/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Laguna par deux

Friday, September 09, 2005

Laguna par deux

Wow. Garrett's post struck a chord so deep inside me, I had to immediately post and echo, wait no expound upon, no... SING, dammit! Sing the praises of Laguna Beach, the REAL Orange County.

Let me start by saying I dont watch a lot of TV. I have grown up quite a bit from my freshman year of college when Nate and I would watch PAX TV all morning, killing time before Sister, Sister re-runs hit at 3 o clock, before the Simpsons re-runs on UPN took over the rest of the evening.

Now I never know when anything is on, and never watch anything with any regularity, save of course for Seventh Heaven on ABC Family.

So nothing could have prepared me for the visual phenomena that was Laguna Beach. It struck my eyes like heroin strikes the blood... I gasped a little at first impact, and then slowly relaxed with a big warm smile on my face as the euphoria began to spread throughout. "It's ok!" a little voice whispered in my ear. "You're in a safe place now."

I can't explain what it is about Laguna Beach that captivates me so. It has some strange, hypnotic hold over me. For a more detailed character analysis, please see Garrett's post below. But all I can say is, I hate everyone on the show. They are all so pointless, and self centered, and vapid... there is just nothing redeeming about any of them. Nothing.

Yet every Monday, at 10 P.M. I find myself on my futon, which is covered in burgundy cloth to conceal two years of Cody's "nocturnal drips" ...tuning in, for another 30 minutes.


Does anyone else struggle with this?


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

having the blog down for an hour was torture


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