/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: 2005: The Mostest Awesomest Year Ever!!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005: The Mostest Awesomest Year Ever!!!

I've been putting this post off for a long time because I really don't know how to sum up a year. Especially a year as momentous as Aught 5. It really was a ridiculously full year when I look back on it and proves difficult to succinctly summarize. The year started with Mandy in Northern California and me in Sourthern California with about five grand worth of wine in me. Although nothing could really top that a lot of stuff sure as hell tried: Flying up to Nor Cal to hang out with Dru and Paul and watch the Huskies beat the crap out of Cal, going to a bar afterwards and listening to Dru try curse out various inanimate objects between the bar and his apartment.
Moving to Washington.
Spending three months with no money and no income immediately after moving. Hooray for parents!!!!
Cody's wedding, although sad because it marked the last time any of us would ever hear from him, managed to bump all of us getting together and getting drunk at weddings from funny occurance to yearly tradition. We all wait with bated breath for June 17, 2006. It also provides the inspiration for this blog, the greatest thing ever.
Flying down to Nor Cal to watch Joe Ayoob play quarterback like a cripple as Cal gets destroyed by USC. Paul's knowing response? "When in Rome". It's so true. Afterwards I get drink myself into oblivion due to Dru's evil machinations. I retaliate by turning his bathroom into my personal vomit bag. I think he still owes me.
Lastly this year saw Mandy and I settle down into some semblance of a normal life of working, going to church and enjoying (?) small town Americana. Port Orchard may be boring sometimes but it at least has a whup ass Jack-in-the-Box.
As far as the introspective, inward look back on the New Year, it's hard to say. I kind of feel like God and I have a peaceful cease fire for most of the year. With a healthy no-fly zone between us to prevent any unfortunate hostilities. The last three months have seen a reconnection of sorts. But I've stopped trying to be the mover and shaker of the relationship. Elbrecht thinks that we've lost the awe and mightiness of God and I think that has something to do with my struggle. I tried so hard to have a friendship with God that I demeaned and limited who He was. When I feel Him now my only reaction is to want to do nothing. Just sit and be respectful. To honor somehow the greatness and awesomeness that is God. I don't really want to say anything because what do I say? I really don't know. I know that simply shutting up every now and then and listening has been probably the best thing I've learned to do this year. In regards to all my relationships, God, wife, etc.
I would be remise on this recap if I didn't offer a sincere apology coupled with a confession:

Dru told me to read this book and said it made him cry. I called him a pussy. I still bought it for 75 cents but my ridicule was cruel and biting. Now after reading it I can honestly say that I've never been as affected by a book as The Brothers K. The story is incredible, the characters complex, and it's set in Washington and about baseball. The book taught me so much about family, loyalty and love in spite of real differences. I actually look at people differently because of this book. Dru, I'm sorry I ever doubted you, I will do whatever you say, I am yours and yours alone.

I kind of liked Jared's little music/movie thing so hear's one of my own.

Rock N' Roll by Ryan Adams
The Legend of Johnny Cash
Demon Days by The Gorrilaz
X & Y by Coldplay
In Your Honor by The Foo Fighters
Soundtrack to The Fellowship of the Ring
Late Registration by Kanye West
Garden State Soundtrack

Walk the Line
King Kong
Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Garden State
Finding Neverland
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Batman Begins
Fever Pitch
Wedding Crashers


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

The book is about family. A family who loves baseball. The baseball is more a means to tell an amazing story. In short, yes you would cry your fing ass off.

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

And by the way,
The A's and the Gidawgs suck ass.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger drew said...

ummm, while it is about much more then baseball, the book does have a SHIT LOAD of baseball in it...

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Nate said...

the first 5 pages were about baseball. pretty good but page six was so hard to read i set the book down for 6 months.


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