/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Halloween Update

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Update

Anyone do anything fun for Halloween?

Man, my Halloween was cool and all, but so low key! Steak and Potatos and Guiness at a friends house, followed by a viewing of Saw... which actually kind of freaked me out... but hey its halloween! Isnt that what Halloween is all about? Oh wait, unless you went to biola, then Halloween was all about getting WRECKED...

Does anybody on the blog remember how f'ing wild Halloween on the Posse used to get, back in the day? Oh man, my best memory by far is that one House Party in fullerton when pretty much the entire Posse went out in STYLE: everyone dressed up in the most ridiculous costumes... Weaks and Strong as Savages (just so they could wear loincloths, and trust me, there isnt enough cloth in the world...), Kruger as "Greg Poo-ganus" wearing just a speedo and googles and then he smeared brown paint all over his body, Myself, painted green, and wearing an 8 foot dinosaur suit that Fergie freaked on the dance floor for like 2 hours... man what else were people wearing to that thing? It was so freaking sweet, what I can actually remember of it... I wish I still had the group pic from that night...


At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am pretty sure the best halloween memory was randy's party when garrett had a tiny bit of vanilla vodka, then walked around paranoid all evening, pulling everyone aside and saying "dude, can you smell it?" before finally making Nate drive him home at 9:30, leaving drew unattended and barely coherent... way way way beyond "just one more stage".

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Garrett said...

I do remember that, and that was my first experience with alcohol and it was a little scary having my bosses there and talking to them with vodka on my breath. I was also dressed at Holy Crap, if you dont remember. as for the fullerton party, I remember being there for sure, I just cant remember what I was, I remember wanting to jump into the pool and I remember that random weird fag standing on the table outside give a speech. and I remember weaks carrying a cave man club with him which he completely dwarfed, if you know what Imean, and I think you do.
as for this halloween, I did nothing, on friday night jill and I carved a pumpkin (f-ing cute huh?) on saturday I played doctor (not in that way, unfortunately) and took care of my lovely fiance because she was deathly ill. and for last night, the same ol story, take care of sick fiance, drop off her homework to her class, buy cambells chicken noodle soup and preparing it for her, putting her to bed, working out with cody (great time had by all) and watching the greatest episode of laguna beach.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Nate said...

let's see i wound up wearing my DEVO costume at work all day then went home and made the f'ing largest pot of chipotle chili i have ever made. and only pot of chili i have ever made.

i love chili... chili, chili, chili.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Nate said...

jared thank you for the counting crows reference.

good luck on getting another three letters added to your name.

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Cody said...

at the fullerton party, if i remember correctly, someone was dressed as none other than Jesus.....complete with thorny crown and a wooden cross


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