/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: The Top Ten Reasons I Haven't Posted in a Damn Week!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Top Ten Reasons I Haven't Posted in a Damn Week!

10. Extremely intimidated by the hilariousness of the Cuck (editor's note: CHUCK) Norris Fact Generator.
9. Enjoying the Rennaisance of Jared Johnson on the blog from afar. I do love my Jawed.
8. I've been achieving Dru-esque productivity at work......wait.....wait....damn.
7. To quote the previously cited Dru "The playful soul of the muse does not favor my heart with its gay presence but fortnightly."
6. Lots & lots of football (Shaun Alexander is easily, easily the greatest Running Back in NFL history who also happens to have a vagina).
5. I've recently naively gotten involved at our church up here by agreeing to mentor a small group of youth and helping out with a choir. I'm a dipshit. I never learn.
4. I thought about not posting until Cody or Paul got off their ass and posted in a silent protest but gave it up after I realized that it's more likely that Nate will slap a Kerry sticker on his car.
3. The newness of the blog wore off. I needed a break.
2. Again. too....much....working.
1. Have finally learned how to figure out songs on the piano without music. This weeks additions: "I'm Sailing Away", "Brick" and "Amie". Requests?

P.S. King Felix, tonight, 7:05. Mariners Vs. Rangers. Pray for him. Love you guys (even Dru. I can't stay mad at you).


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honorable Mention Reason:

i have been too busy being gay

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool...but, who's cuck norris?

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

Sorry I assumed the honorable mention went without saying. Sort of assumed.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger drew said...

Welcome back.

sorry about the UW crack... i thought that was more of a crack at Ty than anyone else... i mean, its not their fault they hired an ex-Cardinal...

At 4:50 PM, Blogger drew said...

Regarding the requests, thank you for getting Styx stuck in my head for the rest of the damn day.

"Goodbye my lover" by james blunt is a nice piano tune.

Also, do you think you could teach me to play a song, so i can woo the woman of my dreams? The song is Mandy by Barry Manilow.
Thanks man.
In Conclusion:

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Hey Dammit,

I've read more on this blog than what I've read in high school and college combined so gimme some credit my Bish. I'll blog but I need the connections. Jared sent me something but there was a problem.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

I'm sorry my Paulass. Much love. Me Gusta you.

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have never at, any point, been into the Cardinals.

Gosh, I hate being misrepresented.


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