The Most pointless event in the history of Man
It is a tradition that we have all experience (well except you bish, but soon you will) and we all enjoyed it I am sure. We enjoyed it because it meant no more papers, no more class, n0 more RAs, no more cafe food, no more contracts, no more expultions (Drew), no more chapels with the same sermon everytime, no more judgement being passed everytime you walk through campus. Of course I am talking about college graduation (at Biola).
I came to realize today that the graduation ceremony itself, is the most pointless event we will ever go through. It is also the most pointless event for your family members to have to witness. You work your balls off for four (plus) years (well, I didnt and I dont think brady had to either, but hey we got degrees) and then you get to get up at the butt crack of dawn to go sit in a chair with a bunch of people you tried avoiding your whole time there (except for your friends, of course) and then you have sit and listen to some random labia sore give some speech, which was typed and they read it word for word in the same tone, trying to be funny and profound and of course you will never remember what they talked about five minutes after you leave. Then you have to wait in a line to walk across a stage as your name is announced and you get your .24 seconds of recognition and then you go sit back down. If one of your family members has to run to the bathroom real quick because they get a sudden case of the shits, they will not hear your name called. Then you get your diploma holder, that has a paper in it that says, congrats! you now get to pay off your $220K in loans and then we will send you your diploma. then you go back to your seat and wait for the rest of the names to be called. AFter this is complete you pray that it comes to an end, but no you have to now sit through faculty recognitions. 3 hours later, you begin your walk out of metzger lawn and then begin your search for your family which is harder than a priest at an all boys school. As you walk through the sea of people you run into your many "friends" who you new in freshman seminar and they start crying about how they are going to miss this place (even though they begin the Talbot program the following semester). AFter you go through a couple hundred awkward conversations you find your family and head to lunch at the local IHOP, but of course the same 674 people you just graduated with had teh same idea.
My hand are getting tired of typing so I will wrap it up. Eventhough I am extremely proud of my fiance I was over the 8 hour ceremony that allowed me to see her for two seconds walk across the stage (I counted, they read a name every two seconds) and she was too.
I get married in 20 days.
Love you guys
truly amazing.
oh and p.s. Jill graduated soona cum loudely (i dont care who you are, that is funny)
I was going with the theme of dislike. I dislike graduation as well it was a picture of a CAL graduation, I did that for drew. Shocking that it is an asain at a Cal graduation
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