/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: February 22nd, 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006

February 22nd, 2006

There was no candle light vigil on the day of February 22nd, 2006. No group marching in support of Nate staving off the cold and placating their boredom with a few Bob Dylan records.

There was no fanfare on that cold Wednesday while he worked in an office in a remote area near West Plains, Missouri. Little did He know there was person sitting behind a desk in Washington plotting on how to take one of the worst days possible and turn it up a notch.

Those who saw the argument unfold on the blog yesterday may have missed one important factor, Nate Bishop’s undying anger towards his yearly April fools prank.

Yesterday Drew posted that he had attended the candlelight vigil in opposition to the death penalty, which he greatly appreciated. Of course having a rough morning the words “We won” set his mind reeling. He therefore posted a summary of the initial crime as released by the Attorney General of California in order to make a point that regardless of the fate of Morales there would be no winners.

From what he can tell is that exactly 7 seconds after posting this a red light went on in Satan’s war room. Satan in turn called Nate Bishop and reminded him of how foolish he felt last April 1st after he made a ninny of him. Bishop in turn called Martin with one simple instruction, “Whip him into a frenzy.”

Martin then posted his comment to respond to Bishop and added an aside that made the hair on his neck stand up. For a full 8 hours yesterday he stewed and stewed. For 8 hours he formulated and reformulated a response. Throughout the day he analyzed Martin’s comments by highlighting logic, rhetoric and ad homonym attacks in different colors.

Just before he sat down to type the mother of all posts he called Martin. The ruse was subsequently uncovered a hearty laugh was shared by all (except big bird who is still making plans at his militia headquarters in a shed behind his house).

Thank you Marin for your views and your keeping a flawed system in check. Thank you Bishop for making a bad day worse, much worse, then better. Thank you big bird for taking a serious subject and uniting the world against your position.

36 days…


At 10:01 AM, Blogger drew said...

just so we are clear... i will never, EVER forgive you for april fools day 2 years ago. the wounds are still fresh.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

I'd also like to say that had I known that Nate was having one of the worst days of his life I....would....have LAUGHED EVEN HARDER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I'm bulletproof up here baby!!!!
P.S. 3 Days till the reckoning!!!! Set your Tivo's or if you live in the Midwest make sure that paper cup telephone is ready as the Pac-10 title is decided in 40 minutes of hell!!!


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