/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Most Valuable Post (MVP)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Most Valuable Post (MVP)

alright, here are my thoughts and ideas on this years MVPs for both the NL and AL.

they were both the right choice! Here is my argument for that.

A-Rod- I am sorry bishop, I know he is a douche but he is a douche that can rake. He had better numbers than Ortiz AND he played D. I am sick of the "why cant a DH win the MVP?, you only voted for arod because he played D, ortiz was a way better player this year eventhough he looks like the missing link" thoughts. Here is the deal. the only numbers that were better on ortiz's side was his RBI and his "clutch hits". ok that is cool, and he was very clutch! there is no denying that, but arod had him beat in the rest of the stats. PLUS he plays amazing Defense. he did not win because he plays D, he won because he raked (more so than ortiz) PLUS he had an amazing year in the field. and because the writers are racist.

Pujols: This guy is/will be the best player to play the game. He normally is horrible at D, but stepped it up this year. He is the best hitter in the game and he had amazing stats (.330 avg, led the mlb in runs scored to name a few). Andruw jones had a great year(94 HR but a Lance P-esc .230 avg.) and had to over come playing with a bunches of kids, BUT albert had to deal with injuries (key injuries) to his team. I am happy for him. and he is only 24 years old (35 in latino years).

I am intersted to hear what your thoughts are on this topic.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger drew said...

Here are my thoughts on this post:

All of the players talked about, ARod, Ortiz, Pujols and Andruw all were members of my fantasy baseball team at some point this past season. Alex, Albert and Andruw all at the same time, after i traded ortiz and rich halladay (insert high pitched simpsons "haha!" here) to bishop for pujols. Do you guys remember that? Guys? Anyone? C'mon, tell me someone remembers that...

I think i stumbled upon the successful fantasy formula: Get ALL of the best players in baseball on your team. Plus Placido Polanco. I should a write a book with this shit.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

I will pay the above comment exactly zero attention. Moving on:

I actually have no issues with A-Rod as MVP. The guy was a freakin' stud in every concievable facet of the game. He was the best overall player in the league by a fairly healthy margin. I love Big Papi but it is legitamately tough for a DH to justify a place as Best Player in the League. It's not impossible though. In order for a DH to win the MVP he'd have to lead the league in a lot of important categories (HR, SLG, OBP, etc.) by a wide margain to overcome his lack of a defensive contribution. The unfortunate thing is that there have been many MVP's in the past (see Thomas, Frank) who have probably actually HURT their teams on defense but because they walked out there the voters just decided to be dumb asses and say "We don't really care how well you play D, as long as you pretend to try." The last DH who should have won MVP? 1995 Edgar Martinez. The man absolutely owned the league. League leader in OBP, SLG, Doubles, XBH, BA and OBPS. Of course, naturally the voters went for noted defensive stalwart Mo Vaughn who probably actually would have made a more valuable contribution to the Red Sox by staying his fat ass off the field and just DH'ing. Another reason why baseball reporters tend to be more willfuly ignorant than the reporters for any other sports. Oh yeah and Pujols is the shit, that guy is the MVP every year.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger drew said...

hey bish,

did you see my comment? any thoughts?

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: what is the goal of every team in the MLB?

A: To win.

Therefore Chris Carpenter should be the MVP.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Nate B said...

Dru, I did. I'm eagerly anticipating a "What is the goal of every major league team? To win. Therefore, Scott Podsednik for Hall of Fame!" comment.

"I'll dead and buried in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missouri"

At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

check out our new slogan...

"Nothing runs like a (Podsednik)!"

catchy, no?

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey G,

Why do you hate posting pictures so much????

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont feel like it. maybe sometime I will get around to it.


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