/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Drew in Review

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Drew in Review

alright alright, my year in review.

oh wait, can we include the first four days of january, because tonight was the HIGHLIGHT of my life. FINALLY, my UT Longhorns were able to do what no one has been able to do (except for the 2003 Cal Bears), and that is knock the Trojans off their damn high horse. Finally. Suck on that, you OC wussies. Suck it.

Ok, my recap of 2005.

Allow me to issue a warning, this is going to be shorter than even Tyler's, due to the fact i smoked a lot of pot when i was younger (Pre-Jesus) and have basically basically no memory of who, what, where and when, with an emphasis on the where and when...


I was working for Peoplesoft and things were not looking well, as the spector that was Oracle was hovering every closer, and the hostile takeover looked even more imminent.
Nate Bishop and Paul and I went to the aformentioned CAL UW basketball in Berkeley, followed by Hefeweizen in Jupiters followed by Paul going home with the hottest girl in all of northern california. Bishop and I went home with each other.

Oracle swoops. My employement ends. I get a GRIP of severence money, and instead of enjoying life for a bit and jetting out overseas on a nice little trip, i immediately buy a ton of "stuff" (think dumb and dumber and the giant cowboy hat, etc) and them am forced to find a new job. I find one. for even more money. (at this point, i am 3 years out of college, working for my third major company, and making far, far, far more money then any 24 year old should, especially when you consider what i actually DID... which was largely hide out in a cubicle and try to look busy. which is actually a hell of a lot harder to do then it sounds. Harder then doing actual work, i think.

St Pattys Day. oh sweet lord, paul, what did you to me. I do remember your girl (yes, the same one from january) kissing my cheek, and paul kissing the other, as they tried to talk me into not leaving the bar. then everything goes dark. then i woke up facedown in my toilet.
I also think this was the month that U2 changed my life (and forced me to change my undies. Two nights in a row. Nate E and i share a hotel room for what is to be the first of 4 times in 2005. i do love a good California King!

See Nate's april fools day prank.
Vegas trip number one with my basketball team.

I turn 25 and still tell everyone i am 24. my job starts to suck. not only is it hard to look like you are doing stuff, its also really damn boring.

I dont think anything to exciting happened here... my life consists of hanging out with my girlfriend, who is really really damn cool, with no drama whatsoever, and that is kind of un-nerving because i am just used to high drama. i work, i coach, i work at the church, i go to vegas again with my team and we almost take the national crown, i think bishop and his lovely wife came through town with a well endowed friend, at the same time as big weaks, so the five of us went out to Chiles and a good time was had by all, except for maybe said friend who kept trying to figure out if bryan was really, well... just bryan. its summer, everything is kind of a blur. i read the Brothers K for the 73rd time. thats about it.

ummm... i am doing really well in fantasy baseball. i think i am up 20 at this point.

Codys wedding i think. its been recapped before. read the archives. nate and i get "best friends" tattoos that are only complete when we stand shoulder to shoulder.

I go to the Ozarks. i have already detailed that advenure on the blog. my church asks if i want to go work for them full time, and go from making tons of cash to basically food stamps. Wampum, actually. i think about my current state of employment, and say "sure". Cal gets cleaned by USC but it is nonetheless a fantastic weekend, culminating with paul being ferried about danville in a taxi cab, at 3 AM, and remembering none of it.

Christmas with the folks in the Colorado Springs. Its a Republican Winter Wonderland.

I get my white collar and leave corporate america forever.

Bonus days:

Texas kicks the living crap out of USC and all of Mission Viejo becomes UCLA fans, and i write a year in review post and go to bed a happy, happy man.


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