/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: well fellas, I apologize

Friday, September 23, 2005

well fellas, I apologize

I know it has been far too long, but I am still here and checking the blog regularly, I just have not had any time to post, and for that I am sorry. I didnt even get a lunch break yesterday at work. Yeah those angels can chug my root! I was hungry. I do appreciate the milf carton with the AWESOME photo with drew trying to service me.
Just an update from my end of things, I am still waiting to hear about a future job. I am still wanting to get married. I talked to cody yesterday and got an update on his adventures, but I am using my conscience and not posting what he told me, but dudes, I want to make sex really bad! Jill has been sick lately and my mom told me to tell her that before long we will be bumping uglies, to make her feel better. I had a nice little convo with Paul Byrd the other day, probably the coolest guy of all time. great christian guy. I have aquired herpies... and you think I am kidding! Lets see, what else is going on? Laguna beach is still awesome and I have started watching the OC and not because I like that damn show but because I watched the first one and now I cant miss one. But Laguna is still WAY better. Drew can I have my mix tape back I have to give it to jill, it is our 6 month aniversary. Chuck N is cool, did anyone ever see Side Kicks? cause I did and sometimes find myself day dreaming about crawling through the jungle with Chuck norris. Anyway, I love you all and I will start making time to post. until then. Play with It!!


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Garrett said...

oh and by the way, that was an accident, typing the milf carton, I am just used to typing that in google.. Sorry

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

The G,
Good to hear from you my man. I look forward to the days when you and I can get together and laugh about the times when you thought Laguna Beach was anywhere NEAR as awesome as the OC. aka the greatest show ever. Tell Cody to get his ass on this blog by the way.


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