/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Weekend Recap Preview

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Weekend Recap Preview

So while Nate Bishop called Dibs on the weekend recap, allow me re cap a little bit of last night, at least the details bishop will not be able to provide.

Dinner and beer. (Bishop may or may not provide the details).

With just a good old fashioned beer buzz, garrett decides to go to bed around 9, proving he is the smartest of all of us.

I followed very shortly, after trying to tell paul and bishop i was done after 4 Damnation beers, only to have a shot of Patrone (translation: the liquid fires of hell) forced down my throat after about 900 taunts making reference to my owning a certain part of the female anatomy. After I realized this was going to be a theme for the night, and not wanting to repeat mistakes of the past, one of which this blog is named after... I made a hasty exit and joined Garrett in a peaceful slumber.

Bishop, very much a different story. I dont know what happened, but he was already wrecked when I left. And he didnt even come staggering until about 2 hours later. Needless to say, he barely made it home that night, around midnight, and still doesnt know how he did because his memory is a little hazy. (this might be a good time to point that I live MAYBE 50 feet away from the bar we were all in, about a 10 second walk if you take your time... this 50 feet is now clearly marked by bishop-vomit).

Paul, on the other hand, APPARENTLY was not as lucky as Bishop, because he didnt even show up until this morning, still doenst know when he did, and somehow ended up taking a taxi cab from the bar to my apartment, 50 feet away. I say apparently because the only knowlege he has of this is the crumpled up taxi cab receipt i found under my couch this morning, with todays date on it, and an imprint of Paul's credit card. I dont know where he went, Paul doesnt know where he went, but dammit if he didnt spend 25 dollars to get less then 50 feet.


To recap:
Garrett and Drew: no harm, no foul, no hangover
Bishop: all day hangover, soiled my place of living
Paul: May be a father.



At 7:29 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

For the record I still have my doubts with regards to me being the soiler of your apartment. I won't try to deny yellow brick road of vomit I left on the street however. Full recap to follow.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Garrett said...

oh and to change my time of arrival at the appartment.. it was actually 7:17pm. I remember trying to see if there would be anything good on tv on a saturday night, but apprantly it was still saturday afternoon. oh and did only have two "beers"(Labaat blue) and I was donezo!

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Paul said...

I plead the fifth! Or at least A fifth...of Patron.

Yeah, well Drew, manipulate the masses as you will, but the night never involved a female. I am very sure of this. Because if other parts of my body were as limp as my body itself when THEY put me in the cab, it would have been an absolut (no pun intended...or maybe intended) impossibility. I might tell the story one of these days, maybe. I know your dying to know Drew and I'm thinking you'll pay big bucks for it.

And we'll start the bid at $100.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Nate said...

$25 to go 50 feet. hmmmmm i'm thinking of starting a taxi company that just sits outside of bars all night. i'll call it the 1 block cap co.


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