/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Mexico Day 1

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mexico Day 1

Despite elbrecht's statments to the contrary... I am, in fact, alive, however, I am not well. Just call me a magnet for tropical diseases. Life is not fun right now, as far as both ends are concerned, if you get what I mean.

Our story begins in a remote area of central mexico. Bryan and I hunger. We cant exactly go to the local tienda for food, as we are hours from the nearest civilization. Cans of Modelo in hand...Its time. To hunt.

The problem arose, when while hiking through the country, we encountered a rock formation that would have made Elbrecht soil himself. While many would have turned back, we pressed on, despite some "enclosed" spaces.

We stumble upon a group of curious Vaqueros.

As we come across a herd of wild goats that congregated near an old dilapidated ranchero, they break out the ropes and assist in our quest for food.

But in the end, the ropes fall short, and I must charge in and Krav Maga the goat into submission. (this is a pic of me preparing to charge).

Riding in the back of a pick-up for a couple of hours, with just a case of Modelo and the above goat, the goat and I become friends. I name him Thumper.

A beautiful friendship is thwarted when Bryan hangs Thumper upside down and guts him like a fish.

We removed the intestines (be very glad i dont have a pic of this), removed the fecal matter, and fried them in a skillet over an open fire, in true Vaquero style.

To be continued....


At 6:32 AM, Blogger Nate said...

viva el conquistador


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