/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The road rolls ever on and on

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The road rolls ever on and on

WARNING!!!! SPIRITUAL SHARING AHEAD!!!! The writer of this post freely admits that the terms "bible", "christian", "Jesus" and "Stan" will appear in the following post. The writer assumes no liability for discomfort that the readers of the following may experience. Consider notice given.

As you all know I've been having a bit of a tete a tete with The Almighty for awhile now. While this experience has been slowly building my whole life, it began in full force that fateful day I stared the success and glory that a college degree would bring right in the face, cocked an eyebrow, tensed my muscles and ran the other direction. This Led to a gay, joyous period of previously unknown freedoms (see alchahol), hot tub seshi, and glorious dance parties.
It also brought alot of anger. Anger directed towards various parties; Biola, Stan, Christianity in general, whichever stupid ass girl was in my apartment, etc. this anger was all flowing off a singular anger that I felt towards God. I felt that 21 years of "christian" living had rewarded me with a big zip as far as God was concerned. I felt cheated. If God wasn't going to be around, then why did I not ever party in high school? Why didn't I drink? Why did I let my "morality" keep me silently tsk-tsking my floor freshman year? So I gave it all up. I didn't go to church. I didn't read my bible. I vented. I raged. I was a big asshole to a lot of people. I still am an asshole to most people and generally inclined to hate you if I don't know you. But that is neither here nor there.
Anyways, the point of this long rant is that today, for the first time since I dropped out of college, I read my bible. I can honestly say that it wasn't that great and I didn't read that much. But it's a step. The coolest thing was that unlinke in college when I would read the bible in order to find some brilliant expository point I could make that would get me on Thoennes' "A" list (which never happened by the way. Damn Biola Basketball), I read the bible this morning hoping to meet Jesus in the process. This "new" concept has been brought about by a combination of conversations with my buddy Mike the Youth Pastor, the slow turning of time, and the book "Blue Like Jazz". I think I would have hated that book three years ago but now it speaks to my soul.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Nate said...

because last time i read your post and couldn't make fun of you i will have to make fun of your prior to reading it.

bishop is gay

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

It's true....(sniff)...it's true.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Nate B said...

Thanks for the words Jawed. I think I speak for everyone when I say your OUR curmudgeon. There are few memories from Biola more indelibly imprinted in my mind then coming home to Jared, playing emulated NES RPG's, listening to his Derek Webb and periodically leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed and "Jareding". Good, good times.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger drew said...

I never wanted to be on Thoennes "A" list. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that.

I will tea bag him and not even give a shit. boo yah

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bite your balls off and then give a inspirational sermon about it.

At 12:52 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Oh my Bish,

Wasn't that a blessed day of breakthrough to say F U to anyone and everyone. You KNOW I shared that moment with you and am always up for a talk.

And before Elbrecht writes it...I'm gay.


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