/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Why Women Have Ruined the World; Point #37

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why Women Have Ruined the World; Point #37

The Sale

So i have to pick up a white shirt for a wedding next week. Sounds simple enough right. So I walk into JC Penney's to get a shirt. Lo and behold there is a whole rack of shirts for $48. Given I only need one shirt I find that to be an ok price and decide to go to the register. Oh but this shirt is on sale, I was informed. By buying one shirt I was entitled to a second shirt at no cost what-so-ever. WOW can you believe my luck. It's like I've won the lottery but wait there's a catch. My experience went as follows:

Ok how about you just charge me $24 and we'll call it even... oh really I have to get another one. So even though I have no current need for two shirts I have to buy two shirts? So my other option is to pay for the price of two shirts and walk out the store with one shirt? Yes this sounds tremendously fair. Well ok I will go get another shirt that I have no need for. While I'm at it I had better get a swimsuit as I will be spending the next week in the Virgin Islands. Ok so here is my two shirts and swimsuit... That’s buy one get one free too huh? WHY THE HELL DONT YOU PACKAGE THESE IS 2 PACKS! Ok so not only do I have to get a second shirt I don’t need I also must get a second swimsuit I don’t need. Thanks! I pay, grab my bag and start to walk out the door and do you know what the sales lady had the balls to tell me? She said “you saved $57 today.” REALLY? DID I REALLY SAVE $57 BECAUSE ACCORDING TO MY AGENDA I WAS GOING TO BUY 1 SHIRT AND 1 SWIM SUIT. $57 HUH? WELL FUCK ME I GUESS I’M THE BIG WINNER.

So I say this to you. There is no such thing as 50% off, 25% off or .001% off. You cant have a purchase price being less than the price for an item. The purchase price is the price of an item. Sales don't exist. Sales are just telling your customer you really wish you could charge more but do to a free market you are forced to sell your shirt at market prices. When I look at my bank statement at the end of the month I don't see a charge for a shirt at JC Penny's that says $58 but because it was on sale $38, your balance is therefore ± $20 depending upon how you choose to view it. I can't tell my bank that though I have no money in my account I did save $57 at JC Penny's today so in reality I have money in my account.

Now why are women at fault? Indifference! I don't go clothing shopping but once or twice a decade but women on the other hand weave in an out of Red Sale tagged isles like they are testing out the newest Ferrari on a daily (even hourly) basis. Women have had decades and decades to deal with this problem. If women were to really make this world a better place to live they would simply refuse to buy anything that wasn't honestly priced. Do we see the world getting any better? NO! Thanks to the modern woman we wind up with a trash can filled with burnt bras just to be replaced with a wonderbra that is buy one at double the price and get one FREE.

note Obviously I realize that a man had to come up with the marketing ploy seeing as how men still run the world. But there wouldn't be drug dealers without drug users.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

If you would just get off your ass and vote democrat we'd have no use for money.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger drew said...

my head hurts

At 2:34 PM, Blogger ePixie29 said...


This post is soooo true that even I can look past the misogynistic blurtings here and there and enjoy it!


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