/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Gods Senator

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Gods Senator

So at the risk of trying to discuss something political on this blog... did anyone read the article on Sam Brownback (God's Senator) in the newest rolling stone (with Kanye aka Jesus on the cover)? I am curious as to what your reactions were.

obviously rolling stone is a... shall we say... left leaning mag, but i thought the article, while it did make brownback look kind of stupid (well, brownback pretty much made himself look stupid...such as his spectacular quote regading homosexuals: "We will know them by their Fruits" but of course the writer was looking to slant every possible thing) but in addition, the article did point out a lot of cool things about him that i appreciated, such as his work with the poor internationally, among other things.

Anywho, I found it pretty fascinating, and I think I could really like that guy, in the same way i like my old, senile missionary grandpa. he also worships at the altar of James Dobson and constantly warns me to be on the lookout for "those fruits", but hey, i dont hold that against him, just like i dont hold the fact that elbrecht has Focus on the Family in the speed-dial of his cell phone, or the fact that he thinks Michael Brown (of "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" fame) just really got a bum rap, against him.

Well, it takes all kinds here in the Unknown... and since i just finished reading the article I just wanted to weigh in with my two cents: "Brownback, you may have to bed Dobson periodically in order to stay in office... but you're doing a heck of a job!"


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