/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: What the F*** is the Deal with.....

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What the F*** is the Deal with.....

I've been recently trying to figure out why it is I would rather the Angels win the next ten World Series than listen to Christian music. Whether it's Goeff Moore & The Distance, DC Talk, Newsboys or Five Iron Frenzy I've been listening to it in some form or another my whole life.
I've recently descended down from my Mozart and Beethoven inspired musical elitism to dabble once again in the rich world of "pop music". You all know already that I've been completely blown away by Coldplay's newest CD, and I must say that the new "Gorrilaz" is spectacular. Anyways, suffice to say I was hoping that this would provide a good bridge for some Christian Music Listening. I put in a brand new CD, listened to it for about 3 songs and then screamed at the top of my lungs "FUCK THIS SHIT!", ripped the cd out of my car and threw it out the door.
After I calmed down I was trying to decide why I had this almost allergic reaction to the Lord's music. What was it in principle about hearing music about God that infuriated me like only CCM and Bartolo Colon can? I broke it down into a few points:

1) I feel like the great thing about truly good music is the artistry that the writers bring to it. These songwriters pour their experiences, their feelings and their very lives into a story through song. For those of us who identify with what these people write about it brings a feeling of identity, of not being all alone in this crazy place. The vast, vast majority of Christian Music on the other hand seems like it's written by youth pastors whose musical experience ends with playing "I could sing of your love forever" outside Emerson. These are not the poets of our society, they are missionaries with tambourines. When you hear this music, it's not the power of the sound that hits you. In fact, most of the time it feels like the instruments have been turned down so these "rockers" can prostelythze through song. I can count on one hand the number of true artists have been involved with Christian music the last 20 years. Delirious, Bebo Norman, and yes even Switchfoot are not among them.

2) Personally I still can't relate to what this music is saying. When Johnny Cash (Christian by the way) croaks his way through "The Man Comes Around" I identify with his pain. When Dave Grohl searches for the "Best of You" I can understand his longing. I don't understand the relationship with God that these people present. Since I don't understand it my natural instinct is to assume that it's bullshit. I don't feel like God is there for me, I don't feel like he's available whenever I need him and quite frankly anybody who does and tells me about it through song pisses the hell out of me right now.

So there it is. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with writing music about God. In fact, some of the greatest music ever written is about God & Jesus (See "The Messiah", & "Jesu, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring"). I'm just saying that all I hear when I listen to "Christian" music is "Goddity Goddity Bible Bible YEAH!!".

"I'm sorry that's just the way I am."


At 11:03 PM, Blogger drew said...

There are way to many awesome things in this post to begin to point them out... a Stryper picture, a Geoff Moore and the Distance reference, emerson lawn worship leaders...

well done, well done

At 2:28 AM, Blogger Paul said...

My Bish, this post represents a scream of our generation. I don't offer answers, just gratitude.

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Greg said...

Did I understand you to say that Switchfoot is among the "bad" Christian music? If so, please explain your basis for this. I generally have a strong dislike of modern "Christian music", but I cannot for the life of me understand that kind of talk concerning Switchfoot.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger drew said...


new switchfoot = decent. The second to newest = pretty played out. And the old school switchfoot = pretty cheesy and bad.

thats just my opinion.

of course, i also think the best christian album of all time is 7 Day Jesus "The Hunger" so interpret that as you will.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

I included Switchfoot in the post not because I think they are "bad" Christian music but rather because they still seem like more of a ministry than musicians. Now most people may say "What's wrong with using music to minister?". I'd say nothing it just pisses me off. I feel like if tomorrow pop culture decided that jazz flute was the next big thing then the next Switchfoot CD would be all Ron Burgandy-ish. I hope this explains it better. Switchfoot = the best of the stuff that makes me mad.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Switchfoot = the best"???

oh, now you've pissed me off , mother bitches!

Obviously you have never heard of a little disc called "Go West Young Man"? How about Eye 2 I?

Thats what I thought. What, you think I made People's list of 50 Most Beautiful People because of my five o clock shadow?

I'm a fucking legend!!!!

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Smitty,
Its TIIIIIIME to get witty!

At 9:30 AM, Blogger drew said...

alright fine, you want me to just come out with it? Switchfoot sucks ass. (except for the new album which is faily well written)

but c'mon, the Legend of Chin? please.

and if i swear if i hear "We were meant to live for so much more" one more time, on one more WB Tuesday show, I am going to drive my car off a bridge.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger drew said...

i am sorry for yelling. i dont really think switchfoot sucks that much ass. i am just mad we are talking about them, when we could be talking about Audio Adrenaline (Dont Censor Me), Newsboys (Not Ashamed), PlankEye (and the rest of T&N Records), Dakoda Motor Company, etc etc and all the rest who came, and saw, and sucked ass to pave the way for Switchfoot ballads to be able to play during steamy hot tub make out scenes on the OC.

a little credit where credit is due, please.

thank you

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If thats the case I fill play it as soon as possible

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

Ah yes, the glory that was Tooth & Nail. Here's to you Plankeye. Rock Ghotihook!!! You will forever be in our hearts Danielson!!

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about us. We where Tooth and Nail you bastards.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger drew said...

go cut another hit single with Seether you overplayed talent-less suck ass bitches!!!!

catch ya at the Skate Palace right after Fallout Boy!

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Greg said...

I respect your opinions about Switchfoot but the reason you hate them is not because they are a bad band (from your comments) but because everyone loves them and they are overplayed. As a former christian rock show DJ (who played dakota motor company, plankeye, bleach, etc etc) I just feel that Switchfoot is a quality band that does rock music and at the same time incorporates an element of spirituality that is there because of who they are as people, not because they think its going to be a good idea to bible beat people with christian lyrics. Their music makes people that are otherwise getting pretty meaningless lyrics, the opportunity to view christians not as "candy-asses" as Nate E would say, but as real people who like to rock and also can't help but talk about things that are meaningful.

On a side note, Beautiful Letdown still my favorite.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger drew said...

as a former DJ myself (alongside my faithful sidekick, Nate E, and yes we lasted all of about 4 shows before getting axed) my opinion of The Beautiful Letdown is that it all sounds the same. I bought it a while back, I listened to it once, it didnt impress me. Now their new album, i think, is a little bit better. at least my friend brandon tells me their writing has gotten progressively better and i respect his opinion.

Now a band that hasnt got much love in this string of comments: Skillet.
Skillet first album (the one with the skillet on the cover) freaking RULES!!!!!!!

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost faith in Switchfoot when they where in an ad for "Sunglass hut" in the RollingStone. But Nate's point is so true. I wonder if Christian music sucks so much because it exists. Bach is not considered christian music, and yet he was.
I've had to start reading just to find some fuel for my faith i.e. Dostoyevsky.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Nate said...

switchfoot = a band that references of mice and men in their lyrics. that is 1 of 7 criteria for a band to make it into the "ok" column of my good v. bad music matrix .

now greg you are right to say that i would call christians candy-asses. what i find ironic is that though they are candy-asses they don't have sweet-asses. just an observation. discuss amongst yourselves.

drew we didn't get axed from our show. we just simply quit going to the meetings and the card swiper quit working for us. i count that all as one big mistake by campus safety. the world is much less without hotsteppin' on the air.... *moment of silence*

At 10:56 AM, Blogger drew said...

ahahah, "Hotsteppin'... featuring the Gangsta of Love and Maurice".

Remember when I was only supposed to refer to you as "Maurice" on the air, but I kept F'ing up and calling you "Nate". oh man, i sucked at that.


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