/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: It has gone too far!!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

It has gone too far!!!

I just finished reading the latest edition of the publication we all know and love/hate... The Chimes. AFter I finished reading aobut 80% of the articles I gently/forcefully placed/threw it too the ground.

I am sick and tired of the gay ass race card. seriously 90% of the articles (I know I only read 80% but I read teh titles of the others) are about how america and all white people are racists. There is an article about how biola's chapels are racist. I am dead serious. They are racist because they dont ever have any diversity and they dont preach to the African American culture. I didnt know God sees race. I thought we were all his children (red and yellow, black and white, we are all precious in his sight). here is a quote from a black girl at biola...

hold on.. let me put these ripped pieces back together... "it feels like we are in a zoo and Im an animal behind bars...just a person in the backgroud...Ive got to yell louders so someone will hear me and I have to jump higher to just be seen."

"chapel tend to focus on white issues through a white style."

Weird I didnt the Bible was a white style..huh.

Then...Then there is an article...ps I am still on teh front page.. there is an article about "a day without a Latino" where all latino workers are planning on not showing up to work to prove a point that we need them here.

Honestly, if they done show up.. thats awesome! I seriously dont think that if all the latinos left and went back to where ever it is they came from it would cause damage to this country. sure it would for a little while. But after a while. it would be fine. I am not saying They cant be here and we would be a lot better without them, but if we didnt have them, I am sure we would get a long just fine.

I seriously have no problem with people from other countries coming here. I dont. but do it right. you are coming into our culture, adjust to it!! dont expect us to change to your culture. remember it is you that came into our country!!

as far as the first article I spoke about. I am seriously furious!!! I want to say something so bad (ie. write an article in the chimes) but I would be racist. and that is the part that pisses me off. You cant say anything to disagree because your are automatically a racist pig bastard!!

That is it. as soon as I can I am moving to the south!

oh an by the way, Biola didnt offer me the full time job but I got another job offer. I will be working with matty P and making more that I am at Biola and I will get to leave work at 2:30 and not have to think aobut it until the next morning!


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Nate said...

at least you can watch an episode of mind of mencia and let off a little steam.

At 2:51 AM, Blogger drew said...

oh man, remember when you wrote that one article about how we were unfairly treated, and Pascal was PISSED and then you jumped out the window?

i do.

At 2:52 AM, Blogger drew said...

PS- call me at home tomorrow. i wont be showing up to work either.

haha, you need me.


At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this article is hillarous. I agree with you about "ppl need to adjust to our culture."


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