You might find the name of this blog a bit strange, however it makes perfect sense to a small and tight-knit group of friends who often find now that college is over and they have all moved on with “life”, the only time that all their paths cross again is at weddings. The title of this blog is not only a tribute to a wild, intoxicated night spent being pursued by a butchy park ranger in the backwoods of the WA (aka the "f'ing unknown) during a certain bachelor party, but also a tribute to life in general. It may be an “F’ing Uknown” but if we all make a point to grab a couple beers and meet up every now and again, we will get through it ok.
Screw the F'ing unknown. Grab two beers and meet me at octoberfest
(can't talk... crying)
that is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen
why is jennifer garner in germany drinking beer? wait who cares... i'm in love
i'm going to germany. auf wiedersehen meine herren.
breathe nate, breathe
Sie ist verdammt heiß
will someone please post something new, I cant be getting blood flow this often at work
let us focus on whats important, hot german girls drinking beer
it helps if the image is saved to your hard drive. i suggest the "My Pictures" Folder.
I don't have much to add to this fine pic either except maybe...DAAAAAMMMMN!
Who the hell is MB?
its ok, its ok, we need to welcome newcomers man.
this is actually historic. first non member comment.
i can dig it.
Sorry for being an ass. I'm a little upset over a nasty 56-14 anal probing I took last week.
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