/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: HANS

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


now, I dont know if you remember him.. you know that guy who was really creepy who would always try to get with ali ********* ... or that guy who would kinda hang around mole after he lived there.. or the guy who got all of his stuff moved out of his room, just because people didnt like him... or that guy who bought a parking pass and a trailer and lived on campus for a week in it before being asked to leave by campus safety.. ok well I saw him today and I saw him last week. For some odd reason he is still wandering around campus.. I saw him with his i-pod walk/strut up to the flour fountain of faith area and just look around to see whos watching him and just stop there and wait for something.. It was awesome, I just wish you guys could have been there to witness it with me. anyway, I thought I should give you guys an update on your pal


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