/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The DMV

Friday, October 07, 2005


Ok fellas, I have been busy and when I say busy I mean facking busy! in two days I worked a total of 28 hours! but I do have to admit it was fun working during the playoffs, honestly it is pretty cool.
Jill is good, no shes not, shes great! I just wish i could see her.
ok now back to the story of the morning, I went to the DMV this morning in hopes of getting my california liscence, since I have lived here for almost 5 years now I thought it was time. I go in there at 8:05am, it opens at 8. I am ready to go, I have studied for my written test and I am going to pass my first test in the last four years besides my hepititus test which I got 2 A's one B and a C. so I go in there and I go to the counter and tell the NOT american guy that DOESNT speak english that I need to get my california liscence. and he says in very broken english that I need to give him my passport or birth certificate, and of course I dotn have either one. so I said "well those are with my parents in oklahoma" and he said "oh are you a katrina victum?" and I said "no" and he said "oh I just kidding" and I sat there and looked at him and didnt really comprehend what just happened. so I said, why again do you need my birth certificate, cant my VALID washington liscence suffice? and he said no, because he needs to know that I am who I say I am. and I said, but my liscence says who I am. and he said no. so I left and went to work EARLY!!! on a day where there is honestly nothing to do. so I leave and realize I left my phone at home, awesome, its great to do that. and I get in my car and think back to the situation I was just in and realized that the ****** behind the desk made a katrina joke! that freaking *****! I was suddenly more pissed. anyway so I went to work and that is where I am now. I love you gusy and I want you all to share in the goodness that is Andy milinokis!!


At 10:52 AM, Blogger drew said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 11:15 AM, Blogger drew said...

yes i just deleted my own comment.. it is so much easier just to edit garrett's posts for the sake of all humanity

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for editing that post Dru.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger drew said...

why we love garrett, Exhibit A

At 6:18 AM, Blogger Nate said...

i love you gusy too.

At 6:21 AM, Blogger Nate said...

i have a buddy who just moved here to missouri who had an oregon license. in order to get his missouri license he had to have his birth certificate. but since he didn't have that he had to send a copy of his license to texas to get the birth certificate. so he had to show his license to get his birth certificate so he could show the birth certificate to the DMV because WOAH someone might fake a license.

just a glimpse into drews communist world.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger drew said...

thats checks and balances, baby!


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