/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: My Political Rant

Friday, November 11, 2005

My Political Rant

I cant take it anymore.

I HATE conservatives. (not all conservatives, like nate e is a conservative and i love him, but he is also smart). But I hate dumb-ass conservatives. Like This Guy. and This Guy. I am not even going to use their names because they are such flaming idiots and I refuse to give them the pleasure. One guy is calling for terrorists to just come on in and blow up San Francisco because the people there have the fucking AUDACITY to have a different opinion then him. This is AMERICA you dumb fuck. People have the freedom to believe differently then you, just like you have the freedom to open your mouth and prove that you are a douchebag. So thank you for gracing us with your ignorance. Oh, and that goes for you to, Pat... and if anyone else would like to join Pat in calling for people to be assassinated (out of christian love) and telling people that their lives were destroyed by hurricanes because of "Gods Wrath, and the gays"... then you are also stupid douchebags. Call me up so I can beat your ass. No wait. Thats wrong. Shit. Moving on...

I hate liberals. especially the people who run the san francisco chronicle, when just about every other paper I saw largely ignored O Reilly, they decided to devote their ENTIRE FRONT PAGE and biggest font known to mankind all to his quote, giving him the one thing he has been craving ever since his daddy forgot to hug him as a child, Attention. And in doing so, they also fanned the flames of hatred of a city who already feels that anything "Conservative" automatically means "Christian" and looks down on them through a huge ass plank and thinks they are dirt. and they hate them for that. So thanks for keeping the cycle of hate going, you liberal douchebags. I hate you.

(Is it wrong to hate things that further hate? hmmmm.)

So after their entire front page of hate mongering, irony of ironies (possibly more ironic than this post) these people go ahead and drop in a article with Bono, who is all about peace and hugs and understanding, while working together to confront serious problems, and seems to be only person saying anything worthwhile.

Cant we all just work together and recognize and appreciate differing opinions and GET ALONG????????


At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wont somebody hug me??????

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Nate said...

Cant we all just work together and recognize and appreciate differing opinions and GET ALONG????????

Interesting question to ask after railing on several people and calling then douchbags. Maybe we should just try and get along with the people who first get along with us.

Isn't the golden rule about treating well those who we like and express their views in a culturally sensitive way?

At 2:05 PM, Blogger drew said...


i understood the irony, and pointed it out myself.

appreciate the re-iteration, though.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger drew said...

After re reading your comment, i would like to add one more thing to my response:


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Nate said...

i hate you

At 2:17 PM, Blogger drew said...

nope, to late.
i hated you first.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Nate said...

on the contrary you said you love me

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Nate said...

i would also like to point out - if we want to be fair - that you will find equally inflamatory liberal remarks on air america (which i listen to on a regular basis). the only problem is that no one listens to air america. there are also inflamator articles in the socialist review - which i also read (you can receive it free if you are a prisoner).

At 2:49 PM, Blogger drew said...

i take it back.

i just hate you.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Cody said...

where's president Kerry when you need him, huh drew?

by the way...remind me what would be wrong with assassinating Hitler in the name of Christian love?

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cody, for your sake... i am going to let that comment slide because i could just bury it, but i know once you post a comment... you never come back to read it.


Case in point: "Hey guys... I really would like to hear your views on these three specific issues so please share!
oh and i will never ever read your comments and respond!

At 12:09 AM, Blogger drew said...

by the way that was me

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Cody said...

1. i read all of the comments

2. please, bury it...bury it deep like your bears will be today. i want to hear what you think about it. the kerry comment was a cheap shot and so was that bears comment just now. those are the ones you should let slide. but, by all means, explain the assassination comment.


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