/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: school pride (with photos)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

school pride (with photos)

I came back from my trip up north with some thoughts, What are some of the best and worst things people do to cheer on their team? I made a list of the worst.

5: The chop (The Braves and FSU seminoles): I actually used to really like this one because I like the braves for whatever reason, I think it was because I did a state report in 5th grade on Georgia and I fell in love with the Atlanta teams, but only for a short while.

4: Hook em Horns (Texas Longhorns): this one is OK, not that great but if G-Dub can do it so can I!

3: Sic Em Bears (baylor bears): this one is kinda lame, they just shake their "claw/hand" and slash it downward, kinda gay, but whatever go BU!

2: the FLORIDA GATOR CHOMP (Florida Gators): This is NOT the bear chomp, this is the Gator chomp and I have no clue why anyone would think that is even slightly resembles a bear bite. It belongs to Florida and that is the end of it, IT IS NOT THE BEAR CHOMP!!!

1: This one will have no debate- the USC V- for victory (USC Trojans): this is just gay and WAY overplayed/used! I am over it and it is so boring and lame. you are just sticking your fingers in the air like the universal sign for....nevermind I cant say it. (I did have something written here and I edited myself)


At 2:12 PM, Blogger Nate said...

hey pictures..... way to go the G

At 2:22 PM, Blogger drew said...

First of all it IS the bear chomp, brush up on your history.

Secondly, USC fans are F'ing re knobs. (wooty-woooo = wooty-gay)

Thirdly, George W is also a re-knob.

I think that pretty much concludes my list.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Nate said...

i really hope you are being an ass and just trying to get a 3000 word response out of me drew. thought there are many mistakes george w has made i do not belive reknob is an appropriate title.

boo + yah

At 3:26 PM, Blogger drew said...



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