/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: well fellas, I am back

Thursday, January 05, 2006

well fellas, I am back

I returned last night from possibly the greatest place on this earth. wait for it... Oklahoma, and not this is not a joke. guys, oklahoma is so rad! you do have to deal with traffic, even in the city. you dont have to deal with jack rod people, you are not the minority (drew is, but not the rest of us). you can buy a sweet house with the change in your pocket. I love oklahoma.
ok enough on that for now... here is my life the past couple weeks.

I will start with Jill's roommates (here you go Drew). Two of them, complete bitch holes! They are up and leaving jill and the other girls stranded in the middle of a lease and not paying because they claim they feel uncomfortable being around me and jill and the other girl and her boyfriend. they say that we are always having an intimate moment when they walk in and they feel uncomfortable. BULL CRAP! not only is this lame, but they way they did it is horrible! they sat jill down in front of everyone and aired her out. and went on and on about how inconsiderate she and I are and how inappropriate we are. this, of course left jill in tears and wth a little upset. Honestly fellas, if I could, I would slaughter these girls (well probably not, but thats what I feel like). and believe you me, we are not inappropriate when they are around, trust me! we honestly just sit there and watch tv. jill wont even wink at me when anyone is home, it kinda sucks, because I am always horny. anyway, I hate them. and here is the kicker. one of the girls has been one of jills best friends for a while and jill asked here to be in our wedding. she left a tank top that read "bridesmaid" and left it for her while we went on vacation and she left a note saying "will you be in my wedding.. call me!" and has she called.. NO, this was 3 weeks ago. screw her.. maybe they dont have phones in hell and thats why she cant call.
ok now to my vacations and job sitch.
we went to hawaii, it was awesome!
we went to j2ks wedding, that was fun.. TJ was there c-walking by the way. AWESOME!
then we went to Oklahoma. oh did anyone hear about those fires? oh I did, because I could see them from my parents back porch!
I went to oklahoma with the hopes of possibly talking to my uncle (who owns a baseball team and hockey team in oklahoma city) about possible job opps. well I didnt get to sit down with him and talk about it until the day before I left. what it came down to was.. If I move out there I will have a good job. I was pumped. but also on that same day I got a call about the biola SID position as well as a job with the special olympics. I have a meeting with Dr. Holmquist tomorrow and I met with the lady from the special olypmics today, (if I want it I can have it, type thing again). I will keep you guys posted on my thoughts, but right now I am struggling. I have to make a big decision for me and my future bride, who is amazing by the way! ( no she does not read this so I am not kissing up).
I got tools and a gift card to home depot for Christmas so the bed building will begin soon.
I will be sending pictures of my trip to oklahoma as they arrive and you will not believe my uncles house (35,000 sq ft).
anyway, that is all for now, more to come.. oh and did anyone hear that Shaun alexander won MVP?!?
USC is still a way better team and reggie bush still deserves the heisman, whoever believes differently can go to hell along wiht lee corso! but vince young in pretty damn good!
Love you guys!


At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

check that, you DONT have to deal with traffic!

At 11:30 PM, Blogger drew said...

ummm, USC is a way better team? no freakin way.

At 11:34 PM, Blogger drew said...


i HATE jill's roomates.


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