Orange County Sucks Ass
Wow, ESPN, what a shocker. Just blow me away with today's headline "Anaheim mayor sets aside Angels feud".
Oh really? Are you serious? Someone in Orange County is going to be a fairweather, bandwagon fan? You have GOT to be shitting me!!!
I can't wait for tomorrow's headline: ALL OF MISSION VIEJO DECIDES THEY HAVE "ALWAYS BEEN DOWN WITH USC FOOTBALL...(wait they are still winning, right?)"
Fuck the OC and their stupid-ass bandwagon fans. Fuck their rally monkey and thunderstix and stadiums that go from 4,000 to 55,000 once people realize they win. Fuck their LA Lakers flags that appear on every single car in from La Habra to Oceanside when then win a championship, and when they dont, well, "I dont really like pro basketball, but hey is UCLA good again? That's what I like!"
Just in case I missed someone: Fuck you, fuck you... youre cool, and fuck you, i'm out.
Wow, that felt good.
Garrett, allow me to apologize to you since i know you are a huge Angels fan so i am sorry if i just hurt your feelings.
Sounds like someone missed the playoffs again...
and fuck you, too
Drew, Stop suppressing. How do you really feel?
Although his explosive passion may leave some a little non-plussed I can vouch for Dru in saying that the LA sports "fan" is truely a unique slime. I have found that attempting to rationally discuss the various pratfalls of the local MLB, NBA and NFL (woops my bad) teams often results in a confused look followed by "Punto Madre, Kobe es Que Bueno!!!!" Therefore, we are forced to simply respond in the only matter appropriate.
Fuck LA. Bitches.
man i've been the biggest angels fan since, well, since they won the division.
eventhough I work for the forementioned angels. I could not agree with drew more. I wish I could even begin to tell you about the vaginal blood farts that call in each day.
there was way more fucking going on in that post than there has been in my bed, i'll tell you that
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