/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Movies and Life and stuff

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Movies and Life and stuff


I know I dont usually post on weekends, but I just gotta throw this out there:
I just saw the movie Green Street Hooligans, and I strongly suggest you go online and find the nearest showing and get your ass to the theatre. It is awesome. I could really relate to it... in my younger and dumber days. not that I really watched a lot of soccer, except for the Biola girls team of course, but just the bigger ideas it portrayed, like brotherhood, and earning respect, and earning respect from your brotherhood by not taking any shit from other people. Maybe you guys wont understand what I mean... well brady might, and Cody might, although he stayed on the outskirts of the crew, always in the know but never wanting to jepordize his future RA status. Bishop was definitely not in the crew (at that time), and proud of it, damn sinners that we were (gauntlet?)... Jared never really gave a shit. Garrett came about a year to late, and had hoop earings and hi lighted hair. Tyler had his own crew, and to many beautiful women around to care... etc etc. But all that aside, you guys should see this movie, cause it is still awesome. Well, I think elbrecht will like it at least... since he taught me early on the most valuable thing (in my opinion) that I learned in four (+) years of college: When threatened with everything under the sun, up to an including expulsion unless you turn on a friend, how to smile nicely and just say "Go fuck yourself". Which is the one thing I tried to pass on to as many impressionable freshman as I could. What does that really have to do with a movie about British soccer fans beating the shit out of each other in the streets? I dont really know. But I do know it got me really, REALLY pumped up for Cal/USC on Nov 12. See you cats on Monday, Peace I'm out.


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

Oh man that pain I feel for my earlier wrondgs. Redemption is here my friends and she's dressed in blue in gold. Fuck SC my warrior brothers, and don't let anyone tell ya different.

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dru, I want you to hit Bishop as hard as you can.

At 3:04 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Drew, I get an fing invitation to the unknown, post eventually, get props from the godfather, and don't even get mentioned in a post where every other member is mentioned on a post about earning respect and not giving a fuck? Help me to see this in proper perspective.

At 3:06 AM, Blogger Paul said...

By the way, it is 3am...again...and I have had a couple...few...keg...s...

At 10:10 AM, Blogger drew said...

Paul, you didnt even GO to our school. in fact, i have asked around, and nobody really even knows HOW we know you. we just do. It's like you have just kind of always been, Paul has no beginning or end. In the beginning, there was the Trinity, and Paul... dont get me wrong, I am glad I know you... but how in the hell did we meet again? and where and when? These are questions I need answers for.
and please, post drunk much more often. thank you.


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