/*Nothing to see here*/ Grab Two Beers And Meet Me In the F'ing Unknown: Clem-Anti Award goes to...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Clem-Anti Award goes to...

As I was sitting at my desk at the stadium yesterday a topic was brought up and discuss that I found to be rather interesting. We were talking about baseball players and how they are involved in the community. For example, Darin Erstad rebuilds a baseball field every year as well as donates money to Univ of Nebraska. Great guy he is for doing so. Then we were talking about players on other teams who were nominated for this years clement award, (which goes to players who are really involved in the community and Erstad is the man for the Angels and last year Edgar Martinez won it or something) anyway, It was brought to my attention that the dodgers nomination for the clemente award for 2005 is none other than the Mr. Nice Guy himself, Milton Bradley, no this is not a joke, I am serious. So this got me thinking, "if milton 'I hate the fans so I am going to throw a bottle at them' Bradley can be nominated why cant these guys. Here is my list for Best canidates for the clemente award of all time:

10: milton bradley, this guy threw a bottle at the fans!

9: Curt schilling, this guy looks like a nice guy, but sources say he is the biggest fraud in the game.

8: Albert Belle, even though this guy hit the most HRs in baseball in the 90's he is still a huge tool, remember him?

7: Carl Everett, I would really like to kick this guy in the nuts and run fast.

6: Barry Bonds, I know he should be higher but come on, enough about this guy. I am sick of talking crap on him, he is just a huge renob!

5: Jose Canseco, this guy is my hero, he opened our eyes to so many things this past year.

4: Jeff Kent, I like this guy, he got in a fight with Bonds, but he is one of the biggest pricks in baseball, and no this is not from CWing in the clubhouse

3: John Rocker, great guy, racial slurs! the fans like him though (batteries to the ear hole!)

2: Todd helton, I dont know why he is so high, I just remember him making a rude comment to daniel C. about his hair at a restaurant so I dont like him.

1: And the Roberto Clem-Anti award goes to....
Its a tie... All of these guys get it. They are all idiots and I hate them all!

any others I may have miss, I know there are some, I am rushed at work and I cant think of many right now, post them below.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the hell out of my way or I will bottle rocket your ass

At 12:55 PM, Blogger drew said...

dude, i freakin love jose. and not just because i grew up with a non sexual man-crush on him. dont you watch the surreal life? he is the man! and he nailed raffy's sack to the wall, thats for sure.

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jeff kent is blue and gold, through and through. lay off my bears. I nominate rob dibble.

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Jeff Kent. Compared to him I appeared to just suck it up and play the game.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

these guys hearts are harder than my fielder's helmet.


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