/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: My Archaeological Discovery

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Archaeological Discovery

So the other night, I decided to spend some good alone time by myself for once in my life, and I made possibly the most important discovery of my short life. But I am getting a head of myself. Allow me to set the stage.

I took a train into the God’s city, Berkeley, California (hell yes go bears!), with nothing but a backpack and a Nalgene bottle. I kicked my evening off in true beatnik style by taking in a book reading/meet and greet with the acclaimed author Salman Rushdie (hey, I said I was in Berkeley) which was pretty interesting, if that is your kind of thing (Garrett, feel free to skip this part). Afterwards, around 8:30 ish, I found myself at a table outside a small (and Fair Trade) coffee shop, reading Blue Like Jazz, and smoking a clove cigarette, and pretty much just really enjoying the sights, sounds, fog, and very cool breeze that blew in from the Bay to do battle with my thermal undershirt and beanie. These are the exact thoughts that ran through my head at this moment: “Wow, you really can’t beat this city…despite its utter lack of hot women of any kind whatsoever, it really is beautiful and full of character.” No sooner had the thought ran through my head, I happened to glance up, and what did my gaze fall upon? Directly across the street from where I sat, I had a front row view of a homeless man copping a squat on the corner and defecating behind a trash can. Truly, a beautiful city.

But hey, whatever, it takes all kinds, right? So on to my discovery. As my tranquil little world had just been radically imposed on, I packed up, and hit the road. But the night was young, and so am I, so on my way back to the BART train station, I decided to take in a little nightcap. Why the hell not. So I located a little bar, and strolled in.

They had one (non domestic mass produced) beer on tap. I said pour me one. Thus began my first, and definitely not my last experience, with a little San Francisco MicroBrew called “AnchorSteam” (although given the state of my night, I would not have been surprised if it was called “Cleveland Steam”, but again, I digress).

If you have never had Anchor on tap before, you need to drop what you are doing, and locate it immediately. It was the Perfect Brew. I have drank and drunk beers of all flavors and colors and nationalities, and nothing compares to this experience. My taste buds stood and saluted me, and did a dance of joy, pure ecstatic orgasmic joy at the flavor of the amber liquid that was washing over them into my cavernous depths. It was smooth. It was wonderful. It was Mississippi Mud, Sierra Nevada, and Boddingtons all rolled into one. It is… a little glimpse of what heaven will be like.

And that was my discovery. Thank you for your time.


At 12:43 PM, Blogger drew said...

Authors Note:
Anchor is best enjoyed on tap, very cold, in a very cold glass. As with any beer, buy a bottle only in cases of extreme emergency, or if the situation demands it, ie: camping in the f'ing unknown.

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Nate said...

not to break the mood of the post but i am glad to see that your fist tase of anchorsteam was just over 2 years after you talked me in to getting it on tap because, "it is one of the best beers i have ever had."

At 12:57 PM, Blogger drew said...

you lie.

my short term memory is bad, but not THAT bad. right? right?


At 1:15 PM, Blogger drew said...

upon further review, i am going to have say nate is the one mistaken in his comment, because prior to a couple of days ago, if you had aske me what my favorite American beer was, the answer would have been Sierra Nevada.
Unless he can name the situation and the establishment that alleged conversation occurred in, I am going to have to cry bullshit.


At 1:24 PM, Blogger Nate said...

situation was drinking in newport with you and stephan....ass

At 1:29 PM, Blogger drew said...

Ok... i am remembering the situation... but i also remember the beer being pitchers of Sierra.

And I remember Bryan carving Stephans cell phone # into the table at some bar under the headline "for a gay old time call" and stephan eventually having to change his # because of it.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Nate said...

yes that part of the story is very true. but just prior to that bar we went into a different bar. darker and shadier and i had the anchorsteam there. it was the second time in my life i had tasted anchorsteam. the first time was at tepwerks in OKC. possibly the best bar i have been to....in the USA. best bar ever had to be the black death vodka bar in krakow.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger drew said...

AH MAN! that place was the shit!

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Nate said...

i propose a trip back to that bar. maybe a whole week back at that bar.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger drew said...

but if you have a BMW, dont bother offering it in a trade for the 10x15 Black Death banner...

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Nate said...



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