/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Farewell (for now)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Farewell (for now)

I read two newspapers every day. The local Valley Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. I enjoy the Chronicle because of its book reviews, concert and music reviews, and unbiased coverage of George W and the war in Iraq. I enjoy the local news that the Times provides me, specifically local highschool sports, not to mention the fact they talk about the Golden Bears as if Tedford was the second coming, and I appreciate that.

But the local paper has it's drawbacks... a fact I notice more and more as I pick it up in the morning. Today's Chronicle front page bold headlines was all Bush this and Iraq that with war photos... while the top, above-the-fold, bold headline of the Times screams out (un-edited, I swear): Aggressive Rogue Deer Terrorizes Valley, complete with a picture of a buck, horns lowered, charging a small dog.

My mind is still struggling to decide if that is awesome, or pathetic.

In other news, I will be leaving in a couple of hours for Sunny San Diego where I will be weekend-ing for my cousin's wedding. I have made the decision to leave the labtop at home, and be unplugged all weekend, so I can just sit on the beach and sip Corona. I have enjoyed all of the recent posts here, and just wanted you to know that despite my lack of comments this weekend (and those of my tube sock, most fictional characters, most historical figures alive and dead, most politicians/ass-clown evangelicals and most university faculty) I still like you all. (Please note the use of the word "most" as Nate Bishop, to the best of my knowledge, will still have computer access this weekend).

So unless I stumble across an Internet Cafe, consider this my sign off.

Peace and love


At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll never silence me!


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