/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Out with the old in with the New

Friday, May 26, 2006

Out with the old in with the New

well I did it. I got rid of the Sat-piece. I found the lucky guy that gets to take over the damp (due to the leaky door) driver seat of the beautiful 1995 saturn SC1 with 157,021 miles on her. This guy was willing to pay 2G cash and I was not going to stop him.

I took that 2g cash and stuffed it in my pocket and ran to Toyota of Orange (well, I didnt run, but jill drove me there fast). I went to talk to the head honcho there and I pulled out my 2G and flashed it in his face and said, what can I do with this? He replied with, "hey steve, come in here! Take this guy and find him a truck and give it to him for 100 over." (that means $100 over the invoice price, which is the same price the employees pay. So Jill and I wandered around the lot looking at the different vehicular units and we/I found one we/I liked. and went into to take care of all the paper work. I then drove off the lot with a 2006 truck that had 8 miles on it and this is what she looks like(this is not my truck, but it is the same thing, I still havent taken a picture of the actual one I drive)...

In other news. Read these wonderful/bridge burning quotes of mine in the latest issue of the Chimes....
to give you a little background first...
In the meantime, Biola alumni Garrett Anderson was selected from a small group of applicants for the interim spot, though everyone involved was made aware that a separate search would be conducted later. ...
“I appreciate the opportunity to have worked in this position,” Anderson said. “However, I also got treated like I was 12 years old and never got the respect that I feel I deserved. I made great relationships with a couple of the coaches, and for that I am really thankful. The people above me were the ones who never looked into what goes on in the SID department, and they never showed care or appreciation for it. At the end of my time there I feel Biola was completely unprofessional in the way they handled things.”...
“I saw how much Josh actually did behind the scenes, which people above us never looked into. He not only knows the most about the department, but he has the most passion for it and the school’s athletics. He has made great relationships with the conference SIDs, which I found to be really important. If anyone deserved this position it is Josh.”

I have not heard anything back yet from anyone so I guess one of two things happened...1) they are so pissed they dont want anything to do with me or 2) they could give a rat's ass about me.


At 7:35 AM, Blogger Nate said...

well if they are pissed you can always run them over with your sweet ass truck. if they don't give a rats ass you can always run them over with your sweet ass truck.

you had best get to running them over with that sweet ass truck.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Nate said...

can't we name the white truck the douchebag stomper?

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Nate said...

i mean whats better than owning a truck whoes sole purpose in life is to run down douchebags and stop them.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger drew said...

that chimes article was the best thing that has happened to me thus far in 2006. thank you g, for sending me the entire thing.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

you are welcome drew. and as you know, some of that bitterness is carried over from freshman year...that is what I am here for..
as for the naming of the vehicle I am open to suggestions. I do like the ones so far.. remember it is white like myself and everything I stand for.
I like casper, I like douchebag stomper, I like great white hype, I like the grand master. let me know if there are any more thoughts

At 1:21 PM, Blogger drew said...

by the way, G... by the time i get to your wedding, i will have had a week in mexico down by the equator... well at least closer then here... and a week at lake shasta.

what i am trying to say is... i am going to be black as night, including probably my bathing suit areas.

i hope this wont cause problems with your wedding being in hicksville with the actual grand wizard probably receiving an invite.


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