/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Oh Lord, help me to be stronHey, don't I know you?

Friday, September 30, 2005

Oh Lord, help me to be stronHey, don't I know you?

So tonight I went out and had "a couple," and I see this girl from one of my classes at UCSRJC(University of California at Santa Rosa Junior College). This is the one girl that every time I'm in class, I wonder if I'm going to see her. I see her at this fine establishment (located on is affectionately known as the Cotati Crawl) and smile. She says, "Hey, your in my ass"...CLASS, I MEANT CLASS. So I played it cool, bought her a couple beers, let her have her space, with interjections of "Are you doing okay?" and "Come take a shot with me." She was also drinking what I was drinking: Corona (oh the sweet nectar that's made in the outer gates of heaven...Hecho en Mexico!). The night ended with an invitation to Carrow's and many-a-good-bye with those mutual cheek kisses that got closer and closer to the lips, a kiss on my hand, and a "You made my night." I don't know what to do. Do I buy the ring now? Should I wait couple of weeks? Should I propose in class? Would any of this be weird? These are the questions that plague me.

On a lighter note, I am meeting with my pastor and a few of other guys in my life group from Church in about 4 hours. I doubt they would have an opinion on this particular matter so why even bring it up? Praise the Lord and pray without ceasing as we keep every thought captive to the obedience of my own will that seems to be as strong as Drew when he's at his finest proclaiming in truth, "JUST ONE MORE!" Preach it brother, preach it.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

Paulass, I love you. I'm happy your here. And my advice is to buy the ring only if it gaurantees you're going to close the deal.


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