/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Whew this job is delish but it is filling....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Whew this job is delish but it is filling....

All I can say is that if the Hawks win this Sunday I promise that I will be intoxicated by 9:30 AM on Sunday, Feb. 5. The national media is going to tell you that Carolina is going to win becuase of experience, Steve Smith, road record, John Fox, etc. I will counter by saying the Hawks will win due to home field, Mike Holmgren and, oh yeah, EVERY DAMN PLAYER ON OFFENSE!!!!! This team is as close to unstoppable on offense as any I've ever seen. They lose the league MVP against a "tough, aggresive defense" to use the vernacular of ignorant media types, and they run for 120 yards. If Carolina wins on Sunday, then they are going to have to score 30 points because nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to stop this offense. Feel free to stack the run since we have the best quarterback in the NFC and the best recieving corps in all of football. Play off the line and we'll just go with the best O-line, fullback and running back in the game. Blitz, then our QB will audible to a quick hitter to our 34 year old brick of a fullback, Mack Strong (pictured above). It's on bitches. All Washington had on O was Santana Moss, ask them how that worked out. All Carolina has is Steve Smith and he's not even from "The U". This game is Seattle's to lose baby and they are going to Detroit. The apocalypse is nigh, repent all ye sinners.

Fantasy Basketball
For those of you still behind me I have not done one damn thing to my team all year. No draft, no starting the right players, nothing. Hang your head in shame. Also pour one out for the NBA in honor of a league that once gave us the NBA Superstars Video. Where did it all go wrong?

Life, etc.
The title of this post is a reference to the current state of my life. Finally, FINALLY, Mandy and I are getting comfortable up here and business is starting to go well. In a couple of months I may officially be able to say that it is all about the Hamiltons baby!!!!! But I also am working my f'ing ass off which makes me want to quit and get a pretend job like Dru and drink tea while I read The River Why for a second time desperating trying to understand what the hell is with this fishing deal anyway. However I am getting away next weekend (the non-football one) which leads me to my main point to SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th. For those of you in the SoCal (Tyler, Cody, Jared, Garrett) Mandy and I will be down in LA that weekend for her birthday. I have already told her that Saturday is my day to see the homies. I say we hang out all day, play some frisbee and generally listen to Garrett try to convince us how he's still virgin. Also for those of you not in SoCal (Everyone else) either get your ass down there that weekend or come up to Seattle and experience the legendary Bishop hospitality where this......

is a weekly occurance.

Current Films/TV on the watch:

Toy Story 2
Seinfield Season 5 & 6
Arrested Development Season 2


Imogen Heap
MTV Unplugged: Alice in Chains
Jack Johnson
Fountains of Wayne
Ben Folds Live
Jeff Buckley


The River Why

P.S. If someone wants to explain to me what Millions was besides a pretty movie with a cute kid that was telling me to give money to poor people please fire away.

Also a special shoutout to my Mix Master Mike who just welcomed child number four. Thanks to his prodigious work none of us have to have kids of our own.


At 11:19 PM, Blogger drew said...

Millions was kick ass because it just looked really damn cool. and i was all misty during the final sweeping scene...

and if garrett is still a virgin, i will buy everyone a round next time i see you.

hopefully they have beer lay-a-way.

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

just a little heads up.. that superstars video, I will be playing a song from the Larry Bird section during my slide show at my wedding. that is how much that video means to me.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

also, the 28th.. apu is in town and I friggn have to work that night because of my new director job, but what do you say we have a posse reunion at the AP-fin U game!

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

the game is at Biola, so there is one option = be there. I have to, unfortunately, because I stopped careing about biola basketball the game weaks and strong and bj left

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Cody said...

I will be here for you on the 28th Nathan!

I still think Shaun Alexander is a big pussy!! I hate watching him run the ball. I was glad when he left the game last week. No joke. If I were to draft, I would honestly pick like 10 running backs ahead of him. He would finish just behind Hehateme and Jen Wheeler on my running backs depth chart. All the yards and TD's were a direct result of the talent, hugeosity, and badassity of his O-line and fullback.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

As a side note my friend Mike diagnosed Shaun as "Out with Sand in his vagina". However, while he does piss me off he is enormously talented. You could definately see the difference when Mo Morris came into (who ran his little, weed smoking ass of I might say), there were holes there that Mo just couldn't hit, and arm tackles that he just couldn't shed the way Shaun does. He may a dousche but if we're going all the way he has to play well. So I understand the emotion Codge, you and I have spent many a late night with our pilsner glasses of Bailey's laughing our little asses of at the Shaun Alexander jokes, but I will root for him as long as he wears Seahawks Blue. If he ever changes colors, it's on.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Cody said...

while i do have to admit that he does have some talent, i still hate watching him. the highest compliments i hear about him include: he sets up his blockers well and he rarely gets hit hard. that's really it! he finds the holes and runs through them. other than that he s's my d. i don't think mo morris would have done a lot worse this season.


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