/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: South Africa

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

South Africa

So before I go on and post anything else about the three weeks in South Africa and Lesotho I should follow up on the aforementioned list I posted.

1. Fuck off beers: While sitting on the waterfront drinking a fine German brew it was decided we would use the Irish measurements for all our beer. That being the case any beer of 1 liter or more was ruled as a fuck off beer (i.e. “I’m thirsty lets go get some fuck off beers”)

2. Violins and women: Completely unrelated to the country of Africa I realized that there needs to be a measurement that expresses how when a woman is playing a violin she looks X amount more beautiful than when she is not playing a violin. Thought I don’t have this theory fully developed I find it every bit as insightful as my nipple/relationship theory. If given the time I will expound on this. (note: a woman complaining about the amount of beer you drank is X amount less beautiful)

3. Brazilian women: There was a whole dorm of Brazilian women in the YMCA in Cape Town where we were staying. While there are several very very beautiful Brazilian woman on the planet it seemed that the Brazilian woman most interested in American guys was quite bow legged suggesting that she may have ridden the pony one to many times.

4. Lesotho: Are you kidding. This was possibly one of the most interesting places I have ever been. The next time I go, I need to remember to bring my climbing great since it has some of the best climbing cliffs I have ever seen. The whole country was an interesting mix of devastating poverty and amazing natural beauty. Oh and it seemed everyone grew pot there along with their corn.

5. French Canadian Girl: Let me just say that if you ever go on a wine tour and there is a beautiful French Canadian girl and she gets drunk and jumps into the tour guides’ cousins’ pool, she still may not be an interesting person to take out to dinner and the bar later that evening. If you do decide to go out to eat with her that night then do try to find a restaurant where you can actually hear each other talking (note: this means don’t pick the table next to the African percussion band regardless of how much you like the wooden xylophone).

6. Cape Town the amazingly interesting city: I can’t even begin to describe a city that is both modern and wealthy so that parts remind my of Beverly hill and yet with such poverty that there are townships as far as the eye can see made up of tin shacks. It is cool to note though that cape town is home to the only mainland colony of penguins. That’s right penguins. One day we went down to the beach and were literally swimming with the peangiuns (take that all you dolphin bitches).

7. Driving through the bush of South Africa: Driving on the Left side of the road is fun but you have to look out for those mother truckers.

8. Zoolander: I realize two things. #1 Zoolander doesn’t translate as well to the Brazilian and South African culture, #2 no matter how many bad looks you get for laughing at every frame of the movie, Zoolander only gets better the more you watch it.

More to come.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

I hearby procaim you a Fuck off Nate.

Fuck off.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Garrett said...

so let me get this straight.. you dolphin kicked a penguin bitch?


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