/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: walking in a winter wonderland

Friday, January 20, 2006

walking in a winter wonderland

So yeah unfortunately i am gonna have to miss out on the festivities on the 28th because i will be up in the snow (again) for Winter Camp par deux. We were up there with the jr highers last weekend, and it snowed like an absolute bastard the whole time.

On the last night, it was 7 degrees, and our heater in the cabin broke and i had to sleep in all my snow clothes, hat, gloves, the whole works, and i was still freezing. elbrecht wouldnt be able to handle cold like that. this wasnt little missouri cold,,, this was the real deal.

Here is what my car looked like when i got back to the parking lot after it sitting for two days (when we first got there it was nothing but pavement):

And here is a shot of my cabin... i had all the guys only take dumps in the other cabins, so our never smelled and by the end of the trip, we had successfully managed to complete clog 2 other toilets. Good times. Of course, perhaps i have been watching to much My Name is Earl... but i am pretty sure Karma came back to bite us on that last night when we almost got Jack Londoned. (literary reference so tyler feels included).


At 7:58 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

hey, who out of these people is in charge? I dont see any positive leadership in this.

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fall of western civilization. I can look back at a few of the major turning points that brought about its distruction.

1.) The popular embrace of post modern thinking in the intellectual community.

2.) Embracing moral depravity on every level after the fall of our cultrues mono-moraliti belief structure.

3.) The scientific meta narratives that have taken God out of our social stratum.

4.) Reality Television

5.) Dru Martin leading the youth.


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