/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Sex and Candy

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sex and Candy

I know that some of you will just be excited that I am finally posting here at the F'ing Unknown. It has been a long and bitter struggle to make this happen. I have been following all of the previous posts and comments, so I am not totally out of the loop. I am both honored and excited to start being a regular here, because, let's face it, sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name....and they're always glad you came.
I have been married for exactly one month now and I love it! I love Tara and sex just gets better and better all the time....and it started out good. I am still working at the physical therapy clinic almost full time, even though I go to class 4 nights a week, so my schedule is pretty exhausting. I leave at 6 am and get home at 7:30 pm. I enjoy my job and I feel good about what I'm doing for the first time ever. I'm doing well in my classes and the content of the program seems to agree with me. So, things are going well, but Tara and I are somewhat lonely here as well. We have a couple of friends in the area (the G), but the rest are at quite a distance these days.
I haven't been able to workout as much as I used to. It's actually a combination of not having as much desire to nor as much time to. In any case, I haven't done it. I still eat my full portions and often. I think you know where this is heading...I'm not in very good shape right now. You won't believe this but I weigh 195 lbs. No joke. It just sneaks up on you, doesn't it? I just started to workout again, so we'll see how that goes.

There's my update for now.

'95 is officially dead. Dan Wilson retired. When I saw him and Jamie Moyer hug, I wanted to cry like a baby, but I held back because Tara was there and I cried enough at my wedding to last me a while.


At 11:40 PM, Blogger drew said...

"I cried enough at the wedding to last awhile".

That is for damn sure. i ashamed i used to let a cry baby like you tickle me...

At 11:41 PM, Blogger drew said...


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Cody, I know you only gain weight in his BALLS. Let's shoot for 200lbs!

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Paul said...



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