come to expect from the mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging ex-Bears and ex-Packers that station continues to hire. That is such a crock of shit. The bad calls occurred on Seattle’s biggest plays. In a game of this magnitude, you should have an obligation to outplay and overcome the opposing team and the opposing team only. Not the opposition and the refs. I’d love to sit in the studio and unplug their microphone every time they spoke. After all, we all have things we have to overcome in our jobs.

I am in no way, asserting that the NFL is pro-Pittsburgh. They are simply pro-storyline. They continually favor the team whose victory makes for a better story. Did you watch the AFC Divisional Playoff game in Indianapolis? The Troy Polamalu debacle was just one of many calls that tried to alter the deserved outcome, a Steelers victory. Why? Wouldn’t it be great if the Colts, once on track to have the first perfect season in over 30 years, overcame personal tragedy to go to the Super Bowl? Once they lost, all the NFL could do was remind us (every day for two weeks) that Jerome Bettis would be playing his last game in his hometown. And despite a lackluster performance by himself and his teammates, they won. What a great storybook ending.

For some reason, our culture denounces conspiracy theorists as delusional crackpots. We don’t want to believe that such a big coat of wool could be pulled over all our eyes. Baseball fans felt the same way 98 years ago. Well, in this case, the conspiracy theory is far more believable than the commonly accepted reality. Think about it. These officials represent a handful of handpicked men. They are the best at what they do on the entire planet. Aided by each other, years of experience, and video replay, they totally blew. How can these accomplished professionals, the best and brightest, be so horribly and completely inept? And it wasn't just during the Super Bowl; it was the entire playoffs, of which I watched every play of every game. And as luck would have it, bad calls went my way (the team I bet) as often as against. But, in each contest, they consistently went in the direction of one team. Even if I were to swallow the fact that the best crew in the world could be so totally incompetent. We are further expected to believe that every horrible call benefited the same team. And even further yet, coincidence of all coincidences, the worst calls just happened to occur on the four most successful yard gaining, momentum turning plays of the game for Seattle.

What possible motive could there be for fixing a football contest? Here’s one. In that one NFL game, over one billion dollars changed hands (and that is just among NHL players and coaches, ba dum bum), depending on the final score. The referees who did so much to influence the overcome are doing so as a second source of income. After all, what purpose does the NFL serve, other than for gambling interests?

Think I’m being cynical? Or to quote Tom Cruise, I’m being glib. Maybe you’re the sucker. How many times have you walked into a bar and instead of asking about the Bears, you ask how many yards Thomas Jones has run for? Instead of asking if the Colts are winning, you ask how many TDs Peyton has thrown for. At any point Sunday, did you catch yourself thinking, “If only the Steelers score and miss the extra point, then the Seahawks get two safeties, my numbers will hit.” Well, those who play fantasy football and square pools are no better than those who play parlays and teasers. And, the NFL is complicit in this. They mention fantasy stats, talk about the favorites and underdogs, but never mention things like “money lines” or the “over/under”.

What, up to this point, has separated the NFL from the WWE? After all, they both have intricate story lines and over-the-top caricatures with their own dances, celebrations, and catchphrases. The only difference is people don’t bet on professional wrestling. After all, its commissioner tacitly acknowledges that he influences the outcome of each match based on how well it serves his league. Why would you bet on a predetermined outcome? Unless of course, you knew the outcome and others did not know it was predetermined. If the NFL were to lose its integrity, it would lose its bettors. And the reality is, without betting, it would lose a lion’s share of its viewer ship. Sad but true.

In my mind, the NFL has already lost its integrity. After all, more than a week after the Super Bowl, the performance of the men in stripes stands out more than the performance of any single player. When the team that is superior in passing completions, passing yards, first downs by pass (more than the sum total of Pittsburgh’s first down), passer rating, passing efficiency, total yards, punt return yards, total return yards, yards per rush, interceptions, yards per interception, time of possession, first downs, fourth down conversions, field goals, and the all-important turnovers, is dealt 21 points worth of bad calls and cannot even cover the spread, let alone win, something is amiss. And if you cannot see that, then you are a rube. I, for one, am done betting and therefore, done watching.

A Salute to the Second Amendment

Saturday, February 11, 2006


is it wrong that i am strangely anticipating this?

"Forever and Forever Stanford Red!!!"

Go Cardinal!!!!

A serious post...

So I found a link that pretty much sums up my life. you were wondering what my life is like these days?

Now you know.

Catch ya'll on the flip.

Gods Senator

So at the risk of trying to discuss something political on this blog... did anyone read the article on Sam Brownback (God's Senator) in the newest rolling stone (with Kanye aka Jesus on the cover)? I am curious as to what your reactions were.

obviously rolling stone is a... shall we say... left leaning mag, but i thought the article, while it did make brownback look kind of stupid (well, brownback pretty much made himself look stupid...such as his spectacular quote regading homosexuals: "We will know them by their Fruits" but of course the writer was looking to slant every possible thing) but in addition, the article did point out a lot of cool things about him that i appreciated, such as his work with the poor internationally, among other things.

Anywho, I found it pretty fascinating, and I think I could really like that guy, in the same way i like my old, senile missionary grandpa. he also worships at the altar of James Dobson and constantly warns me to be on the lookout for "those fruits", but hey, i dont hold that against him, just like i dont hold the fact that elbrecht has Focus on the Family in the speed-dial of his cell phone, or the fact that he thinks Michael Brown (of "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" fame) just really got a bum rap, against him.

Well, it takes all kinds here in the Unknown... and since i just finished reading the article I just wanted to weigh in with my two cents: "Brownback, you may have to bed Dobson periodically in order to stay in office... but you're doing a heck of a job!"

Since according to our blogs new background... we are the official site of the world champion pittsburgh steelers... may i present:


Fellas, fellas

ok ok... regarding fantasy hoops... garrett and tyler, just calm the heck down. the ONLY reason i dropped out of first, is because i had three freak injuries the week i played tyler, and got waxed 10-0. Now that I have my maint point guard, the second leader scorer in the league, and another 25+ a game back healthy... its just a matter of time before i am back on top. so start arguing about who is going to take second, because first is pretty much locked up.

secondly, man i wish i had something interesting to post about my life. it is BUSY, i mean its cool and all, and its fun, but it is freakin busy. i am still, however, finding time to play a freakin GRIP of basketball... the gym is called 24 Hour Fitness, after all, so I usually drop in around 9:30 at night and play until whenever. I am not getting enough sleep. But i can flat out stroke it.

oh and PS- its nearly 2 in the morning and i am watching Walker Texas Ranger on the Hallmark Channel, and Chuck Norris is currently roundhouse kicking a bunch of asians in the face.

How you like that update?

Friday, February 10, 2006


IT IS ON!!! yeah I am talking about fantasy hoops. we talked about it the other day and now it is happening.. drew where are you? in hoops and in life and in the blog.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Justice in Music

"If you think this is going to go to our head, it's too late," U2 frontman Bono said

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i dont know

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I am appalled!!

At two things. First of all too all of you who knew about this:

And failed to tell me....for shame. For shame.

Second, for those of you who root for Duke, consider the kiss of death applied:

Go Heels!!

P.S. Congrats to the St. Louis Rams on their wonderful football season. You faced adversity and not once backed down. You are the finest 6-10 team the NFL has to offer. Torry "Meaningless Game" Holt is unstoppable. And your home state is full of both intellectual giants and thriving urban centers. Go Rams!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Brokeback Trilogy

Brokeback to the Future
Bareback Top Gun

There is no joy in SEA-TAC

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,
The Bishop’s dancing somewhere, and g’s pants are zipped tight,
And somewhere drew is smirking, and Cody’s balls are fat;
But there is no joy in SEA-TAC — the Seahawks fell flat.

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Perfect CD Title

Now that I have found the perfect CD cover I need to find a few musicians who will agree to band together and call themselves Batteries Willard and title their first CD The Power of Technology

Possible additional CD tiles:
Beauty May be Skin Deep but You Can't Kiss A Soul
Crystal Wizard
Little White Coffee Shop
Airborne Diseases
Overweight in a Commuter Plane

Well we've all been wondering...

Do Ninjas Love?

I am still alive.

i just dont have much time to blog, sad times. i am glad nate e is home in one piece though.

i work at the church, a lot. high school basketball season is heating up. i started a masters program at Western Seminary.

life is busy. but its sweet.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

South Africa

So before I go on and post anything else about the three weeks in South Africa and Lesotho I should follow up on the aforementioned list I posted.

1. Fuck off beers: While sitting on the waterfront drinking a fine German brew it was decided we would use the Irish measurements for all our beer. That being the case any beer of 1 liter or more was ruled as a fuck off beer (i.e. “I’m thirsty lets go get some fuck off beers”)

2. Violins and women: Completely unrelated to the country of Africa I realized that there needs to be a measurement that expresses how when a woman is playing a violin she looks X amount more beautiful than when she is not playing a violin. Thought I don’t have this theory fully developed I find it every bit as insightful as my nipple/relationship theory. If given the time I will expound on this. (note: a woman complaining about the amount of beer you drank is X amount less beautiful)

3. Brazilian women: There was a whole dorm of Brazilian women in the YMCA in Cape Town where we were staying. While there are several very very beautiful Brazilian woman on the planet it seemed that the Brazilian woman most interested in American guys was quite bow legged suggesting that she may have ridden the pony one to many times.

4. Lesotho: Are you kidding. This was possibly one of the most interesting places I have ever been. The next time I go, I need to remember to bring my climbing great since it has some of the best climbing cliffs I have ever seen. The whole country was an interesting mix of devastating poverty and amazing natural beauty. Oh and it seemed everyone grew pot there along with their corn.

5. French Canadian Girl: Let me just say that if you ever go on a wine tour and there is a beautiful French Canadian girl and she gets drunk and jumps into the tour guides’ cousins’ pool, she still may not be an interesting person to take out to dinner and the bar later that evening. If you do decide to go out to eat with her that night then do try to find a restaurant where you can actually hear each other talking (note: this means don’t pick the table next to the African percussion band regardless of how much you like the wooden xylophone).

6. Cape Town the amazingly interesting city: I can’t even begin to describe a city that is both modern and wealthy so that parts remind my of Beverly hill and yet with such poverty that there are townships as far as the eye can see made up of tin shacks. It is cool to note though that cape town is home to the only mainland colony of penguins. That’s right penguins. One day we went down to the beach and were literally swimming with the peangiuns (take that all you dolphin bitches).

7. Driving through the bush of South Africa: Driving on the Left side of the road is fun but you have to look out for those mother truckers.

8. Zoolander: I realize two things. #1 Zoolander doesn’t translate as well to the Brazilian and South African culture, #2 no matter how many bad looks you get for laughing at every frame of the movie, Zoolander only gets better the more you watch it.

More to come.

Pay no attention to the team behind the curtain....

Question: What's worse than waiting a week to find out if your beloved football team will play in its first Super Bowl?

Answer: Wating two weeks to find out if your beloved football team will WIN its first Super Bowl!

I am a freaking wreck right now. Just typing this post gets my insides all queesy like the first time I heard about a certain roomate of mine making out with the brother of a certain Biola Basketball Bench Warmer/ass. The Seahawks are in the Super Bowl. Oooohhhhh. Say it again. SUPER BOWL SUPER BOWL SUPER BOWL!!!!! Alright, I feel better.

I think that probably my favorite thing about this game is how non-plussed everyone will be when Seattle wins. I mean, the whole world is picking the Steelers. It doesn't make sense. I know that the Jerome Bettis story is great but normally when there is a loveable underdog the media paints him in these huge, romantic strokes, saying how glorious would an upset be so that player X can win and ride off into the sunset. The difference here is that that emotion has completely taken over logic. Since nobody knows/cares about the Hawks the fact that they are a much better team gets completely overlooked. I mean, people aren't even hoping that Jerome wins, they're talking like he already has. For those of you forgetting why the Seahawks will win Sunday, refer below to exhibit A:

If you don't know who these men are allow me to introduce, from the left, Lofa Tatupu, Robbie Tobeck, Matt Hasselbeck, Shaun Alexander (All Pro, MVP), Steve Hutchinson (All Pro), Mack Strong (All Pro), and Walter Jones (All Pro and concensus best lineman in football). That would be the Seahawks seven Pro Bowlers this year. If the teams top two recievers hadn't missed significant time you'd probably see them up there too. Let's take a closer look shall we?

Linemen - This is kind of a tricky comparison due to the fact that Pittsburgh plays the 3-4 and the Hawks play 4-3. Both teams finished in the top 5 both in sacks and in stopping the run. However the majority of Pittsburgh's sacks come from blitzing linebackers and safeties whereas the Seahawks generate the majority of there QB pressure from just rushing the four lineman, allowing Seattle to drop 7 men into pass coverage. Slight Edge: Seahawks

Linebackers - Another tricky call due to the previously cited differences in philosophy and that fact that this is a strength for both teams. Joey Porter and Larry Foote love to terrorize QB's with blitzing while Lofa Tatupu and Leroy Hill have played great in pass coverage and in getting to the line to stop the line. Unfortunately, their both rookies, although damn good ones. Slight Edge: Steelers

Safeties - Clear advantage to the Steelers. Although Boulware and Manuel have played great, Palamolu has somehow been posessed by some Pagan God and allowed to run free amongst the mortals. Advantage: Steelers

Cornerbacks: Marcus Trufant and Andre Dyson. Two underrated cornerbacks. Oh did you see all the deep passes Ashley caught for Denver in the AFC championship by the way? Advantage: Seahawks

Linemen - I'm sorry. I know that Pittsburgh's line is good and all, but the Seahawks have the best line in all of football. Three of them are going to the pro bowl and two of them were voted All Pro. No contest. Advantage: Seahawks

Tight End: Heath Miller is a fine rookie who's getting a lot of pub in the postseason. Jeremy Stevens is going to get talked about only because he set off Joey Porter (aka. professional dumb ass). All I have to say is that Jeremy is fully capable of knocking Joey on his butt. You don't teach 6-7, 265 people. Push.

Wide Recievers: Possibly the biggest misconception going into this game (other than Seattle being soft) is that the Steelers have superior Wide Recievers. This is because of the Hawks top two missing significant time nobody has really big numbers. What it does mean is thanks to those guys being out the Seahawks developed the deepest and most versatile Wide Reciever corps in football. They have no less than five wideouts that Hasselbeck is completely comfortable with. They the complete guy (Jackson), dependable veteran (Jurevicius), third down specalist (Engram), deep threat (Hackett) and potential big play guy (Warrick). Pittsburgh's got two to Seattle's five. Advantage: Seahawks

Running Backs: Everybody loves Jerome. Thursdays on ABC!!!! Peter King recently found making out with a game used Jerome Bettis sock!!!! Yada yada yada. This game isn't played on sentiment. There is no bigger disparity in the game than the running back position, where Pittsburgh rotates three RB's (Bettis, Parker, Staley) in order to form a poor man's version of All Pro and league MVP Shaun Alexander. Did I mention he has the best fullback in football lead blocking for him? Big Advantage: Seahawks

Quarterbacks: I'm going to be generous here and call this one a toss up even though I think that Hasselbeck is a superior player at this point. Roethlisberger has been just so damn hot. Although he got away with three in the AFC championship game. Push

Special Teams: Clear advantage to Pittsburgh. Antwaan Randall El not only has a cool name but he also scares the ever living shit out of me. Unless Peter Warrick pulls off something crazy, this is our weak spot. Advantage: Steelers

Coaching: I love Bill Cowher. The dude looks like what a football coach should be. He's got a cool chin and he spits when he yells. He's also a damn fine coach and seems like a genuinely cool guy. I'd also take Mike Holmgren in a second. Advantage: Seahawks

Summary: I really think that with the way the Seahawk D has been going the are every bit Pittsburgh's equal. They have peaked at the right time. On offense it's no contest. The Seahawks are the most complete offense in the league, without a weakness and may be the most unstoppable offense I've ever seen when they're clicking. If both teams play their best, the outcome is clear.

Seahawks 31 - Steelers 17